六年级下册英语教学设计Unit3 B Let's talk人教PEP

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《六年级下册英语教学设计Unit3 B Let's talk人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语教学设计Unit3 B Let's talk人教PEP(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Where did you go? B Lets talk 备课人:教材简析1、 热身1.听本单元歌曲。(歌曲出现了本课的两个重点句型Where did you go? What did you do?)2.free talk (师生共同回忆并说出上节课两个微视频中的细节Where did I go over my winter holiday and what did I do there? Where did Wu Yufan go over the summer holiday and what did he do there?)设计意图:复习本单元学过的词组和句型,为接下

2、来的小组操练打好基础;降低本节课的学习难度,以旧引新。2、 导入来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K由热身环节出现的Wu Yifan去香港旅游,引出问题“Where did Sarah go over her holidays?” 播放Lets try录音,回答课本26的两个问题“What are they talking about? Who did Sarah buy gifts for?”再次播放Lets try录音,回答问题“What did Sarah do there? How did she go there?设计意图:提高学生捕捉关键信息的能力。3、 新课呈现1.由Sarah假期去游

3、玩,自然地过渡到Amy寒假也去游玩了,以此引出正文。播放动画,回答问题Where did Amy go last winter holiday?How did she go there?What did she do there?2.再播放一遍动画,回答问题How was the beach in Sanya?3.看课本,回答问题What did Amy do on the first day over her winter holiday?What did Amy do on the second day ?What did Amy do on the third day ?What did

4、 Amy do on the fourth day ?设计意图:锻炼学生从课本的插图中提取有用信息的能力;巩固用第三人称转述的能力。3、 操练对话1. 听录音,跟读对话2.跟老师读对话,老师随时纠正学生不正确发音。3.四人一小组分角色朗读对话。4.表演对话。四、巩固提升来源:学科网1.回答问题。四人一小组以推磨的形式回答以下问题,每个人既是提问者也是回答者。Where did you go over your winter holiday?Who did you go with?How did you go there?来源:学科网ZXXKWhat did you do there? 来源:学

5、。科。网Z。X。X。K2. 根据给出的照片,在小组内编一个对话并表演出来。3. Talk aout your winter holiday.想一想你的寒假都去了哪里,怎么去的,和谁去的,在哪里都干了些什么事情,在你的小组内说一说,老师选一两名学生到讲台和全体学生一起分享他的寒假生活。同时要教育学生学会安排自己的寒假生活,珍惜时间等。5、 板书设计Unit 3 Where did you go? B Lets talkWhere did you go.? I went to.How did you go there? I went there by.What did you do ? I.beach六、当堂检测配套:P23, 1、2来源:学,科,网 P25, 77、 家庭作业1.背会对话2.预习B read and write



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