五年级下册英语教案Unit2 My favourite season A let's talk 人教PEP

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1、Unit2 My favourite season Part A Lets talk教学目标与要求1.能掌握四会句子Which season do you like best?并能在实际情境中运用。2.能用英语表达出自己喜欢某个季节的原因。重点掌握句子Which season do you like best?及其答句。难点能正确地使用句子并回答出自己喜欢某个季节的原因。教具卡片 ppt教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1.Sing the song What-s your favourite season?2.Game: sharp eyes老师利用课件出示一些表示天气的闪词,比

2、如warm, cool, cold, windy等.3.汇报上节课的课后作业,学生说某个季节的气候特征,并进行对话。如:-Whats the weather like in autumn in Beijing?-Sunny and warm-Whats the weather like in winter in Beijing?-Windy and cold.教学环节师生活动Presentation新知呈现Lets tryT: Look at the pictures below. Who are they? (Ss: .)T: They are talking about weather a

3、nd season.Whats the weather like today? Now lets listen and write. 1)教师播放Lets try的录音,让学生听一听,写一写今天的天气情况。2)再次播放录音,让学生重复听录音内容。1. General listeningT: Look at the picture. Who are they?Ss:.T: They are talking about the season. Lets listen and find out the answer.Do children like the music? A. Yes, they d

4、o. B. No, they dont.What is the name of the song?A.The Four Seasons. B.The Seasons.Check the answer.【设计意图:带着简单的问题整体感知对话内容。】2. Lets learnT: Do you know the four seasons?They are spring/summer/autumn/winter.老师板书四个单词,分音节教授四个单词T: Look at the picture and fill in the blank. Whats the weather like in sprin

5、g/summer/ autumn/winter?S:Its_.T:Whats your favourite season?S:_.T:Which season do you like best?板书“Which season do you like best?”并说明which和best的用法。3. Listen again and find the answerT:watch and answer:Which season does Mike like best? Why?Which season does Wu Yifan like best? Why?4. Lets say.T:Whic

6、h season do you like best?Why?板书并教授Its_pretty_./I like_snow_ best.师生看图片练习T:Which season do you like best,_?S1:Summer.its pretty.S2:Winter. I like snow.S3:Spring.I like flowers.Pair work学生在老师给定的单词框内自由选择单词,组成对话。同桌之间相互练习,然后进行展示。S1:Which season do you like best?S2:_.I like _./Its _.Whats your favourite

7、season?S1:_.I like _/Its _.【设计意图:在整体感知对话的基础上进行细节的学习和重点句型的呈现与理解。】教学环节师生活动Practice巩固练习1.Listen to the tape.听音正音。【设计意图:让学生去听纯正标准的英语发音,为下一步模仿跟读打下基础。】2.Listen and follow.听音跟读。【设计意图:模仿读音和语调。】3.Read by yourself.学生自由朗读。【设计意图:在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。】4.Read in roles.分角色朗读【设计意图:检查学生的朗读和发音,及时纠正。】5.Read

8、it out.(遮盖住部分句子)6.Act it out小组合作表演对话教学环节师生活动Production输出运用1.Guessing game1位同学站讲台前面,全班同学问他Which season do you like best?然后该同学做出有关和季节有关的动作,全班同学进行猜测。【设计意图:通过这个活动对本节课的语言重点进行操练和扩展,增强练习的趣味性。】2.Make a survey小组合作,一个人是小记者,就组里每个人喜欢的季节和原因进行采访与记录。并在小组内汇报,然后老师选择几个小组进行展示汇报。活动:自由采访学生以组为单位,进行自由采访,询问其他同学最喜欢的季节,并完成采访表格。如:-Which season do you like best?-I like .best. ItsI can【设计意图:通过这个活动对本节课的语言重点进行操练和扩展,让学生在真实的情境中操练语言,提高语用能力。】板书设计Unit 2 A Lets talkWhich season do you like best?Spring.I like_. /Its _.Summer.Autumn.(fall)Winter.教学反思


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