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1、Unit3Ouranimalfriends Module2Man sbestfriends 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 第2课时Reading 一 根据汉语意思补全句子 每空一词1 Ican tgoanywhere 独自 2 Thereceptionistapologizedand JohnandCharlie theirroom 带 去 3 Sometimelater Charlie 开始吠叫 4 Smokestartedtocomein 从门下面 5 在查理的帮助下 Johnputsomewettowelsalongthebottomofthedoor by myself led t

2、o started barking from under the door With Charlie s help 二 汉译英1 欢迎您的入住 但很抱歉 我们不允许宠物入住 2 不久他听到了消防车的声音 3 一个消防员赶到 把他带出了大楼 4 约翰不会不带着他的 眼睛 走的 5 他和查理一起伏在地板上等待 You rewelcometostay butI msorrythatwedon tallowpetshere Soonheheardthesoundofafireengine Afiremanarrivedandgothimoutofthebuilding Johnwouldnotgowi

3、thouthis eyes HegotdownonthefloornexttoCharlieandwaited 1 Youarewelcometostay butI msorrythatwedon tallowpetshere 欢迎您的入住 但是很抱歉我们不允许宠物进入 用法 1 bewelcometodosth 欢迎做某事 随意做某事 2 allowv 允许 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事 allowpetshere allowpetstostayhere 这里是省略形式 allowdoingsth 允许做某事 例句 Youarewelcometousemycar 你可以随意

4、借用我的车 Mum couldyouallowmetogooutwithmyfriends 妈妈 您能允许我和朋友外出吗 辨析 allow let与promise 1 allow一般指听任或者默许某人做某事 含有消极地不反对的意味 2 let也是允许 但是其后的宾语要接不带to的不定式 即letsb dosth 让 允许某人做某事 3 promise意为 答应 允诺 用于主体答应自己要做什么 promisesb sth 答应某人某事 promise sb todosth 答应 某人 做某事 应用 用allow let或promise的适当形式填空 1 He meabook 2 Theteach

5、ers ustogotothemagicroomafterclass 3 mehelpyou promises promised allow allowed Let 2 I mblindandIcan tgoanywherebymyself 我失明了 我独自一人哪也去不了 用法 byoneself onone sown独自 例句 Shecanwashherclothesbyherself Shecanwashherclothesonherown 她会自己洗衣服 拓展 1 oneself的多种形式 myself yourself himself herself ourselves yoursel

6、ves themselves 2 leavemebymyself leavemealone让我独自待会儿 我想静静 应用 1 Kids help oneself tothefish 2 Ireallyenjoyed oneself yesterday yourselves myself 3 Sometimelater Charliestartedbarking 过了一会儿 查理开始吠叫 用法 1 sometimelater一些时间之后 晚些时候 2 startdoingsth 开始做某事 startbarking意为 开始吠叫 例句 Ican tpaynow Pleasebillmesomet

7、imelater 我现在不能付款 请晚些时候开账单给我 IstartedlearningEnglish7yearsago 我7年前开始学英语 拓展 1 startdoingsth begindoingsth 一般表示 开始一项长期或者习惯的动作 Whendidyoustart beginplayingthepiano 你什么时候开始弹钢琴的 2 starttodosth begintodosth 也表示 开始做某事 一般用于以下几种情况 物作主语时 如 Itstartedtorain 开始下雨了 start用于进行时态时 后面接不定式 如 Iwasstarting beginningtoget

8、angry 我快要生气了 当start begin后接know understand realize等词时 常接不定式 如 Istart begintounderstandthetruth 我开始明白真相 应用 He whathappened A begintorealizeB startsrealizingC startstorealize C 4 Soonheheardthesoundofafireengine 不久他听到了消防车的声音 用法 hearv 听到 1 hearsb dosth 听到某人做某事 表示一种经历 2 hearsb doingsth 听到某人正在做某事 表示动作在进行

9、 例句 Weheardhersinginthenextroom 我们听见她在隔壁房间唱歌 Wehearhersinginginthenextroom 我们听见她正在隔壁房间唱歌 拓展 1 listen表示听的动作 而hear则表示听的结果 2 和hear具有同样的用法的还有see watch notice等 应用 1 I butcouldn t anything 用hear或listen的适当形式填空 2 Isawtheboy come intotheclassroomjustnow listenedto hear come 一 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Thepoliceman lead

10、metothepolicestation 2 Theword final means atlast 3 Canyoutellmewhatthe mean ofthewordis 4 Mygrandmotherusuallygetsupearly butthismorningshe wake uplate leads led finally meaning woke 5 HeleftShenzhenwithout say goodbyetous 6 Hisfatherboughthimabike Itisvery help forhimtogotoschool 7 Helaydownonthes

11、ofaandsoonfell sleep 8 Atmidnight whenIheardmydog bark Iknewsomeonewascomingtomyhouse 9 Studentsshoulddoeverythingby them insteadofwaitingfortheirparentstohelpthem 10 Whatisthestory probable about saying helpful asleep barking themselves probably 二 阅读理解Thewolves 狼 areveryhungry Theygoouttolookforfoo

12、d Therearemanysheepnearthehill Therearealsoafewsheepdogswiththem Thewolvesthinkofanidea Theyspeaktothesheepdogs Youarelikeusandwearebrothers Butwehaveaverydifferentlife Wedowhatwelike andyoumustworkformen Theymakeyoulookaftertheirsheep Theyeatmeatandgiveyouthebones 骨头 Ifyoulistentousandgiveustheshee

13、p wecaneatthemtogether Allofuswillbehappy right Thedogsarehappyanddolikethis Thewolvesaskthedogstogototheirhouse Thesheepdogsgotothewolves home Butthewolveseatthemandtheneatthesheep 1 Thewolvesgooutforfoodbecause A theyseethesheepnearthemountainB theyseethesheepdogsC theyarehungryD theywanttogoout 2

14、 Thesheepdogsworkfor A menB sheepC wolvesD dogs C A 3 Whydothewolvesaskthesheepdogstogototheirhome A Becausetheywanttoeatthem B Becausetheywanttobesheepdogs friends C Becausetheywanttohelpsheepdogsgetfreedom D Becausetheirhomeisnearthismountain 4 Whatdothesheepdogsdo A Playwiththesheep B Lookafterth

15、esheep C Workwithmen D Eatthebones A B 一 根据教材P31的课文内容 补全下面短文 每空一词Johnisa1 man Hecannotgo2 byhimself Oneday hewenttoahotelwithCharlie his3 dog Atnight John4 upbecauseheheardCharlie5 6 Therewasafire Smokestartedtocomeinfromunderthedoor WiththehelpofCharlie Johnputsomewet7 alongthe8 ofthedoor Sometimel

16、ater afireenginecame A9 gotthemoutofthebuilding Theywereboth10 blind anywhere guide woke barking loudly towels bottom fireman safe 二 选择填空 1 Mypen Ineverseeitagain A losesB missesC disappears 2 his Icanlearnmuchaboutit A Without helpB Have helpC With help 3 Doyourparents youtogotothepartybyyourself No theysaidIcouldn tgothere youandLily A allow withoutB make withC allow with C C A 4 IthinkIdid wrong WhyshouldI Maybeyoucanhaveatalkwithher A anything encourageB something apologizeC nothing apologiz



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