六年级下册英语一课一练Unit 2 Lesson 11 An Old Man and a Wolf冀教版一起含答案

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1、Unit 2 Tell Me a StoryLesson 11 An Old Man and a Wolf同步练习来源:Z*xx*k.Com 阅读理解Readandwrite. 来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&KMrLi: Welcometothezoo.Therearemanyanimals.John: Iseetwotigers.Theyareswimming.MrLi: Herecometwoelephants.John: Whataretheydoing?MrLi: Theyaredrinkingwater.Canyouseethemonkey?John: Yes. Itsswinging

2、.MrLi: Doyouseethekangaroo?John: Yes.Itsjumping.Itsfun.A)Answerthequestions. 请回答下面问题。1.Whatisthekangaroodoing?2.Whatarethetigersdoing?3.WhatdoesJohnsee? 翻译句子1. 我想要一些面条和饺子。Ilikesomeand . 完成对话1. A: _ will go to Dalian with you? B: My parents. 2. A: Will you visit a friend next Friday? B: Yes, I _. 改写单

3、词1. _ (tell) ustherulesofthecompetition.2.Thereare _ (many)bicyclesthancarsintheworld. 识图填空1. Sometimes I _ _after school.2. I _ _for my friends yesterday.来源:学。科。网参考答案 阅读理解A) 1、解析:由题可知,袋鼠正在蹦蹦跳跳。 答案:The kangaroo is jumping.2、解析:原文告诉我们老虎正在游泳。 答案:Tigers are swimming.3、解析:他看到一群老虎、一只猴子和一只袋鼠。 答案:He sees tigers, a monkey and a kangaroo.来源:Z+xx+k.Com 翻译句子1、解析:表达自己的愿望。答案:would, noodles, dumplings 完成对话1、解析:提问谁和自己一起去大连。答案:Who2、解析:回答一般疑问句。答案:will 改写单词1、解析:这应该是一个祈使句。答案:Tell2、解析:than的存在说明应该是比较级。答案:more 识图填空来源:学科网1、解析:图片告诉我们她在洗衣服。答案:wash clothes2、解析:图片有present的单词,是在买礼物。答案:bought presents


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