五年级下册英语教学设计Unit4 PartA Let's learn人教PEP

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1、Unit4Whatareyoudoing?PartALetslearn一、案例背景分析1教学内容分析在五个动词短语中,do the dishes是五(上)Unit 4要求四会的词组,read a book, cook dinner在五(上)中学过意思相同的两个短语read books和cook the meals,并且属于四会内容。draw pictures , answer the phone 在前几册中也出现过,总之,五个动词短语的前三个对学生来说比较简单。针对这种情况,我采用由易到难、由旧知识练习新句型的教学策略,以此来降低学生理解及表达的难度。2教学目标的确定本节课是五年级下册第四单元

2、的第一课时,五年级下册四、五、六单元的主要内容就是现在进行时,而本节课是学生学习现在进行时的第一节课,因此,对学生接受现在进行时的概念,理解现在进行时的用法显得尤为重要。 针对本节课的特殊情况,既学生第一次接触一种新时态:现在进行时,我确定了三个教学目标。(1)通过具体而典型的情景,体会现在进行时的用法,能够运用句子What are you doing ? 询问别人正在做什么,并用 Im _ing . 这一陈述句来做答。(2)初步认识现在分词的构成,能够听、说、读、写五个动词短语的 ing形式。(3)通过说唱Lets chant部分的歌谣,巩固复习 Lets learn 部分的短语和句子。3教

3、学重点、难点的确立(1)本节的重点是掌握五个动词短语的-ing 形式,理解下一节课的主要句型 What are you doing ? 并能用 I am doing the dishes . 来作答。(2)难点:a、如何引导学生感知、理解现在进行时所表达的含义。b、动词- ing形式的读音,特别是加 -ing 之后的连读。这不单是本节课的难点,也是后三个单元的教学难点。培养学生流畅的连读,它需要一个过程,需要老师多做示范,逐步引导,充分感知。这不是一节课两节课就能达到的教学目标。4教具准备乒乓球、乒乓球拍、玩具盘子及洗碗布、玩具锅及铲子、一本故事书、语文书、数学书、图画书、电话、词卡、四张图片

4、、记者服、记者证、录音机和磁带。二、教学过程Step 1:Warm-up, TPR活动T: Hello, boys and girls. This class Ill divide you into 4 groups. Group12. 3. 4.T: Before class. Lets warm up. Please follow me. Do as I do.1复习动词:(边做动作边说) eat/ drink/read/ write/ draw/ jump/ run/ swim/ fly(T: Wonderful! Lets go on.)2复习词组: set the table/ sw

5、eep the floor/ wash the clothes./do the dishes./cook the meals./clean the bedroom.3sing a song: I can help. 投影出示歌词,老师做动作示范,师生一同演唱。(设计思路: 在Warm-up 中通过TPR的形式回顾所学的动词,以旧带新,同时也为后面的新授、拓展做一简单的铺垫,目的就是从一开始就将学生带入动词的世界。歌曲I can help 中的歌词动作在课前有所熟悉,所以让学生边唱边做动作,进一步复习有关家务劳动的短语,这也是为后面通过Free talk引出do the dishes, cook

6、 dinner两个短语所做的铺垫。)Step 2. Unit 4 What are you doing 的导入及板书。1T: Boys and girls. Heres a ping-pong. Do you like playing ping-pong.(做动作)Please look at me. What am I doing now?(边托球边解释:现在,我正在干什么?)You can ask me: What are you doing?(拿词卡边领读边板书)2Ask me together. (师再次托球回答)I am playing ping-pong.(让两生试着托球,师拿词卡

7、Im -ing领读、板书。)3T: From this class .Well learn Unit 4. What are doing?来源:学科网(设计思路:这一环节即是课题的导入也是现在进行时用法的感知,针对本节课的难点,即如何引导学生感知、理解现在进行时所表达的含义。通过play ping-pong这一正在进行的动作,鼓励学生用What are you doing?来问老师,借此老师教学并板书课题,且初步熟悉其陈述句的表达法I am _ing.)Step 3.Presentation来源:学+科+网1Free talk 引出do the dishes.T: Hello .Whats y

