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1、Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 基础落实 高频单词思忆 1 We climbed out of the hole right in front of two 惊讶的 policemen 2 This is a 5 star hotel with perfect 设备 3 The new taxes came as a shock to 普通的 Americans 4 The population of the town 膨胀 rapidly in the 1960s astonished facilities ordinary expanded 5 From these

2、facts we can draw some 结论 about how the pyramids were built 6 I think the sudden break of the electricity has something to do with an 电的 fault 7 They carry logs by 漂 them down the river conclusions electrical floating 8 The professor is giving a series of 讲座 on molecular biology 9 This drink is a 混合

3、物 of three different sorts so it has several tastes 10 Try to keep a 平衡 between work and relaxation lectures mixture balance 重点短语再现 1 add 给 增加 add 使增加 add to总计 总共 2 the bottom 在 的底部 the bottom of one s heart从心底里 由衷地 3 be of对 感到自豪 骄傲 take in以 为自豪 4 be supposed 理应 被认为是 I suppose 我看可以 5 in order按顺序摆放 o

4、rder整 齐 条理 out order次序颠倒 toto up atoffrom proud pride to so put in of 6 think 考虑 想到 think 想出 主意 等 think 仔细考虑 think 再 三考虑 慎重思考 e up 突然想起 come to 苏醒 活跃起来 8 from that moment 从那一刻起 from on从那时起 from on从现在起 9 turn轮流 by 轮流地 依次地 take to do 轮流做 turn 结果是 10 react 与 发生反应 react 人 对 作出反应 of up overtwice withlife

5、 onthen now inturns turnsout withto 典型句式运用 1 Two thirds of the earth s surface is water 地球表面的三分之二是水 考查分数的表达法和主谓一致 这里三分之一的书是属于他的 考点提炼 句子仿造 One third of the books here belong to him 2 The earth is forty nine times larger than the moon 地球比月球大四十九倍 考查倍数表达法 新修的路比原来的路宽3倍 考点提炼 句子仿造 The newly built road is t

6、hree times wider than that old one 3 It s hard to think of a world without metals 很难想像一个没有金属的世界 考查句式It is adj for of sb to do sth 把伞忘在出租车上 你真粗心 考点提炼 句子仿造 It s careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi 4 The closer you are the more you ll see 你靠的越近 看到的就越多 考查The more the more 句式 你越是努力 取得的进步就越

7、大 考点提炼 句子仿造 you ll make The harder you study the more progress 5 Below is a description of a simple scientific experiment 下面是对一个简单的科学实验的描述 考查倒装句式 我们靠天吃饭的日子一去不复返了 考点提炼 句子仿造 Gone are the days when we had to be at the mercy of the weather 导练互动 重点单词 1 contract v 使 收缩 和 订合同 n 契 约 合同 When you heat a metal

8、 it contracts 当你给金属加热时 它会收缩 回归课本P41 观察思考 If you ice the metal it will contract 如果你冷冻金属 它就会收缩 We contracted with a shoe factory for 4 000 pairs of shoes 我们和一家鞋厂签订了一份4 000双鞋的合同 He made a two year contract of employment with the firm 他和那家公司签订了两年的雇用合同 归纳拓展 make a contract with 与 签合同 sign a contract签署合同

9、carry out a contract 履行合同 cancel a contract取消合同 break a contract违反合同 by on contract按照合同 依约 活学活用 You should read the carefully before you sign it A contrastB contact C contractD conflict 解析 考查名词词形和词义的辨析 contract合 同 contrast对照 对比 contact联系 接触 conflict冲突 C 2 conclusion n 结论 断定 结束 结局 协定 协议 观察思考 What con

10、clusion do you draw from the evidence 你从证据中得到了什么结论 From what you say I conclude that you are right 根据你的话我断定你是对的 The play concluded with the death of the entire cast 该剧以全体剧中人物之死为结局 In conclusion I wish all of you good health and a long life 最后 我祝大家健康长寿 归纳拓展 conclusion作 结束 结尾 讲时常用单数 用 作 结论 讲时为可数名词 用作

11、协议 缔结 讲时为不可数名词 come to arrive at reach draw a conclusion得 出结论 bring to a conclusion使 结束 in conclusion最后 conclude v 结束 断定 订立 conclude with以 而结束 conclude sth from sth 从某事中得出某个结论 conclude sth with sb 与某人达成 协定 活学活用 David from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error A

12、announced B acknowledged C concluded D considered 解析 句意为 David从交通事故分析中推断出这 次交通事故是人为错误导致的 C 3 react vi 回应 起作用 起反应 Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water 表格中的金属哪一个与氧气和水反应最厉害 回归课本P44 观察思考 How did Wilson react to your idea 威尔逊对你的想法反应如何 Iron reacts with water and air to pr

13、oduce rust 铁和水及空气发生反应生成锈 Most people reacted against the passing of the law 多数人反对通过这项法律 Applause can react greatly on upon a speaker 听众的掌声对演讲人有很大影响 归纳拓展 react的含义及用法 1 作出反应 回应 与to连用 2 反对 反抗 反动 与against连用 3 指物质 起化学反应 与with连用 4 对某事物有影响 对某事物产生变化 与介词 on连用 活学活用 The football player reacted the judge s deci

14、sion by withdrawing from the match A onB to C againstD by 解析 表示 人对 作出反应 用to B 4 ordinary adj 普通的 平常的 n 常事 惯例 The nails rust in the tube with ordinary water 在有普通水的试管里的铁钉生锈 回归课本P45 观察思考 Today he came earlier than usual for it was not an ordinary day 他今天来得比平常早 因为今天是一个不平常的 日子 He is out of the ordinary a

15、mong the children 他是一个不寻常的孩子 易混辨异 ordinary common usual normal 1 ordinary普通的 平常的 平凡的 强调在等 级和类属方面普通 指人时 该词指既不显赫也 不低贱 指物时指品质或质地水平一般 有 平 庸无奇 之意 2 common普通的 常见的 强调经常发生 司空 见惯 不显赫或不特别 可修饰人或物 也可指 共同的 共存的 The plants are common here 这些植物在这里很普遍 3 usual通常的 惯常的 惯例的 强调依照惯 例来判断 有 遵循常规 之意 It is usual for him to go

16、 back home late 他回家晚是常事 4 normal正常的 合乎标准的 强调在正常情况 下应有的 His temperature was two degrees above normal 他的体温比正常体温高两度 活学活用 Letter boxes are much more in the UK than in the US where most people have a mailbox instead A common B normal C ordinary D usual 解析 本题考查同义词辨析 common指为许多人 或事物所共同具备因而常见 ordinary指由于与 一般事物的性质或标准相同 因而显得平常 无 奇特之处 反义词为special usual指在某一地方 或某一时间内所常见的 往往指常用的东西 或 经常发生的事情 反义词为unusual normal同 usual和regular 意为 正常的 正规的 标准 的 句意为 Letter boxes在英国比在美国更 常见 在美国大多数人都有一个mailbox 答案 A 重点短语与句型 5 keep out


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