湖南省道县沙田中学人教高中英语必修四教案:unit3 Language study II (using language) .doc

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1、单元(章节)课题Unit 3A taste of English humour本节课题Language study II (using language)课标要求Learn to use the useful words and expressions correctly.三维目标1.Students will be able to learn to use words and phrases.2. Train students ability of making sentences.3.Develop students mind of overcoming difficulties.教材分析

2、This reading passage introduces the ways to express the humour. Students will be encouraged to read the passage and finish the reading exercises. And during this process, students reading abilities can be improved.学情分析Students have known some basic information about the humor, but they may have trou

3、ble in understanding the reading passage. So discussing in groups will make it much easier for them to understand the passage.教学重难点Enable students to learn to use words and expressions correctly.提炼的课题Improve students skills of using words and expressions.教学手段运用教学资源选择textbook workbook PPT教学过程环节学生要解决的

4、问题或任务教师教与学生学教师个性化修改Step1RevisionStep2Self-learning (Individual work)Step3Students showStep4ExplanationStep5PracticeStep6 Discussion(Group work)Step7Evaluation1.Review the reading passage.2.Be able to pronounce the new words and expressions. Find out the difficult points in the key sentencesMake thei

5、r own sentences by using these words and expressions correctly to find out their problems.Learn the key points and difficult points.Be able to do the vocabulary exercises.Make it clear what they learned in the class.Read the new words and expressions together.Learn the useful words and expressions i

6、n the second reading passage by students themselves.Ask students to translate some sentences using important words and expressions.Give some hints and the main structure of each sentences.Discuss their sentences in groups of six to see if there are any mistakes.Correct studentssentences and evaluate the best group.课堂检测内容Page 49 Exercise 5课后作业布置Memorize new words and expressions in this unit.预习内容布置Preview listening on page 14 & page48 of workbook.



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