8、our name? S1:(回答)Nice to meet you. By the way, can you do housework?来源:学科网ZXXK What can you do? Great. Youre helpful.T: Hello. What can you do at home? S2:(回答) Good boy/girl. Youre helpful.T: Boys and girls ,can you do housework? Ss: Yes.T: Youre helpful .Please guess what I can do at home. Look car

9、efully.(师做动作,生猜。You can use the sentence:“Can you -”)T: Yes, I can do the dishes .Who can write the phrases?(师让一名学生上黑板写词组,写完后老师让学生稍等,然后自己边洗盘子边说:I am doing the dishes now. Please try.)T: What are you doing?S: I am doing the dishes.(板书领读:do add-ing is pronounced /i/- doing.再次板书:I am=Im(领读,拿盘子准备传)T: Th

10、is time, Lets pass the dish one by one, and ask: What are you doing?(领读34遍之后开始传,全体同学一起打着节奏问:What are you doing? 当老师说:Stop时,拿到盘子的同学站起来边洗盘子边说:“I am doing the dishes.”)(设计思路:由Free talk 引出do the dishes ,由学生熟悉的词组入手,通过传盘子的游戏集体练习、重点突破主句型 What are you doing ?)2. cook dinnerT:(与最后一名学生对话)You can do the dishes

11、 . Can you cook dinner?来源:学科网ZXXKS: 如果生回答 Yes, I can.老师就用 T: Youre helpful. Please do an action and say.如果生回答No, I cant 老师边做动作边启发鼓励学生T: You cant? cook eggs, can you? What about noodles?T:(边让生说cook dinner, 边做动作)师板书 cook dinnerT: It means: cook the meals.Heres a pot .Who can ask me with the sentence :

12、 (指标题)T: I am cooking dinner .I am cooking fish. Mmm-Yummy. (板书ing. Cook add ing is pronounced cooking画连读符号)T: Now, please cook something and practise in pairs. You can cook eggs. noodle,. tomatoes, potatoes, green beans and so on.T: Mm-Yummy. SA. What are you doing?SA: Im-.(让两名学生一组起来汇报)(设计思路:当盘子传到最

13、后一名学生,老师问:You can do the dishes . Can you cook dinner?自然引出cook dinner的教学,练习的形式是两人合作,边做动作边,在汇报时,老师以故事书作为奖励,并让学生坐下来耐心地一页一页的读,将read a book 引出)3read a book. 注意与read books的比较T: Wonderful. Please come here. This is for you.(把故事书奖励给学生) Please sit on the chair and read it. (师指正在读书的学生说)read a book . 板书并领读。T:

14、(师蹲下去问)What are you doing? (引导学生试着加ing,并读出) Please add-ing and try to read it.(师画连字符号)Who can help her? Wonderful. This is for you发奖品T: I have many books here.(师边说边走下去将书分给学生) Please read it! 引导学生用句型来问答T: (师启发学生说出具体的书目)Youre reading a Chinese book.(设计思路:当学生读到picture book时,老师用实物投影仪展示pictures,并且问学生 Can

15、 you draw pictures ?然后老师在黑板上画画示范,边画边说:I am drawing pictures .自然将 drawing pictures引出,接着让学生来画画,亲身体验现在正在进行的这一动作)4draw picturesT: Youre reading a picture book. Lets see. (老师在实物投影上展示,边翻书边说:pictures, beautiful pictures.(板书pictures)Can you draw pictures.(师边说边画,然后板书、领读。)T: Can you draw pictures? Lets finish the picture together. Please draw one thing. You can draw a tree, a path, grass, flowers,an apple and so on .(设计思路:学生边画边说句子,几位同学画完之后,老师对画做简单的评价,并适当给画添加一些东西,使之更加完美。)5answer the phoneT:(电话铃声响起)Im sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the


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