贵州省顶效开发区顶兴学校高中英语必修三Module 4 教案 .doc

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1、教案-高艺-必修三Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia -2018年春季第7周Module4 Sandstorms in Asia 教学目标 Enable the students to talk about the sandstorms, the reasons for causing sandstorms and the importance of protecting environment 重点 理解掌握“动词不定式”的各种时态和语态概念,以达到正确使用各种形式的目的。难点 通过四个步骤的练习掌握写作技巧,学会写有关环保的短文.教学计划本单元分四个课时:第一课时:In

2、troduction; Reading and Vocabulary (three classes)第二课时:Vocabulary and Listening, Pronunciation and Function(two classes)第三课时:Grammar (three classes)第四课时:Cultural Corner; Task & Module File(three classes)Module 4 Sandstorms in AsiaPeriod OneTeaching procedures:Step 1. Pre-reading Ask Ss to answer the

3、 following questions to lead to the topic of this period.(1) Whats your definition of sandstorm? (2) Can we prevent sandstorms? How?(3) Suppose you are an expert, what will you advise people to do in this situation?Step 2. While-reading.1. Fast readingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and decide ho

4、w to divide the whole passage. Then give the main idea of every paragraph.Suggested Answers: (1) The structure of the passage:Part 1: para 1Part 2: paras2-4Part 3: paras5-6(2) The main idea of every paragraphPara 1: Major disaster in Asia桽andstorms.Para 2: The idescription of sandstorms.Para 3: The

5、causes of sandstorms.Para 4: The influence of sandstorms.Para 5: The forecast and suggestions of sandstorms.Para 6: The measures taken by the government.2. Intensive reading(1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully in pairs and check the meanings of the new words or difficulty words with each other.

6、If they have difficulty, they may refer to the dictionary. (2) Check whether Ss understand some words or phrases in the passage. Ask them to find words to match the definitions. to ride a bicycle _ someone who knows a lot about a particular subject _ things that happen one after another, and have a

7、result _ someone who first lives in a particular town or country _ very small bits of dirt or earth, on the ground or in the air _ to continue to live after a difficult or dangerous situation or event _ to say what will probably happen _ everything that is happening at a particular time _ sand hills

8、 _ to cause a change _ something that is worn over ones face _ the noun form of strong _Suggested Answers: cycle expert process citizen dust survive forecast situations sand dunes affect mask strengthStep 3. Language Points1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and find sentences in the passage to replace the f

9、ollowing sentences.(1) Ren Jianbo is from Inner Mongolia. He described a terrible sandstorm that he experienced in the desert when he was a child.(2) When citizens wake up, they find that the sky has an orange color and there are strong winds with thick, brown-yellow dust.Suggested Answers:(1) Ren J

10、ianbo, form Inner Mongolia described a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert. (Paragraph 2, Page 32)(2) Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust. (Paragraph 4, Page 32)2. Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult la

11、nguage points. (1) They are so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴能见度经常很低以至于看不见太阳,风有时得能移动沙丘。So that与 such that句型归纳 such + a/an + adj +单数可数名词 +that-clause such + adj + 复数可数名词 + that-clause such + adj +不可数名词 + that-clause so + adj/ adv + th

12、at-clause so + adj + a/an +单数可数名词+ that-clause so + many / few +复数可数名词 +that-clause so + much / little (少)+不可数名词 + that-clause(2) To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience. 陷在风尘暴中是一次可怕的经历。be caught in the heavy rain/snowstorm/traffic突然遭到 (雨,暴风雪,堵车等)。如:He was caught in the heavy sn

13、ow on his way home last night.【拓展】catch常用词组:catch sb doing sth 撞见/发现某人正在做catch up with 赶上(3) There was nothing to be done.什么也干不了。 这是一个动词不定式作定语的there be 句型,动词不定式用主动和被动都可以,但也略有区别.当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某事时,用主动;如强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动。 如:There was nothing to be done (某东西坏了,无法使之恢复)There was nothing to do. (无事可做,十分乏味

14、)There is a lot of work to do. (Somebody has to do the work.)There is a lot of work to be done. (The work has to be done.)(4) Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”. 因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。 as a result of 因为的结果。如: He got ill as a result o

15、f the bad weather. 【拓展】相关词组: as a result 因此。如: As a result, he got a great success in his experiment. result from 因于,因而起。如: His success resulted from his hard work. result in 致使, 导致,造成的结果。如: His hard work resulted in his success.(5) This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass. cut down砍倒, 削减 (数量,开支)。如:Enough has been don



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