二年级下册英语教案Modue 9 Unit 2 外研社一起

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《二年级下册英语教案Modue 9 Unit 2 外研社一起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《二年级下册英语教案Modue 9 Unit 2 外研社一起(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版(一起)二年级英语下册教案Module 9 Unit 2 Where do you live?一、教学目标1.知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: Where do you live?I live in a/an .house, apartment2.能力目标:使学生能够熟练地运用“Where do you live?I live in a/an .”3.情感目标:感知英语的实用性,增强学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点1.重要概念 house, apartment2.学生能够熟练地运用“Where do you live? I live in a/an .”三、教具、学具来源:Zxxk.Com1.

2、 house, apartment的图片.来源:学科网ZXXK2.录音机及磁带 3.单词卡片来源:学*科*网四、教学过程1.Greeting 2.复习Review “near,far”which students mastered in Level Demonstrate the concepts with volunteers.3.教授重要概念: Demonstrate “Where do you live? I live in a/an .”with puppets.Draw a house and an apartment building on the blackboard. Let

3、one puppet “live”in the “house”and the other puppet “live” in the “apartment” Do a dialogue with the puppets based on “Where do you live? I live in a/an .”Remind the students about “a”and“an”: a house,an apartment.来源:学科网ZXXK4.Practice:Divide the class into small groups then ask and answer ,they can say: S1:Where do you live? S2:I live in a/an .S1:Is it near/far from school?S2:Yes/No,5.Read after the tape.6.做7.作业: a. 完成剩余部分. b.对话练习.板书设计 Lesson 20 Where Do You Live?Where do you live?来源:Z#xx#k.ComI live in a house.I live in an apartment.


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