湖北省武汉为明学校高二上学期英语备课综合:Book 5 Unit3 language points 2导学提纲 .doc

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1、为明学校学生课堂导学提纲( 英语 学科)编号: 15 2018年 10 月 日 编制人:课题:B5U3 Language points 2班级: 姓名: 小组: 评价: 【学习目标】1. Get some usages of key words and phrases in the passage. 2. Make up sentences with new words and phrases.【重点难点】重点:settle, lose sight of, speed up, Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first fe

2、w days.难点:Grasp the usages of new phrases and sentences.【导学流程】1、 基础感知Part 1 Useful phrases1. 接受;拿起;开始;继续_ 2. 因此;结果_3. 与相似_ 4. 剩下很少的氧气_5. 立刻;马上_ 6. 向四面八方_7. 消失;看不见_ 8. 打扫;横扫_Part 2 Change the wordprevious adj.在前的;早先的_adv.在前地;早先地impress v给以印象_n印象;感想;印记_adj.给人印象深刻的constant adj_adv.不断地surround vt._surro

3、unding adj.周围的_n周围的事物;环境adjust vt.调整;适应_n调节;调整adjustable adj.可调节的2、 深入学习1. settle v.解决,定居,安排 n.解决,处理,协议,和解,定居点 _ They might be willing to settle out of court. 他们或许愿意庭外和解。Its _ (settle) then. Ill go back to the States in June. 那就这么定了,我六月份回美国。Many Jewish people settled in the Lower East Side. 许多犹太人在(纽

4、约曼哈顿)下东区定居。The dog settled _ the grass to enjoy its bone.那条狗舒服地在草地上享受骨头的美味。2. lose sight of看不见catch sight of. . . _ at first sight _ at the sight of. . . _ in/within sight _ out of sight _1).I _her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.2).The dog barks_strangers.3). I watched until I_t

5、he train.4). There was no garage_, so I hitched a lift into town.3. speed up 加速 减速 _at a speed of. . . 以的速度at high/low speed 以高低速The car moved _fifty kilometers an hour. 4. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. 因为担心旅程,开始的头几天我很不安。此处Worried about the journey表_,相当于一个_从句_。5.

6、 Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. 很快我又重新振作起来,跟随他领取了一部由电脑控制的气垫车。1) back on ones feet _2) driven by computer 在句中作_,相当于一个_从句:The suggestion _ was adopted by the manager. 外国专家所提出的建议被经理采纳了。6. Just at that moment I had a “time lag” flash

7、back and saw the area again as it had been in the year AD 2008. 就在那一时刻,我得了时间滞后症,在我脑海里,这个地方又闪回到了公元2008年。as it had been in the year AD 2008是_从句,修饰主句I saw the area again; as it had been是由as it be变来的,as it be表示“按照原样;照旧;像”。The situation is _ before. 形式还是原来那样。7. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a comput

8、er screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.王平闪了一下电脑屏幕上的开关,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来。此处as if 引导的是一个省略的_从句其完整句子是_。8. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 由于太累了,我倒在床上马上就睡着了。Exhausted作_, 相当于一个_ 从句_ 。fell fast asleep酣睡。fast 常与fall asleep搭配表示睡的程度深。1) _, the child

9、ren _ at once.由于太激动了,孩子不能马上入睡。2) 太失望了,这位老人一句话也说不出来。_, the old man couldnt say a word.三、迁移运用II. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. They all felt _ (settle) because there was no information about their money.2. His request received a _ (swiftly) answer.3. I was deeply _ (impression) by that film.4. Those poor children

10、 had never had cheerful _ (surround).5. When I was young, I always saw the stars through the _ (open) in the roof.6. He talked _ (constant) about the football match which was just finished.IV. 列句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. John took down art while at school.2. A letter has been written to him, invites him to the party.3. The professor came into the classroom, following by his students.4. Taking good care of, the old man is living a happy life.5. The man kept silent in the room unless speaking to.问题记录



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