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1、2014-2015学年度第一学期期末检测试卷五年级英语题号一二三四五六七八总分得分1、 选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分) ( )1. A.China B.English C.the UK ( ) 2. A.We B.rice C.their ( ) 3. A.tall B.thin C.take ( ) 4. A .the UK B.the USA C.PE ( ) 5. A.long B.tall C.look ( ) 6. A.like B.left C.love ( ) 7. A.fruit B.rice C.take ( ) 8. A.girl B.aunt C.Australia2

2、、 英汉互译。(16分) 1. Behind 2.整理床铺 3.two pairs of shoes 4.多少钱 5.strong 6.年轻的 7.city 8.玩电脑游戏 3、 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Have good time! Thank you. A.a B.an C.the ( )2.My shoes under the bed A. Be B.is C.are ( )3. is this dress? Eighty yuan. A.What B.How much C.How many( )4.I would like glasses. A.a B.a pair of C

3、.a pair( )5.I,m young. My grandpa is A.old B.young C.big4、 选词填空。(10分) 1.Don,t (be/is)late for school. 2.I can (wash/water)the clothes.3.They are good (friend)4.peter can speak a little (come)from the USA.5.These shorts are nice.I,ll take (they).五、填单词补全对话。(15分) 1. A:Can I you? B: I,d a pair of trouse

4、rs. 2. A; Where you from? B: i,m Chengdu. 3. A:What do you go to school? B:I go to school seven ten. 4. A:Would you please pass me the knife? I want to the beef B:Sure. You are. 5. A:Excuse me.Can you tell the to the cinema? B:It,s beside the hospital.You can a bus and Off at the hospital6、 连词成句。(15

5、分) 1. here is from it far (?) 2 . you here are (.) 3. to welcome hotel our (.) 4. Up o,clock I at get six (.) 5. looks and tall he strong (.) 7、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(20分)Da Ming is my uncle.He is a doctor.doctor.He lives in New York.He is tall and strong.He has short hair and small eyes.He likes swimming a

6、nd playing basket-ball.But he doesn,t like football.He likes beef.It is his favorite food.He eats beef evey day .I,m going to New York with with my parents. We will visit my uncle. I,mvery happy.( )1.Da Ming is my father,S . A. uncle B.father C.brother ( ) 2.Da Ming lives in . A.China B.the USA C.the UK ( ) 3.Da ming is . A.tall B.short C.thin ( )4.He likes . A.pIaying football B.playing basketball C.singing songs ( )5.He likes best. A.chicken B.fish C.beef



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