六年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance 第一课时湘少版

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1、教师授课时间 月 日 星期 课时第 17 课时课题Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance.课型新授教学目的(一) 语言目标1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词dancing room, move . with the music, put arms out, step on ones foot。2. 句型:能在情境中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something ”表达人物的意愿。(二) 应用目标1. 能在教师引导下完整地阅读和理解课文A部分故事。2. 能在读懂故事的基础上领悟故事的内涵和道理;培养学生克服困难的勇气和乐于助人的优良品质。3. 能在表格的提示下口头复

2、述故事。重点调动学生的思维,理解文本,并挖掘出文本的内涵。难点学生用英语说出自己克服困难的某次经历。教学准备教学图片、教学动画、图表示例等。教学过程Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. 头脑风暴教师问学生的爱好,学生纷纷说出自己的爱好,激活原有的背景知识,熟悉文本中部分语言知识点。让学生尽可能多地罗列与本主题相关的信息。T: Whats your hobby?S1: I like singing.S2: I like painting.S3: I like playing basketball.S5: I like dancing.T: I like dancing

3、, too. But Im not good at it. Are you good at dancing?S5: Yes, I am.T: Can you show us?(请一位学生展示几个舞蹈动作)T: You can dance very well. I want to dance like you. Can you teach me?S5: OK.教师请学生示范,大家跟着一起学做动作。教师可以配上相应的英语解说,并板书在黑板上。dance togethermove your legsput your arms outlisten tomusic jump highturn aroun

4、dstand onone footStep 2 新课呈现(Presentation)1. Pre-reading(1) 预测:看图说话教师出示A部分的三幅教学图片,并提出问题,让学生根据已有的信息对文章的内容进行预测。教师出示图1 (玲玲跳舞、安娜在旁边看的图片),提出问题:What was Lingling doing? (Lingling was dancing.)What did Anne want to do? (Anne wanted to dance.)教师出示图2 (玲玲跳舞的图片),提出问题:Can Lingling dance very well? (Yes, she can

5、 dance very well.)How did she dance?(学生可用热身时黑板上出现的舞蹈动作短语来描述,也可以用中文描述。)教师出示图3 (安娜踩住玲玲的脚的图片),提出问题:Can Anne dance very well? Why?经过讨论,学生一致认为:Anne cant dance very well because she fell over.新 课 标 第 一 网教师对于学生的推断给予充分肯定,同时又抛出新问题:What happened then?学生们纷纷猜测结局,答案五花八门。带着好奇心,学生开始阅读故事。2. While-reading(1) 略读略读的目的

6、就是对阅读材料进行快速扫描并获得主旨大意。学生在教师的引导下学会找到关键词去推断句子内容以及找到关键句去推断整篇文章的大意。教师借助图文并茂的阅读文本,引导学生边看边感知故事。教师再次询问阅读前提出的问题。T: Can Anne dance very well? Why?教师列出预期的结果,让学生根据短文内容做出判断(T or F)。Yes, she can dance very well.No. She stepped on Linglings foot.在文字的帮助下,学生终于解开谜团,找到了答案:No. She stepped on Linglings foot.X k B 1 . c

7、o m板书step on ones foot并带读。(2) 寻读寻读的目的就是教会学生在阅读材料中快速找到特定的信息,如人名、地点、日期等。学生再次快速阅读短文,带着问题在文中寻找答案,完成表格。Time (时间)One dayPlace (地点)In the dancing roomCharacters (人物)Lingling and AnneReason (原因)Anne wanted to dance like Lingling.How to dance (如何跳舞)Lingling taught Anne to.Result (结果)Anne stepped on Linglings

8、 foot.(3) 细读学生仔细阅读短文,并根据以下提纲在课本上用“/” 给课文标注层次。Anne wanted to dance and she asked Lingling to teach her. Lingling told Anne to dance.Anne tried to dance but she stepped on Linglings foot.在细读时,学生难免会遇到一些生词,为了让学生消除对生词的恐惧,教师可引导学生根据上下文和图片来进行猜测,也可以结合教师的肢体语言来辅助理解,比如玲玲教授舞蹈动作的句子,教师便可以配上舞蹈动作,或者请学生示范相关的舞蹈动作来帮助大家

9、直观理解。在教师的耐心引导下,扫除学生的畏难情绪。T: Who can dance like Lingling?S1: I can put my arms out like this.S2: I can move my hands with the music.S3: I can move my legs with the music.在学生细读后,教师提出问题。T: Do you think Anne can dance well at last? Why?只有在理解并整合全文信息的基础上做出推测,学生的感悟才会得到深化,阅读课的内涵才会得以丰富。3. Post-reading(1) 模仿朗

10、读,熟悉语言,为表演做准备。(2) 根据表格中关键词或句子的提示,两人一组复述故事。(3) 讨论。教师以提问的方式,让学生将所读材料与自己梦想成真的一件事例进行联结,并总结成功的原因和经验。T: What does this story remind you of?(4) 模仿A部分内容,和伙伴们一起创编故事,并表演出来。S1: My brother was playing basketball. I watched him. I wanted to play basketball like him. “Wow, Xiaoming. You can play basketball very well. Can you teach me?S2: OK. Dribble the ball like me. Good. Then shootthe ball into the basket.S1: I cant shoot the ball into the basket.S2: Dont worry. Lets do it again.作业1. 听录音,跟读、背诵课文。2. 和同学一起创编故事,并把创编的故事表演给家人看。板书设计教学后记根据学生的回答,教师板书出一些核心词汇,为后面的学习做铺垫。


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