五年级下册英语教案 Unit 3 Let’s Go Further广州版

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《五年级下册英语教案 Unit 3 Let’s Go Further广州版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语教案 Unit 3 Let’s Go Further广州版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 3 Lets Go Further一教学目标: 进一步增强学生养成良好生活习惯和学习习惯的意识。给予学生大量的语言输入。帮助学生通过图片帮助读懂一些简单的故事。二教学重点和难点:重点:1.故事的理解及复述。2.表达情绪的形容词的理解和运用。难点:词语及句型:1Its /Its time to .2. It. I like it.Its . I dont like it. 三教学策略:1.以旧引新,把新旧知识有机地结合起来,在应用中积累、发展。2.运用多媒体教学和情景的设置来吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣,引导学生发挥主体作用,主动发展。提示词语及句型:1Its /Its ti

2、me to .2. It. I like it.Its . I dont like it. 四教学媒体:图片,表格,录音机,多媒体软件,VCD五教学过程:Step one (Warming up)1. Chant: Its time to .2. Sing a song: Tick Tock TickStep two (Pre-task Leading in)复习关于时间的句型: What time is it? Its .T: Look! What time is it?(教师问学生当时的时间)Ps: Its .T: Right! Its time to have our class. Go

3、od ,Class. Now, what time is it? (教师出示教具钟,时间显示为八点半。)P1: Its .T: Its in the evening. Is it time to have lunch?Ps: No,T: Right, if you are good boys or girls, you can watch TV at that time. 2. 谈论电视节目并填写表格。T: Do you often watch TV?P1: Yes, I do.T: What programmes do you like?P2: I like cartoons.T: I li

4、ke cartoons, too. Because its interesting.I dont like news, because its boring. (教师将表达情绪的词填入下面表格作为子。)TV ProgrammesNewsTV Plays CartoonsSport programmesMusic programmesboringinteresting 3. 听看录象,并回答问题。(隐藏故事结局)T: Our friends Piggy and Poggy often watch TV too. Now they are watching TV. What time is it

5、now? Are the programmes interesting?Do they like them? Listen and watch carefully and then answer, ok?让学生猜测故事的结局。T: Piggy and Poggy dont like the programmes. So what are they going to do? Can you guess?全班学生跟录音读故事。四人小组分角色朗读故事并把下面短文补充完整。Its _ oclock. Piggy and Poggy want to _ _.But the programmes are

6、not _. They are not for _.So theyre both _ at last.Step three (While-task)让学生根据提示词和图片表演故事。2. 对学生的表演给予适当的评价。针对本故事中Piggy和Poggy的行为,就如何养成良好的生活习惯让学生根据自己的生活经验进行交流。 Step five (Homework)用自己的话复述本故事。根据自己的生活经验编写一个新的故事。Module 1 RevisionObjectivesShould 和 shouldnt的使用小结比较级practise doing的运用电话用语Module 1 Sound famil

7、iesProceduresGame: What can get more apples from the apple tree?Group work: Look at the words and read.cooks, drinks, jumps, skips, drives, leaves, swims, calls, sees, stays, enjoys, borrows, gets, puts, skates, starts, ends, needs, reads, understands, closes, fishes, washes, catches, watches, flies

8、, studies, goes, doesPresent a boy. Hes climbing the apple tree. Please give advice to the boy.You shouldnt climb the tree. You should water the tree.Show two more pictures and give advice. shouldnt shouldActivity book P8 Ex. 5Summing upshouldv. shouldv.(动词原形) should/shouldnt do同样用法的词还有:can/cant do,

9、 must/mustnt do, will do, shall do, may doLook at the picture. Jiamin shouldnt swim in the river, he should swim in the swimming pool. Lets call his mother.T: Good morning. May I speak to Mrs Chen?Ps: This is Mrs Chen speaking. Whos that, please?T: Its Miss Zhou. Jiamin swims in the river. Im worrie

10、d about him.Ps: Really? He shouldnt swim in the river. He should swim in the swimming pool.Thank you for telling me, Miss Zhou.T: Youre welcome. Lets help him together. Bye.Ps: Bye.Make this dialogue in pairs according to the key words.Jiamin is naughty, but Sally is a good girl. She likes singing.

11、She enjoys listening to the music, and she practises dancing for an hour everyday.Summing up:Be doingLike doingEnjoy doingPractise doing(Activity book P10 Ex.3 (3)小结比较级:句子里面含有than,than前面的形容词后加上erExercise: Activity book P2 Ex.4Listening exercise: Activity book: P9 Ex.1-2Homework: Activity book P10-12

12、 Ex. 3-5Listen to the tape and read Module 1.Review the new words.Layout Module 1 Our Lifeshould/ shouldnt do practise doingcan/ cant do be doingmust/ mustnt do like doingwill do enjoy doingshall domay do疑问句里动词用原形比较级 adj.+er thanModule 2 Seeing a Doctor.ObjectivesLanguage skillCan talk about the nam

13、es of common illness in English.Can express different feelings and symptoms when being ill, and ways of talking to a doctor.Language knowledgeVocabulary4 skills:feel, wake, wake up, ill, matter, Whats the matter? quickly, get dress, bad, hot, cold, have a cold, sweet, bath, have a bath, pale, first,

14、 medicine, take medicine, time, headache, tooth-ache, fever, pain, youd better= you had better3 skills:plenty, plenty of, checkup, stomachacheDrillsI feel ill.You should drink plenty of water.You shouldnt go to bed late.Youd better stay in bed.Daily expressions in communicationsIts time to get up.I dont want to be late for school.Whats the matter?Take the medicine three times a day.I have a cold.Dont eat too much chocolate.



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