六年级上英语教案Unit 2 Ways to go to schoo 第5课时人教PEP

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1、英语 六年级上册Unit 2Ways to go to schoolPeriod 5Content B Read and write Tips for pronunciation教学目标要求来源:Z_xx_k.Com1能在阅读整篇文章的基础上,学习新的语言知识点by ferry, by sled。2能够在图片帮助下读懂短文,并完成相应的练习。3帮助学生初步感知各个国家、地区学生不同的上学方式,并学会制作海报。4能够在意群中正确朗读课文,重点学会连读。教学重点能在阅读整篇文章的基础上,学习新的语言知识点by ferry, by sled教学难点帮助学生初步感知各个国家、地区学生不同的上学方式,并

2、学会制作海报教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用资源使用说明Warm up时间10m1Watch and say.来源:学科网ZXXKWatch and say the words and phrases.来源:Z+xx+k.Com看动画复习巩固所学过的一些交通方式。来源:学&科&网播放课件。2复现相关词汇Free talk问题逐个呈现,学生和学生之间进行对话。1. How do we get to Hangzhou?2. What should we do at a red light?3. How do we get to the cinema from your home?

3、4. How do you come to school?播放课件。3Ask and answer.T: How many ways to go to school can you think of?教师先让学生自己总结一下已经学过的交通方式。然后将学生最常出现的上学方式呈现出来。然后教师引出:There are also some other ways to go to school in the world. Do you want to know them? Now, Lets go and have a look.播放课件。Readand write时间20m4Look and lea

4、rn.Show Ss a map of the world, 4 countries. Point and say.出示给学生看世界地图,着重介绍四个国家。通过PPT的点击,先大致了解四个国家的位置,给学生一个整体的概念与感知。China 简单就过。(1)语音教学Alaska。T: Its in the USA. It snows a lot. Its so cold there.(2)语音教学Germany. er ger Germany.T: Its a big country, and its very strong.(3)语音教学Scotland. O, o /C/.T: Its sm

5、all but beautiful. And there is an island named “Papa Westray”(语音教学Westray). TIP:建议此处可做几张词卡,让学生边学边读,边贴于黑板上。课件运用。5Read and answer.借助于PPT,分别呈现四个地区的短文介绍,熟悉短文内容,了解四个不同地方学生上学的交通工具。How do children go to school in Munich / Alaska / Jingxi, China / Papa Westray?顺势提问How does Robin go to school?与上面进行对比,并为后面的练

6、习做铺垫。 播放课件。6Read and choose.1. In Alaska, USA. Some kids go to school_.2. In Jiangxi, China. Some kids go to school _.3. In Munich, Germany. Some children go to school _.4. In Papa Westray, Scotland. Some children go to school _ in 2009.播放课件。7Read and answer.Read again then answer the questions.让学生再

7、次理解文章大意,回答书本的两个问题。1. How many ways to go to school can you find in the text?2. Does everyone in the text go to school?播放课件。8Listen and repeat.播放录音,让学生先看书本,划出升降调和连读(教师可适当提醒连读)。播放课件。9Lets discuss.T: There are 3 ways to go to school, which one do you like?On foot? By sled? By ferry?根据回答,让学生先给出相对应的建议。最后一起跟着录音读一读这些注意事项。播放课件。Tips forpronunciation时间9m10Listen, look and say.跟读录音,注意录音中的升降掉,在课文找出更多的例子。播放课件。作业时间1m11Homework.1听读故事,选择其中的两段背诵。2从本单元里找出更多符合连读规律的句子或短语并读一读。播放课件。


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