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1、Unit2I llhelptocleanupthecityparks SectionA Warmingup Aguessinggame help helpstophunger Theyarehungryandhomeless Therearemanyotherwaysyoucouldhelppeople helpcleanupthecityparks cheeruptheoldpeople giveout 分发 派发 foodatthefoodbank IfIhadlotsofmoney Iwould setupaHopeSchool helppoorkids 建立 建造 build volu

2、nteerinanafter schoolstudyprogram Doyouoftenhelpothers Whatotherwayswecouldhelppeople Icouldhelptocleantheclassroom Icouldhelpmyparentswiththehousework I I I couldhelptheoldpeoplecrossthestreet couldsendbookstothepoorstudents couldvolunteerintheoldpeople shome I dliketoworkoutside Youcouldhelpcleanu

3、pthecityparks n 饥饿 2d Readtheconversationandanswerthequestions Reading 1 Where sHelengoingtoworkthissummer 2 WhatdidTomdotohelptheoldpeople Helen Hi Tom I mmakingsomeplanstoworkinanoldpeople shomethissummer Tom Really Ididthatlastsummer Helen Oh whatdidtheyaskyoutohelpoutwith Tom Mmm thingslikereadi

4、ngthenewspapertotheoldpeople orjusttalkingtothem Theytoldmestoriesaboutthepastandhowthingsusedtobe Helen Thatsoundsinteresting Tom Yeah alotofoldpeoplearelonely Weshouldlistentothemandcareforthem Helen You reright Imean we reallgoingtobeoldoneday too 1 Theytoldmestoriesaboutthepastandhowthingsusedto

5、be usedtodosth 过去常常做某事 表示过去习惯性 经常性的动作或状态 暗指现在已经不存在 used无人称和时态的变化 Languagepoints e g IusedtogototheYouthCenter ButIhavenotimenow 我过去经常去青少年中心 但现在我没有时间了 Grandparentsusedtotellusstorieswhenwewereveryyoung 在我们小时候祖父母常给我们讲故事听 2 Yeah alotofoldpeoplearelonely lonelyadj 孤独的 寂寞的 指精神上感觉孤独 寂寞 e g Theoldmanfeelsl

6、onely soheraisesadog 那名老人觉得很孤独 因此他养了一只狗 Exercises Fillintheblanks Hehelps theclassroom A cleansupB cleaningupC cleanup2 Itookhertotheconcertto A cheerupherB cheerherupC cheersheup3 Let shelp foodatthefoodbank A togiveoutB giveupC givingout C B A 1 You dbetter 想出 abetterplan 2 Whowill 自愿回答 thisquesti

7、on 3 Youcouldputupa 布告 here Completethesentences comeupwith volunteertoanswer notice 4 Withnoonetotalkto He very 感觉很孤独 5 Thelife 曾经是 veryinterestinginmyschooldays lonely feels usedtobe tobe tolearn tocare totryout tohelp todo putoff callup comeupwith cheerup putup handout giveout tomake todo tohelp

8、tospend tovisit tomove SectionB Matchthesentenceswithsimilarmeanings I verunoutofit Itakeaftermymother Ifixeditup Igaveitaway Irepairedit Idon thaveanymoreofit Iamsimilartoher Ididn tsellit b c a d 1a Reading 1 makeitpossibleforsb todosth 使得某人有可能 Yourhelpmakesitpossibleforhimtosucceed 1 make it adj

9、forsb todo 做某事对某人来说变得怎样 Thecomputermakesiteasyforpeopletostudyathome 2 make sb v 原 让某人做 Hemademeworktenhoursaday 2 makeadifference起重要作用 Whatyoudidmakeadifferencetomylife 5 beexcitedabout对 感到兴奋 Heseemstobeexcitedaboutsomething 3 difficulties困难 难题 difficultyn 可数名词 havedifficulty problem in doingsth 做某

10、事有困难 DoeshehaveanydifficultiesinlearningEnglish 4 afriendofmine我的一个朋友 Thegroupofkidsareplayinghappily Weshouldhelpdisabledpeople Therearesomedifferencesbetweenus Imagineyouareabird whatwillyoudo Thoughtherearedifficulties westillworkhard Heneedsmuchtrainingtobeagoodplayer Thanksforyourkindness Itisn

11、ormaltofeellikethis moneyto AnimalHelpers animalslikeLucky thingsfordisabledpeople 2d 动词短语 Phrasalverb 1 定义 动词之后加介词或副词构成短语 表达一种特定的含义 如果被拆开则不能表达这种特定的含义 Grammar 2 代词作宾语时 对于 动词 副词 的短语 代词放在短语动词的中间 对于 动词 介词 的短语 代词放在介词之后 本课出现的动词短语 cleanup setup giveout cheerup comeupwith putoff putup handout callup runout

12、of takeafter fixup give away 打扫 建立 建成 发放 派发 高兴 振作 提出 推迟 延后 分发 打电话 用尽 长得象 修理 赠送 张贴 Nouns money animal helpers peoplelucky organization Pronouns I you it my who that Verbs like thank send set up fill Adjectives disabled blind deaf normal Adverbs easily well lastyear atonce Prepositions for with of Con

13、junctions but and because or Exclamations Yousee Lucky 1 Inwhatotherwaysdoyouthinkdogsareabletohelppeople 2 Whatotheranimalscanwetraintohelppeople 2e Discussthequestionswithapartner Lookafterthehouse Takecareofsheep Helppolicefindcriminals Guidetheblindtowalk etc Elephants Monkeys Horses Dolphins Wo

14、rkinginanoldpeople shome Helpingkidsinanafter schoolprogram Beingaguideatamuseum 3a Lookatthesekindsofvolunteerwork Canyouaddmore Whatwouldyouliketodo Discussitwithapartner Writealetterore mailtotheplaceyouwanttovolunteerat 3b DearSirorMadam I dliketobeavolunteerinyourafter schoolprogramonweekends I

15、 mstronginEnglishandChinese MaybeIcanhelpkidswiththesetwosubjectsthere Inmyfreetime Ienjoyreadingbooksandliketoplaywithkids soIthinkI dbegoodatthisjob Ireallywanttohelpoutasavolunteerinyourafter schoolprogrambecauseIthinkitwillbeveryinteresting Howgreatitistobeavolunteer I mlookingforwardtoyourreply

16、 Yourstruly Mario SelfCheck cheer wake put look fix take put give look take put take run get come put ranout tobuy tocheer putup calledup totell handedout setup cameup tofix gaveaway Exercises Hehelps theclassroom A cleansupB cleaningupC cleanup2 Itookhertotheconcertto A cheerupherB cheerherupC cheersheup3 Thebossputoff theworkers wages A togiveoutB giveupC givingout C B C 1 Themanestablishedafactoryinourvillagelastyear Theman afactoryinourvillagelastyear 2 Weneedtothinkupsomeideas Weneedto some


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