六年级下英语教案Unit 7A Visit to a Middle School Part A闽教版

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1、Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School文化和语言注释1.本单元的话题是中学学校环境和学习科目,功能为询问和介绍学校信息,谈论学习科目。语法方面复习序数词,复习一般现在时和一般将来时。语音部分复习al,au,aw,or,oor的读音规则。2. Ill show you around our school.(我将带你们参观我们的学校。)show sb. around 是“带领某人参观某处”的意思。如:Will you please show us around the museum?(可否请你带我们参观博物馆?)Uncle Li showed us around his

2、 farm yesterday.(昨天李叔叔带我们参观了他的农场。)3. This is our classroom building.(这是我们的教学大楼。)4. Well study physics at middle school.(我们在中学将学习物理。)study和 learn 都有“学习”的意思,有时可互换,但是在用法上还是有一定的区别。(1)learn 是初级阶段的学习,不涉及研究,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能。learn亦可指向某人学习、从某处学习及学习一门技能等。如:Im learning English.(我在学英语。)Now lets le

3、arn the new words.(现在让我们来学习新单词。)Jane is good at skating. You can learn from her.(简滑冰滑得很好,你可以向她学。)(2)study 是研究或探究性学习,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力、勤奋的意味。其学习对象往往是科学、艺术和需要深入探讨、研究的问题及学科,而不是单纯地获得技巧。另外,study还可以作名词,意思是“研究”。如:He studies computer science.(他学习计算机科学技术。)At college they are very busy with their studies.

4、(在大学里他们忙于他们的研究工作。)(3)在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时,learn 和study可以换用。 如:Well study/learn physics at middle school.(我们在中学将学习物理。)(4)下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换:She studied late at night.(她晚上学习到很晚。)Sally speaks English very well.We can learn from her.(萨莉英语说得很好,我们可以向她学习。)5. Where are the labs?(实验室在哪儿?)lab是labor

5、atory 的简写。6. This way,please.(请这边走。)7. This is a lab for chemistry.(这是化学实验室。)8. Wow,so many bottles!(哇,这么多瓶子!)9. Chemistry must be very interesting.(化学一定很有趣。)(1)在本册教材第18页第三单元B部分曾经学过must 在肯定句中表示“必须”,在否定句中表示“禁止,不允许”,如:You must drink a lot of water.(你必须喝大量的水。)You must take the medicine.(你必须服药。)You have

6、 a fever.You mustnt go to school.(你发烧了,不能上学。)(2)本课学习must 用在肯定句中,表示较有把握的推测,其意思是“一定”,这种推测往往有一定的背景。如:Its late.You must go home now.Your mother must be worried.(时间晚了,你得回家了,你母亲一定很担心。)Tom: Im home,Mom.(妈妈,我回来了。)Mom: Its seven oclock.You must be hungry.(七点了,你一定饿了。)10. Thats Edison,a great inventor. (那是伟大的发

7、明家爱迪生。)在这个句子中 a great inventor是同位语,说明Edison的具体身份。英文中长的同位语一般后置。11.I want to be a scientist like Edison.(我要成为像爱迪生那样的科学家。)这个句子中的like是介词,意思是“像”。12. What a wonderful dream!(多么美好的理想!)这是一个以What开头的感叹句,在本册教材第4单元的B部分学过这种句型,教师可以结合第4单元的内容进行复习。13.课本第55页的韵律诗及其译文如下:来源:学科网ZXXKGeographyGeography is lots of fun!On th

8、e map,I can look for countriesOne by one.地 理地理很有趣!在地图上我可以一个个地寻找不同的国家。Part A来源:Z*xx*k.Com教学目标1.学习单词:chemistry,bottle,Edison,inventor,subject,history,geography。2.学习句型:Youll learn soon. will be my favorite subject.3.学说韵律诗:Geography。4.功能:谈论中学学习的学科及学校场所。重难点1.用英语说出中、小学所有学科的名称。2.用所学语言描述个人喜爱的学科。教具准备1.单词卡片。(

9、1)新单词卡片。(2)小学所有科目的单词卡片。(3)中学所有科目的单词卡片。2.物理、化学、历史、地理等学科教科书各一本。3.本课的课文挂图。4.录音机或多媒体教学光盘。教学过程Step 1 Warming up1.师生互致问候。2.师生自由对话,如:What is the date today?What will you do in July?What will you do in September?3.揭示课题。(1)教师对全班说:“Youll graduate from our school in July.Ill miss you very much.But Im very happ

10、y that all of you will go to middle school in September.(边说边出示一所中学的图片,贴在黑板上)Today,lets go to visit a middle school.”(2)板书课题:Unit 8 A Visit to a Middle School Part A。(3)教学middle school,并将其板书在图片下方。告诉学生middle意为“中间的,中级的”。Step 2 Review1.复习有关教室的名称。(1)教师对全班说:“There are many school rooms in the middle schoo

11、l. Do you remember the chant: School Rooms? Lets chant together.”教师播放录音,全班学生齐说韵律诗。Where is the computer room?On the seventh floor.Where is the music room?On the fifth floor.Where is the dining room?On the first floor.(2)出示our classroom,our school library和our art room,替换相关词组,请全班学生再说一遍韵律诗。2.复习基数词和序数词。

12、(1)教师出示有关的基数词卡片,学生快速认读。(2)教师出示有关的序数词卡片,学生快速认读。(3)引导学生归纳序数词的构成规律,教师作适当补充。3.复习句型:Where is the? Its on the.(1)教师出示学校各种教室的图片,用Where is/are the?的句型提问,请学生根据学校的实际情况来回答。(2)教师用Which floor do you live on? 的句型提问,请学生根据自己家所居住的楼层来回答。Step 3 Presentation(一)整体感知,学习课文的第一段内容1.教师出示课文第一幅挂图说:“Yang Ming and his classmates

13、 will go to middle school soon.They are visiting a middle school now.Which school is it? Lets go and have a look.”2.教师播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘,学生边听边看书,并小声模仿。3.教师出示问题:Which school are they visiting? 学生找出答案:Sunlight Middle School。教师将黑板上中学图片下面的middle school 改为Sunlight Middle School,提醒学生注意,学校的校名每个单词的首字母都要大写。再列举几所

14、学生熟悉的本地区中学校名,练习说: Middle School。4.请学生读一读第一段内容,教学人物名字Alice Brown和句子Ill show you around our school.引导学生模仿第一段内容说句子,如:Im. Welcome to our school.Ill show you around our school.Im. Welcome to our museum.Ill show you around our museum.(二)再读课文,学习单词physics,lab,study和teachers office1.教师出示课文的第二幅挂图说:“This is th

15、e classroom building of Sunlight Middle School.Which rooms are they talking about? Where are the rooms?”2.请学生带着问题自读课文,然后根据课文内容完成下列表格:Room FloorSchool Libraryon the first floorTeachers Officeson the second floorLabson the ninth floor3.教学词组:teachers office。来源:Z&xx&k.Com(1)出示单词officer来教学单词office和offices。(2)出示Teachers Day和teachers office,请学生读一读,然后复习名词所有格的表达方法,并拓展操练,如:the teachers offices,the police offices等。4.教学单词:physics,lab和study。(1)教师出示图片和卡片教学lab,并出示学校科学实验室的图片,请学生尝试说一说



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