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1、 高考英语模拟试卷 题号IIIIIIIVV总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)ASECONDARY PROGRAMS & RESOURCES PRESENTATION - EXPIORING WILD)-LIFE CONSERVATION (1 HOUR)3 per student plus admission,Learn about several of the Toronto Zoosconservation projects that are working tosave endangered species200 AMBASSALDOR SIULENT VOLUNIE

2、EKSThe Toronto Zoo is looking for secondarystudents who enjoy interacting with people toasist at spccia Ieventsand our summer2ooCampFor more information, email tzvolunteers torontozoo ca,HALF-DAY WORKSHOP一CLIMATECHANGE4 per student plus admission Studentswill learn about natural and human causescont

3、ributing to climate change and the effectit is having on ecosystemsGREEN TECHNOLOCY TOUR (I HOUR)2 per atulecat plus edmissiun,Learn about siustainable(可持续的) develop-ment practices while visiting a few ot thegreen projects perfurmed at the Zoo,GUIDED TOURS Endangered SpeciesEvolution Climate ChangeW

4、ildlife Health CentreAll tours can be adapted lor students with special needs or English as a second lan guageZOO SCHOOIStudents can corn tbeir grode 11 biology credit in the summer at the Torunto Zoo!This unique experience includeg behind-the-scenes tours, getting close to animalecareer discussions

5、 with Zoo staff and interactive classroom discussions2019Repistration now open2020Registration dotails gvnilahleearly 2019For registration deteils, pleaac vieit: toron-tozoo com/ educationandcamps/ zooschoolSECONDARY LEVEI ASSIGNMENTSFREE to download from websiteChallenge your students to observe ,r

6、ead, think, record data, and make theirown discoveries at the ZooWILDLIFE HEALTH CENTREEducate your students about the vital behind-the scenes work of the 7oos wildlife sciencc specialists, including reproductive sciencesnutritional physiology and conservation andwildife research Viewing times may v

7、ary Please call 416 - - 392- - 5932 for 0rrent informationFull program descriptions available at torontozoocom or email schools torontozoo cafor more informatiion1. What opportunity can students get according to the text? _ A. Helping in the summer Zoo CampB. Feeding and training animals in the zooC

8、. Volunteering in the zoos routine workD. Earning their grade 10 biology credit2. How much does a program about climate cost? _ A. Free of chargeB. 2C. 3D. 43. How can people get all the program information? _ A. Call 416-392-5932B. Visit:torontozoocomC. Email tzvolunteerstorontozoocaD. Visit:toront

9、ozoocom/educationandcamps/zooschoo1BI have three kids and a great husband and Im enjoying a career that I find challenging and fun To the outside world, this feels like success But there is still a voice in my heart asking if this is who I truly am Only in silence do I hear the self and wonder who t

10、hat person might be So I booked a trip to find out I travelled, for the first time, without my husband or kids I went to Iceland with a friend, who shares an appreciation for wilderness and silence For six days, we were immersed (沉浸) in wild, raw scenery and real weather - all kinds of weather Climb

11、ing a mountain against rain and returning to a tent for a simple meal reminds you how little you actually need And how strong it feels to be uncomfortable sometimes I found silence in Iceland, and time to consider the me outside of career and the me outside of kinds as I shared stories with stranger

12、s When I stopped talking and just listened, I became more generous I learned that choosing to be generous can create more space, more food and more warmth But I didnt really gain any better appreciation of what I want from life or my job I suspect the anxiety that drove me to seek silence in Iceland

13、 was losing sight of my ability to choose gratitude and joy, and to be present in the challenges I set in my career and my family I came home to noise, rush and love, with no less confusion on who I want to be I know the answer isnt waiting out there on the top of a mountain in Iceland The answer is

14、 in front of me with every step on my own lifes path, and in every choice I make4. Why did the author take a trip to Iceland? _ A. To gain a new experienceB. To enjoy family happinessC. To appreciate natural beautyD. To better understand herself5. What do we learn about the authors trip? _ A. Exciti

15、ngB. DifficultC. RelaxingD. Adventurous6. What change happened to the author? _ A. She felt lonelierB. She felt more anxiousC. She became more confidentD. She became more caring7. What will the author do in the future? _ A. Go back to natureB. Face reality bravelyC. Travel to Iceland more oftenD. Pay less attention to her feelingsCIn America,the number of people killed in car crashes in 2016 was above 40,000 for the first time in a decade,data r


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