福建省泉州市永县第二中学高三英语第一轮能力提升题组训练 选修7 Unit 19(A) Word含答案.doc

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1、选修 7Unit 19Language能力提升题组训练(A).阅读理解(2018河南八市重点高中高三质检) The term “to extend an olive branch” means to make an offer of peace or reconciliation(和好).This term has Biblical origins,coming from the section of the Old Testament that deals with the flood; the sign that the flood is over is an olive branch b

2、rought back to the ark(方舟) by a dove.Olive branches were also symbols of peace in Ancient Greece and Rome,and they continue to be used in various works of art that are meant to suggest peace.Some people have suggested that the olive was a very deliberate and well-considered choice as a metaphor(比喻)f

3、or peace,because olive trees famously take years to mature.War is typically very hard on the trees because people cannot take the time to nurture(培养) them and plant new ones.Therefore,the offer of an olive branch would suggest that someone is tired of war,whether it be an actual war or a falling out

4、 between friends.In Ancient Greek and Roman times,people would offer actual olive branches.In Rome,for example,defeated armies traditionally carried olive branches to indicate that they were giving in,and the Greeks used them into weddings and other ceremonies.In the modern era,the branch is usually

5、 metaphorical,rather than actual,not least because the plants can be a bit difficult to obtain.Many people agree that peace negotiations (谈判)at all levels of society are a good idea.Between nations,obviously,it is important to extend an olive branch to ensure mutual safety and to help the world run

6、more smoothly.This act can also be important on a personal level,as resolving conflict and learning to get along with others is viewed as an important life skill in many cultures.At some point in their lives,many people will be advised to extend an olive branch to settle a dispute or resolve an issu

7、e.Some people believe that it takes an immense amount of courage to take this action,as it often comes with an admission of wrongdoing and regret.1.According to the Bible,.A.an olive branch suggests flood is comingB.the ark is made of olive tree woodC.an olive branch means flood is overD.a dove love

8、s to settle on the olive branch2.The olive is considered a good choice as a metaphor for peace for the following reasons EXCEPT .A.olive trees famously take years to matureB.olive branches make people tired of warC.war is typically very hard on the treesD.people cannot take the time to nurture them

9、while at war3.Why are actual olive branches seldom used in modern times?A.Olive trees are being protected now.B.Olive trees are planted only in certain countries.C.Olive trees can be far to seek.D.There is no need to use real olive branches.4.It can be learned from the text that to extend an olive b

10、ranch .A.is not important on a personal levelB.is only important between nationsC.takes a lot of courageD.is an important life skill in many cultures语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,解释了to extend an olive branch“伸出橄榄枝”这一说法的渊源意义以及现代社会中这一短语的新义。答案及剖析:1.C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句This term has Biblical origins,coming from the section

11、of the Old Testament that deals with the flood; the sign that the flood is over is an olive branch brought back to the ark(方舟) by a dove.可知,在圣经里橄榄枝被看做是洪水过去了,故选C。2.B细节理解题。根据第二段前两句.olive trees famously take years to mature.War is typically very hard on the trees because people cannot take the time to

12、nurture them and plant new ones.可知,A、C、D三项都是人们把橄榄枝当成和平象征的原因,但并没有说:橄榄枝让人们厌倦战争。故选B。3.C推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句In the modern era,the branch is usually metaphorical,rather than actual,not least because the plants can be a bit difficult to obtain.可知,现代人们通常使用橄榄枝表示隐喻,并且这种树还很难找到。故C项正确。4.C推理判断题。根据最后一段Some people beli

13、eve that it takes an immense amount of courage to take this action,as it often comes with an admission of wrongdoing and regret.可知“伸出橄榄枝”经常被用来表示解决争端,但这样做需要勇气,因为人们要承认自己做错了事并感到遗憾。故C项正确。.七选五The Dos and Donts of Learning a New LanguagePeople decide to learn another language for many different reasons.So

14、me learn another language because they would like to live in another country.1. Some people have to study a language at school and others might decide to learn a language just for fun!Ive been learning French for just over two years.I decided to learn it because I wanted to learn something new and I

15、 loved French culture.Learning French has been a fun and exciting journey but its also been challenging.Ive learnt a lot about the challenges while learning a new language and have put together some “dos” and “donts” to help other language learners.2.Learning a new language can be a hard process tha

16、t requires a lot of motivation.Try different activities to make your language learning more enjoyable.Why not try watching your favourite TV series in that language or listening to music in that language?Do write down your mistakes3. I like to write the mistakes that I make in a small pocket book.Dont set unrealistic expectationsIf you have r



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