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1、2007/2008学年度第二学期七年级英语期末试卷 (请将答案写在答题卡上) 听力部分(20分)I. 听句子,选答案(5分)你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍. 请在每小题所给的三个选项中选出与其内容相符的图片.II. 听对话,选答案(5分)你将听到五组对话,每组对话读两遍. 根据所听内容在每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案.6. What time shall I come to the party? A. At 7:30 B. Tomorrow C. At 8:007. Where is the man?A. In a fruit shop B. In a fish shop C. In a

2、 clothing shop8. When was the girl born?A. April 13th, 1995 B. May 19th, 1994 C. February 12th, 19969. Where is the hospital?A. Its between a bookstore and a school. B. Its cross from the library. C. Its between a hotel and a school.10. What did Tom do last night? A. He read a novel. B. He watched T

3、V. C. He wrote an email.III. 你将听到两段对话和五个问题. 对话听两遍.请在每小题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案.(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题. 11. What is the teacher doing? A. He is telling the students a story. B. He is teaching in the classroom. C. He is helping the students with their English. 12. Where did the story happen? A. In America B. In

4、 Japan C. In China 听第二段对话,回答13-15小题. 13. Whats the boys favorite sport? A. Swimming B. Running C. Riding a bike 14. Who runs fastest? A. Allen Johnson B. Liu Xiang C. Yao Ming 15. What does the boy want to do? A. To run more quickly than Liu Xiang B. To run more slowly than Liu Xiang C. To do more s

5、ports everyday.IV. 听短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)(5分) ( ) 16. Christmas is on December 24th. ( ) 17. Christmas is the most important holiday in USA. ( ) 18. People buy presents for their family and friends before Christmas. ( ) 19. The families get together and have a big meal on that day. ( ) 20. People are unh

6、appy on Christmas Day.笔试部分(80分)V. 单项选择(15分)21. -Hello, is that Lucy speaking? -Sorry, this is Henry. Lucy is _ TV. A. looking at B. seeing C. watching D. looking22. - Tony, why are you so glad? - Oh, you know, there _ a football match tomorrow. A. are going to have B. is going to be C. is going to h

7、ave D. are going to be23. -I am so hungry now. -When did you _ breakfast? - Four hours_! A. had; before B. eat; now C. have; ago D. ate; after24. - My mum always says: “Time is money.” - Thats true, but I think time is _ important than money. A. much B. the most C. less D. more25. -Dad, is Hannan Pr

8、ovince _ the south of our Anhui Province? - My boy, if you want to know, you can check it on the map of China. A. on B. to C. in D. of26. - Have a nice holiday, Tony? -_.A. Thanks, the same to you.B. Sure, it will be very nice.C. Of course, no problem.D. Yes, dont worry about it.27. - I was so tired

9、 that I _ quickly as soon as(一就) I _ last night. - So please dont play computer games after you finish your homework.A. go to bed; is asleep B. is asleep; go to bed C. went to bed; was asleep D. fell asleep; went to bed28. -Betty is a well-behaved at school, isnt she? -Thats true. She is a _ girl. S

10、he does everything _. A. nice; good B. well; good C. good; well D. well; well29. -_ you_ a meeting last Monday? -Yes, and it _ me three hours to get ready for it. A. Were, have; spent B. Did, had; takeC. Did, have; took D. Were, had; spent30. -Do you know who runs _in our class? -Of course, David ru

11、ns _ than any other student in our class.A. the fastest; fast B. fastly; fastest C. faster; fastest D. fastest; faster31. -_ is the population of Beijing? - There are about _ people in Beijing.A. How much; twelve millions B. How many; twelve million ofC. What; twelve million D. How large; twelve mil

12、lions of32. -_ is very difficult for me _ French by myself. - Youd better _ someone to teach you. A. This ; learn; to find B. That; to learn; find C. It; to learn; find D. It; learn; finding33. - _? - He is very naughty at school. A. What is your brother like? B. Who is your brother?C. What does your brother look like? D. Where is your brother?34. -Why were your parents worried about you so much? -Because I _ too much time chatting on line, and I didnt finish_ my homework. A. spent; doing


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