六年级下册英语教案unit3 lesson9 第一课时北京课改版

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1、UNIT THREE LETS LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE Lesson 9 第一课时 一、教学内容:1.主题课文:2.功能句型:What can we do then?We should stop using plastic bags.3.词汇:单词:date, protect, stop, litter, answer, clean词组:save our planet, World Earth Day, protect the environment, stop using plastic bags, litter in public places, need more

2、trashcans二、教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标: 1. 能听、说、读、写本课要求掌握的6个单词:date, protect, stop, litter, answer, clean认读save our planet, World Earth Day, protect the environment, stop using plastic bags, litter in public places, need more trashcans,并能在交际中运用。2. 能听懂、会说What can we do then? We should stop using plastic bags.并能在

3、实际情景中应用。3. 能理解课文内容,能用正确的语调朗读对话。(二)过程与方法目标: 1. 通过语音、动作、举例、看图的方法帮助学生学习理解有关环保方面的新单词。来源:学#科#网2. 通过情景创设,使学生运用情态动词进行环保会话。 3. 通过释义、听、跟读、模仿录音、小组合作、表演等形式帮助学生理解课文,朗读对话。(三)情感态度价值观目标: 通过保护环境话题的学习和操练,提高学生对保护地球的意义的认识,增强环保意识。三、教学重难点:(一)重点: 1. 能听懂、会说 What can we do to protect the environment? 及回答:We shouldWe should

4、nt并能在实际情景中应用。2. 情态动词can, may, must, could, should及其否定式在环保情景中的正确使用。(二)难点: 1. 能准确读出“environment”2. 能在环保情景中正确使用情态动词can, may, must, could, should, would及其否定式。四、教具准备:录音机、磁带、有关环保情境的教学课件、新单词earth, save , planet,protect, energy, litter, throw的单词卡。五、教学过程: (一)Warming up活动一:头脑风暴活动目标:通过复习有关大自然的单词,为新知识作铺垫。实施方法及师

5、生预设语言:T: Who can say a word like “tree”?S: grass, sky, water, mountain, river, lake活动二:有问必答活动目标:通过图片的对比选择及原因,自然导入本课环保话题。实施方法及师生预设语言:Play the software, show two pictures. T: Which picture do you like better? Why?S: I like picture2, because the sky is so blue, the river is so cleanT: So do I . I ts ti

6、dier and more beautiful than the other one.What can we do to protect the environment ?(二)Presentation and practice 活动一:学习课文和单词活动目标:通过学习,学生能理解课文内容,用正确的语调朗读对话。实施方法及师生预设语言:1. 初学课文来源:Zxxk.ComT: Listen, what are Yangyang and Guoguo talking about? (Play the recorder) Answer the questions.Play the recorder

7、,answer the question1: When is World Earth Day?S: April 22nd is World Earth Day.Play the recorder,answer the question2: What can we do to protect the environment?S: We can save water, energy, and paper.S: We shouldnt throw litter on the ground. 2. 深入理解对话Play the recorder(1) Learn the new words1) sav

8、e (save water, save electrical, save paper)并附加图片,让学生猜测save 在词组中的含义。It is different to the word “safe”. Pay attention to their meanings and pronunciations.safe /f/ save /v/2) planet 、earth Here planet means earth ( play the software, show the picture) Play the software. The earth is one of the planet

9、s. The earth is turning around the sun. 3) protect keep a person or thing safe. (e.g.: protect trees, protect wild animals, protect environment) 利用肢体语言及举例帮助学生理解单词4) Understand the word: environment (e.g.: home environment, working environment, social environment) 举例帮助学生理解单词Pay attention the pronunci

10、ation of “environment”, read it after the teacher, and then read it one by one. 帮助学生正音5) Learn the words: energy ( e.g. oil, nature gas) throw litter 通过举例、动作及图片帮助学生理解单词(2) Learn the sentences: What can we do to protect the environment? We shouldnt throw litter on the ground. 学生解释句意;跟读;模仿录音朗读;句型操练Wha

11、t can we do to protect the environment? We can/should/mustWe cant/shouldnt/mustnt提示学生情态动词及其否定式后跟动词原形。设计意图:理解和操练本课主要单词和句型,在操练过程中,帮助学生理解单词和句型的含义,提高学生的语言表达能力。活动二:练习并表演课文对话 活动目标:在理解对话内容的基础上进行机械操练,能够用正确的语音语调与他人进行环保交流。实施方法:1. 逐句播放对话录音,请学生跟读,提醒学生注意对话的语音语调;2. 教师和两名学生分别扮演Guoguo 和Yangyang 示范表演对话;3. 开展小组活动,分角色

12、练习对话,老师巡视指导;4. 请准备好的小组表演对话;5. 老师进行评价。设计意图:英语课程标准中强调让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作的方式,实现任务目标,感受成功。形成积极的学习态度,促进语言运用能力的提高。(三)Production活动:创编对话。活动目标:在语言综合表述的基础上,创编有关环保的情景对话,使所学功能句得以巩固,同时增强学生的环保意识。实施方法:1. 请学生仔细看范文。Tom: Whats the date today, Mary?Mary: Its April 22nd.Tom: Oh, today is World Earth Day.来源:Zxxk

13、.ComMary: What can we do to protect the environment?Tom:We should save water. We shouldnt waste it.2.模仿编写对话。2. 教师利用实物投影点评学生的对话编写情况。设计意图:通过创编对话,进行语言输出。使学生形成积极的学习态度,获得成功的喜悦,促进语言运用能力的提高。(四)Homework来源:学科网1. Listen and read the text after the tape.2. Copy the new words and new text.3. Recite the new words and new text 4. Prepare the story来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K六、板书设计Lesson 9What can we do then?We should stop using plastic bags.七、课后反思


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