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1、Unit 1 What s the matter 重点短语 1 发烧 2 咳嗽 3 牙疼 4 切到自己 5 我的头感到热 6 受凉 感冒 7 胃疼 8 背疼 9 喉咙痛 10 躺下来休息 11 喝加蜂蜜的热茶 have a fever have a cough cough have a toothache cut oneself my head feels very hot have a cold have a stomachache have a sore back have a sore throat lie down and rest drink hot tea with honey 1

2、2 躺下来休息 13 看牙医拍X 光片 14 量体温 15 在伤口上面敷药 16 听起来像 17 从 中休息 18 以同样姿势坐太久没休息 19 看 躺在马路边 20 大声呼救 21 没有多想 22 下车 23 有心脏病 24 使 惊讶的是 lie down and rest see a dentist and get an X ray take one s temperature put some medicine a bandage on the cut sound like take breaks away from sit in the same way for too long wi

3、thout moving see sb lying on the side of the road shout for help without thinking twice get off have a heart problem to one s surprise 25 多亏了 由于 26 及时 27 考虑挽救生命 28 造成麻烦 29 立刻马上 30 因为事故丢命 31 离开 32 踢球时受伤 33 头部受击 34 摔倒 thanks to in time think about saving a life get into trouble right away lose his lif

4、e because of accidents get out of hurt oneself when playing soccer get hit on the head fall down 35 感到恶心 36 流鼻血 37 呼吸困难 38 对登山运动感兴趣 39 习惯冒险 40 用完 用尽 41 愿意做某事 42 以便 43 掌管 管理 44 在困境中 feel sick have a nosebleed have problems breathing be interested in mountain climbing be used to taking risks run out o

5、f be ready to do so that be in control of in a difficult situation 45 继续爬山 46 做出决定 47 用刀切除半个右胳膊 48 放弃 keep on climbing mountains make a decision Use his knife to cut off half his right arm give up Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks 重点短语 1 打扫城市公园 2 去医院看望生病的孩子让他们振奋起来 3 在食物库分发食物 4 推迟做计划 5 张贴标志

6、 6 志愿做某事 7 制作通知并发出去 8 单独旅行 感到孤独 9 放弃几个小时 10 想出一个计划 11 打电话 clean up the city parks visit sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up give out food at the food bank put off making a plan put up a sign volunteer to do make some notices and hand them out feel lonely travel alone give up several hours com

7、e up with a plan call up 12想成为兽医 13动物医院 14有助于某人找到将来理想的工作 15学习更多关于照顾动物的 技能 16产生如此强烈的满足感 17看见动物恢复 18愉快的表情 19在主人的脸上 want to be an animal doctor an animal hospital it can help him to get his future dream job to learn more about how to care for animals get such a strong feeling of satisfaction see the an

8、imals get better the look of joy on the owners faces 20在4岁时 21参加志愿者选拔 22课外阅读小组 23经历不同的旅程 24在这当志愿者是一个梦想 25做我喜欢做的事情 26 在同时 at the age of four try out for a volunteer after school reading program go on a different journey Volunteering here is a dream I can do what I love to do at the same time 27被设立 被创

9、办 28使 成为可能 29产生了很大的影响 30平常的事情 31帮我解决了困难 32对 感动兴奋 33用尽 34像 35修理 36赠送 was set up make it possible make a big difference normal things help me out be excited about run out of take after fix up give away 37六个月的训练 38给他指令 39他的一张照片 40我的一位朋友 41改变我的生活 42因为你的仁慈 six months of training give him orders a photo o

10、f him a friend of mine change my life because of your kindness Unit 3could you please clean your room 1 刷盘子 2 扫地 3 倒垃圾 4 整理床铺 5 叠衣服 6 打扫起居室 7 用它 8 至少看完节目 9 在外面呆的晚 10 搭车 do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room work on it at least finish w

11、atching this show stay out late get a ride 11生某人的气 12解决问题 13扔下我的书包 14我一坐在电视前 15我和你一样累 16惊讶地 17反复 频繁 18我也没做 19生气的回答 20需要分享家务 be angry with sb solve the problem throw down my bag the minutes I sat down in front of the TV In surprise all the time neither did I reply angrily as tired as you are need to

12、share the housework 21和 闲逛 22传给某人某物 23从某人借某物 24借给某人某物 25买饮料和甜点 26邀请朋友去晚会 27用你的CD唱机 hang out with pass sb sth pass sth to sb borrow sth from sb lead sb sth lend sth to sb buy drinks and snacks invite my friends to a party use your CD player 28 让某人帮助做某事 29 如今 30 有足够的压力 有时间做某事 31 浪费时间 让某人做某事 32 把时间花费在学

13、业上 33 为了取得好成绩 34 上个好大学 35 对某人来说没必要做某事 36 介意做某事 37为某人提供某物 make sb help with sth these days have enough stress from a waste of time spend time on doing schoolwork in order to get good grades get into a good university there is no need for sb to do mind doing sth provide sth for sbprovide sb with sth h

14、ave time to do let sb do 38做某事是不够的 39依靠 40发展孩子的独立性 41照顾他们自己 42理解公平的想法 43尽到保持它干净和整洁的责任 44照顾 45结果 46生病 47越早 越好 48成绩下降 it s not enough to do depend on develop children s independence look after themselves understand the idea of fairness do part in keeping it clean and tidy take care of as a result fall

15、 ill the earlier the better grades drop 3a 3c Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man At 9 00 a m yesterday bus No 26 Zhanghua Road when the driver an old man 躺在路边 A woman him The bus driver 24 year old Wang Ping the bus He off and the woman She that the man a heart problem and to the hospital was

16、 going along was shouting for help saw next to without thinking twice asked stopped got what happened should go had said 3a 3c Mr Wang he quickly He the passengers that he the man to the hospital He most or all of the passengers and the next bus But令他惊讶的是 they all with him Some passengers Mr Wang the man onto the bus told had to act knew expected must take to get off helped agreed to go wait for to move 3a 3c 多亏了 Mr Wang and the 乘客 the doctors the man 及时时 It s sad that many people don t want to



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