五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Work quietly!B Let’s talk 人教PEP

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1、Unit6 B Lets talk教案一、Teaching Aims:1. Ss will be able to grasp the 4-skill sentences: Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.2. Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and read it with the right pronunciation and intonation.3. Ss will be able to use the sentences to talk in the set situations.4. Ss w

2、ill be able to aware of the rules in public locations, such as: Work quietly. No eating! Keep the clean.二、Key Points: 1. Ss will be able to grasp the 4-skill sentences: Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.2. Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and read it with the right pronunciation and inton

3、ation.三、Difficult Points: 1. Ss will be able to express the proper rules in different pubic locations.2. Ss will be able to aware of the rules in public locations.四、教学过程活动1【导入】Introduce the new Haining Library and the two signs on the wall.1. Show students the picture of new Haining Library.Task: Wh

4、ere is it? Do you often go to the library? Ss answer.【设计意图:用海宁市新落成的图书馆图片,开门见山地导入话题: In the library.】2. Enjoy some pictures of the new library.Tasks: How do you like it? What can you do in the library? Ss answer according to their own experiences.【设计意图:图片展示了新海宁图书馆的儿童图书馆、儿童阅读区、电影欣赏区、自习室等功能区域后,进行师生交流:你

5、喜欢新海宁图书馆吗?在图书馆,你能做些什么?】3. Lead in: The new library is so nice and quiet. I want to stay here for the whole day. Can I eat my lunch here?Ss guess and express.Then show Ss the two signs on the wall: No eating! Talk quietly.【设计意图:导入图书馆墙上的两个标志,了解它们的读音及意思。】There are also these two signs in Johns School L

6、ibrary. Look, he is at the library. He is talking with a boy.【设计意图:充分考虑Lets try与Lets talk的整体性,从Lets try过渡到Lets talk的内容。】活动2【讲授】Presentation.1. Lets try: Listen and circle. What does the teacher say to them?Talk quietly.2. Lets say Ss will try and say: It is in a library. We should talk quietly. Have

7、 Ss think and then express: Where or when should we talk quietly too?【设计意图: 以文字的形式展示Lets try的内容,让学生在选择的同时,详细了解对话的内容,为基础较弱的学生搭建理解对话的支架。主题交流:根据学生的生活经验,说一说:在哪些场合或什么情况下我们也要轻声说话。】3. Listen and answer: What books does Tom want in the library? He wants some . 【设计意图:学生在问题的引领下整体感知对话,在听的过程中,抓住主要信息: An English

8、 book.】4. Watch and answer: Can John help him? I can show you the English books.【设计意图:观看视频,回答问题。并找到对话中含有这个信息的句子,使孩子们在整体情境中理解: I can show you 的运用方法。】5. Focus on the difficult sentence: Here they are. Help Ss understand it by putting it in the ordinary order and completing it. They are here. The Engli

9、sh books are here.【设计意图:倒装句对孩子们来说还比较陌生,让孩子们在情境中了解一个意思多种表达方式,为学生的语言表达拓展多样性。】6. Guess: Does Tom take the books home or read in the library? Can I read the books here? Yes. Of course.【设计意图:在主题情境下,运用本课时的功能性语言展开小对话:拓展话题,运用语言。】7. Talk about it: What else should Tom do in the library? Keep your desk clean.

10、 Then Ss think about it: What else should Tom also keep it clean in the library?【设计意图:情境中的主题表达根据自己的生活经验,给Tom一些小建议: Please keep the / your . clean.】活动3【活动】Consolidation & Extension.1. Read the dialogue better. Ss will listen to the tape for the first time, mark the stresses and link in the dialogue a

11、nd check the marks according to the tape.For the second time, Ss will listen and repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence.【设计意图:指导学生进行语音语调模仿,为培养学生良好的语音语调和初步的语感打下基础。】2. Role reading. Read in roles and then show the reading. Students will read in fine pronunciation and intonation through imitating. Af

12、ter that, theyll be able to read in roles in groups.【设计意图:学生在角色化朗读、与人合作学习过程中,展示朗读、向同伴学习、获取同伴的认同等。】3. Use it: Be a volunteer in new Haining Library. Volunteers are wanted in new Haining Library every Sumer Vacation. Volunteers will help readers find the books they want. And it is also needed for them

13、 to give readers some kind suggestions. Ss will get to know the roles for the dialogue. Make the dialogues with partners. Some groups show their dialogue. T and other students give their comments or suggestions.【设计意图:根据新海宁图书馆每年暑假招募暑期服务志愿者的信息,在班级进行志愿者招募。明白志愿者职责:帮读者迅速找到他们需要的书;提醒读者遵守图书馆的规则。让孩子们在真实的语言环境

14、下运用今天所学语言。培养学生参与志愿者活动中去的兴趣,让孩子们树立“我也可以尽一份力量的”的公益观念。】4. Extension:We know some rules in the library. But there are many public places like the library. What suggestions do you have for the people there?Ss will be able to express some rules in other public locations, such as in the restaurant, in the cinema etc.【设计意图:拓展活动:学生依据他们的已有的生活经历,说一说在其它的公共场所,我们需要注意些什么。将今天所学的内容应用到孩子们的实际生活中去。】活动4【作业】Assignment.1. Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue. (P61)2. Finish the exercises on Workbook. (P42)3. Get to express more signs and rules in public locations.



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