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1、闽教版小学英语六年级下册Unit4Unit6复习归纳:(词语和词组)食物:可乐Coke西红柿tomato糖果candy(水果、蔬菜等的)汁juic 形容词:辽阔的vast迟的late壮丽的grand疾驰的speeding波涛起伏的rolling健康的healthy动词:想念miss谈论:谈话talk回来come back(单足或齐足)跳hop得到get说say尝试try动词过去式:Get的过去式gotSay的过去式said名词:小溪stream饮食diet人民people跳绳skip土地land锻炼exercise在10月1号on October 1st在早上in the morning九曲溪

2、the Jiuqu Stream爬山climb the mountains乘竹筏go on a raft trip到学校get to school 起床get up今天早上this morning 吃早饭have breakfast 去跑步go running 打篮球或踢足球play basketball or football好的饮食习惯good diet去上学go to school句子:1.10月1日我们乘火车到了武夷山。On October 1st , we went to Wuyishan by train.2早上我们爬了山,还去看了瀑布。In the morning we clim

3、bed the mountains and went to see the waterfalls.3.下午我们乘竹筏沿九曲溪漂流而下。In the afternoon we went on a raft trip down the Jiuqu Stream.4.我们很想念你。We miss you.5.你们今天都做了什么?What did you do today?6.你们去看瀑布了吗?Did you go to see the waterfalls?7.那真是有趣极了。It was very interesting.8.你什么时候回来?When did you come back? 9.我知

4、道你会过得很愉快的。Im sure you had a good time.10.从山上,我们看到了许多竹筏沿溪而下。From the mountains, we saw many rafts going down the stream.11.我们听了关于山水的有趣故事。We listened to interesting stories about the mountains and the stream.12.在路上我们拍了许多照片。On the way we took many photos.13.李红通常早上6点30分起床。Li Hong usually gets up at 6:30

5、 in the morning 14.但是今天早上7点30分才起床。But this morning she got up at 7:30.15.“对不起我迟到了。”李红说。“Im sorry Im late,” Li Hong said.16.但是今天早上她没有吃早饭。But this morning she did n t have breakfast.17.但是她今天7点40分去学校。她上学迟到了。But today she went to school at 7:40.She was late for school.18她通常在6:30起床。She usually gets up at

6、 6:30.19.今天早上她什么时候起床?When did she get up this morning?20.李红经常什么时候起床? When does Li Hong usually get up?21.王涛看起来很强壮、很健康。Wang Tao looks strong and healthy.22.他爱锻炼。他经常锻炼。Yes. He loves sports. He often exercises.23.他有去游泳吗?Does he go swimming?24.他擅长运动。Hes good at sports.25.让我们来讨论一下我们的饮食习惯。Lets talk about

7、our diet.26.今天早餐你吃了什么?What did you have for this morning?27.这是不好的饮食习惯。你要每天都吃蔬菜。Thats not a good diet. You must have vegetables every day.28.它对你的牙齿不好。Its bad for your teeth.29.但是他们对你有好处。But they are good for you.30.那是不好的饮食习惯。尝试米饭,面条,肉,鱼,蔬菜和水果汁。Thats not a good diet. Try rice, noodles, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit juice.



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