五年级下册英语一课一练Unit3My school calendarPartB人教PEP含解析

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1、人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册 Unit 3 My school calendar Part B 同步测试(一)一、选出正确的答语,把序号填在括号内。1.When is Chinas National Day? ( ) A.Its in May.B.Its in October.2.What will you do on Mothers Day? ( ) A.I will do my homework.B.I will help my mother do housework.3.Whats the weather like in spring? ( ) A.Its warm and win

2、dy.B.Its cold and snowy.4.When do you eat lunch? ( ) A.At 12:00.B.On Monday.5.When is New Years Day? ( ) A.Its in January.B.We have sports meet in January.二、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。1.找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。 _A. holiday B. who C. which _A. Monday B. Tuesday C. May Day _A. Monday B. June C. March 2.找出不同类的单词,将序号填

3、在括号里。 _A Monday B. June C. March_A. April B. autumn C. August 三、选词填空。in on at (1)Chinas National Day is _ October. (2)Lets have lunch _ 12:00. (3)I often watch TV _ the weekend. (4)What do you have _ Sundays? (5)I can make a snowman _ winter. 四、连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点符号。1.连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点符号。 (1)we, an, Easte

4、r, have, party, in, April, will (.) (2)party, is, when, the (?) 2.连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点符号。 (1)is, Autumn, favorite, my, season, (.) (2)is, the, when, this, trip, year (?) (3)well, Great Wall, to, the, go (.) 五、读一读,从右栏里找出答语,将序号填在括号内。 When is your birthday? _A. I often watch TV. What do you do on the weeken

5、d ? _B. It is in May. Is Christmas in July?_C. No, it isnt. Which season do you like best?_D. Cool. Lets go to the Great Wall._E. Winter. 六、读短文,完成下面各题。 Hello, my name is Li Ming. My birthday is June 9th. My mothers birthday is June 14th. My grandpas birthday is June 23th.My grandpa is in America, my

6、 grandpa lives with my uncle Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I usually make an e-card to him for his birthday.My grandmas birthday is in July, it is very hot and sunny in July, then when her birthday is coming, we often go swimming for her birthday. (1)His grandpa lives with his uncles in _ . A.Ch

7、inaB. UKC.America(2)How many birthdays are there in June? A.2B.4C.3(3)What will Li Ming do for his grandpas birthday? A.send an e -mailB.send an e-cardC.send a birthday cake(4)When is Li Mings birthday? (5)What do they often do on his grandmas birthday? 答案解析部分一、选出正确的答语,把序号填在括号内。 1.【答案】B 【考点】谈论节日 【解析

8、】【分析】句意:中国的国庆节在什么时候 ?A.在五月;B.在十月。故选B。【点评】此题根据生活常识来选择。2.【答案】B 【考点】谈论节日 【解析】【分析】句意:在母亲节你将做什么 ? A.我将做作业。B.我将帮助妈妈做家务。故选B。【点评】此题根据生活常识来选择。3.【答案】A 【考点】谈论天气 【解析】【分析】句意:春天的天气怎么样 ?A.很温暖有风。B.很冷,下雪。故选A。【点评】此题根据生活常识来选择。4.【答案】A 【考点】询问时间、星期及日期 【解析】【分析】句意:你什么时候吃午餐 ? A.在12点。B.在星期一。故选A。【点评】此题根据生活常识来选择。5.【答案】A 【考点】谈论

9、节日 【解析】【分析】句意:元旦是什么时候 ? A.在一月。B.我们在一月有运动会。故选A。【点评】此题根据生活常识来选择。二、找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。 1.【答案】A;C;A 【考点】名词 【解析】【分析】A.假日;B.谁;C.哪一个。故选A。A.星期一;B.星期二;C.劳动节。故选C。A.星期一;B.六月;C.三月。故选A。【点评】知道单词的意思及属性即能做出此类题。平时要多读多记忆单词。2.【答案】A;B 【考点】名词 【解析】【分析】A.星期一;B.六月;C.三月。故选A。A.四月;B.秋天;C.八月。故选B。【点评】知道单词的意思及属性即能做出此类题。平时要多读多记忆单词

10、。三、选词填空。 【答案】(1)in(2)at(3)on(4)on(5)in 【考点】介词 【解析】【分析】(1)in+年,月,季节。in October在十月,故填:in。(2)at+几点钟。at 12:00在12点。故填:at。(3)on the weekend在周末。故填:on。(4)on+具体某一天。on Sundays在星期天。故填:on。(5)in+年,月,季节。in winter在冬天。故填:in。【点评】考查时间介词的用法。平时要多归纳总结并记忆。四、连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点符号。 1.【答案】(1)We will have an Easter party in Apri

11、l.(2)When is the party? 【考点】陈述句,疑问句 【解析】【分析】(1)we我们,an Easter party复活节派对,have有,举办,in April在四月,will将要。句意:我们将在四月举办复活节派对。故填:We will have an Easter party in April.(2)party派对,is是,when何时,句意:派对是什么时候 ?故填:When is the party?【点评】先将可以搭配在一起的单词组合在一起,再根据标点符号和句意组成完整的句子。注意不要漏掉单词。2.【答案】(1)My favorite season is Autumn

12、.(2)When is the trip this year?(3)Well go to the Great Wall. 【考点】陈述句,疑问句 【解析】【分析】(1)is是,Autumn秋天,favorite最喜欢的, my我的, season季节。句意:我最喜欢的季节是秋天。故填:My favorite season is Autumn.(2)is是, when何时, this year今年, trip旅行。句意:今年的旅行是什么时候 ?故填:When is the trip this year?(3)Well我们将,the Great Wall长城,go去,to到。句意:我们将去长城。故填:Well go to the Great Wall.【点评】先将可以搭配在一起的单词组合在一起,再根据标点符号和句意组成完整的句子。注意不要漏掉单词。五、读一读,从右栏里找出答语,将序号填在括号内。 【答案】B;A;C;E;D 【考点】陈述句,疑问句,祈使句和感叹句 【解析】【分析】句意:你的生日是什么时候 ?B. It is in May.在五月。故选B。句意:你在周末做什么 ? A. I often watch TV.我经常看电视。故选A。句意:圣诞节是在十二月吗 ? C. No, it isnt.不,不是。故选C。句意:你最喜欢哪



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