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1、 高考英语一模试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1. -Mum,canyoutellmewhysomeparentssendtheirchildrentostudyabroadataveryyoungage?-_,darlingIhaveneverthoughtaboutit()A. YouhavegotmethereB. TakeyourtimeC. YoubetD. Dontbesilly2. Ibroke my relationship with John because he always found_ with whatever I di

2、d()A. errorB. mistakeC. failureD. fault3. -Whatdoyoudo,Susan?-IamaclerkinaforeigncompanynowButI_Englishinahighschoolfor8years()A. teachB. hadtaughtC. havetaughtD. taught4. -Areyousatisfiedwithhisschoolreport?-NotatallItcouldnthavebeen_()A. worseB. sobadC. betterD. theworst5. Theeconomyinbigcitieshas

3、continuedtorisethankstothelocalgovernmentstoincrease_()A. thatB. themC. itD. those6. Whereismydictionary?IrememberIputithereyesterdayYou_itinthewrongplace.A. mustputB. shouldhaveputC. mightputD. mighthaveput7. -DoyouthinkPeterisagoodpartner?-Notreally!Therearesomethingsthatarenoteasyto_,andhislazine

4、ssisone()A. putasideB. putupwithC. thinkofD. getalongwith8. WeallChinesepeoplearecalledontolearnfromLeiFeng,_wethinkhassetagoodexampletoallofus()A. whoseB. whoC. thatD. whom9. -Excuseme,wouldyouplease_mesomepetrol?-SorryIhaveonlyalittleleftinmycar()A. spareB. saveC. shareD. spend10. Whencaught_inthe

5、exam,hebeggedfortheteacherspardonandtried_punishment()A. cheating;escapingB. tobecheating;toescapeC. cheating;toescapeD. tobecheating;escaping11. Infrontofthewholeaudience,PremiereLimadehispromise_thegovernmentwouldtryitsbesttosolvetheproblemofpovertyinChina()A. whatB. whichC. whetherD. that12. _tha

6、tIwouldntsupportmyselfatthatmoment()A. IwasweakenoughB. IwastooweakC. SoweakwasID. SuchweakwasI13. -Sorrytohavebrokenyourglass-_Youdidntmeanto,didyou?()A. NoproblemB. ForgetitC. AllrightD. Dontsayso14. -IwenttoseeTheWanderingEarthlastnightItwasfantastic!-Youweresolucky!HowIwishI_thetickettoo()A. get

7、B. gotC. hadgotD. wouldget15. Susansvoicestillremainedcalm_shewasgettingannoyed()A. evenifB. aslongasC. asifD. nowthat二、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共50.0分)AFerry Services Fare Table Effective from 1st April 2019 Cash Only is accepted onboard our Ferries Return Fares for Mainland to Bressay; Mainland to Whalsay; M

8、ainland to Yell; Yell to Unst All Fares are RETURN - Payable on outbound journey onlyPassengerAdult5.50OAPs (With SIC Pass) & Children up to 191.00Disabled Concessionary SIC Pass Holders0.00Adult 10 Multi Journey Ticket22.70Vehicles - Fares include driverVehicles up to and including 5.50m Return13.6

9、0Motorcycles Return11.00Motorhome 5.5m - 9m20.50Motorhome 9m - 12m23.50Motorhome 12m +27.00Vehicle (5.5m) 10 Journey Ticket90.00Motorcycle 10 Journey Ticket72.00*For Yell to Unst, the fare payable is the same as the other return fare routes However if your journey originated on the Mainland (you hav

10、e had to use two ferries on the same day or after 18:00 from the day before) then you will only be charged the one fare on Yell Please retain the ticket you were sold on the Yell ferry for presenting on the Unst ferry16. How will you pay for your ticket on the ferry? _ A. In cashB. By credit cardC.

11、With SIC PassD. All of above17. Which of the following is true? _ A. The information above is not effective on Childrens Day,2019B. Its free for the disabled without an SIC passC. The vehicles fares vary in the sizes of themD. You can see the fare information for 3 routes in the table18. Jack (10 ye

12、ars old) and his parents will travel from mainland to Whalsay in their car, how much will they pay? _ A. 12.00B. 25.60C. 20.10D. 21.0019. The best meaning of the underlined word return is _ A. The act of giving, putting or sending something backB. Payment or reward for somethingC. A change back to a

13、 previous stateD. A ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again20. How much will be charged if you go from mainland to Yell, then to Unst on the same day? _ A. 11.00B. 5.50C. 6.50D. 22.70BAllan Guei, 18, was a star basketball player at Compton High School in the Los Angeles area before he graduated last month His good grades made him eligible for an unusual competition: A free-throw contest in the Compton High gymnasium The top prize: 40,000 in scholarship money Guei, whose parents immigrated to the United Sta



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