六年级下册英语教案unit4 lesson16第一课时北京课改版

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1、U4 Lesson 16 总课时数:教学内容:1.主题课文: A rainbow2.功能句型: Rainbows are made of sunlight and water. Light from the sun colors our world. Light is made up from the colors of the rainbow.3.词汇:1). 四会词汇:rainbow sunlight water touch color scatter world bounce absorb darkness different indigo violet 2). 认读词汇:be made

2、 of be made up from go away三、教学目标:(一)知识与技能目标:1、学生通过阅读本课有关rainbow的语段,能够认读、理解下列单词和短语:rainbow be made of sunlight water touch color scatter world bounce absorb be made up from go away darkness different indigo violet,并且能够简单运用这些词汇来描述rainbow的组成成分和形成的过程。2、学生通过阅读本课有关rainbow的语段,能够独立或者与好友合作通过书上提供的 water clas

3、s method, Mirror method 和CD method三种方法,尝试着制作出漂亮的彩虹,制作成功后邀请他人一起分享,分享成功的快乐。来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K3、学生能够把制作彩虹的体会简单用英语记录下来,不断积累写作素材,为更好地提高写作能力做准备。4、学生能够阅读rainbow语段,能够正确理解和朗读短文内容,能思考其他制作彩虹的方法。5、学生能够初步掌握在短文中画找信息和新知的阅读方法。6、学生能够利用关键词、关键句对本课内容进行复述。7、学生能够利用电子邮件用英语向朋友描述彩虹的形成以及如何制作彩虹,加强同学间的沟通与交流。(二)过程与方法目标:1、通过听力策略中的预

4、测、监控、检查的方式理解课文相关内容。2、学生通过听录音获取信息,在以第三人称的形式,采用转述的方法,培养学生的综合语言综合运用能力。(三)情感态度价值观目标:能主动与他人交流,以研究探讨彩虹的形成和过程为话题,与他人建立交流和良好人际关系。四、教学重难点:(一)重点:1、功能句型:Rainbows are made of sunlight and water.来源:Z。xx。k.ComLight from the sun colors our world.Light is made up from the colors of the rainbow.2、认读理解词汇:rainbow be m

5、ade of sunlight water touch color scatter world bounce absorb be made up from go away darkness different indigo violet(二)难点:1、对彩虹形成的原理和对课本文段的正确理解。2、成功制作出彩虹。五、教具准备:电子课本、单词卡、彩虹图片视频、制作彩虹的实物如玻璃杯、水、白纸、镜子、手电筒、CD光盘等六、教学过程:(一)Warming up活动一:Pre-reading活动目标:通过语言描述帮助学生复现已学过的有关的词汇、句型,为新语言的学习做好铺垫。实施方法和师生预设语言:T:I

6、t is not a flower, but it is colorful. You cannot see them very often until the rainy days. It will appear in the sky after the rain.S: Its rainbow.活动二:watch a video 来源:学|科|网活动目标:通过观看动态视频,给学生一定的视觉冲击,多彩的事物会给学生留下深刻的印象,为课文学习做铺垫。实施方法和师生预设语言:T: Lets watch a videothe rainbow song S: (watch)T: (show the pi

7、cture of the rainbow) What is it? How many colors does a rainbow have? What are they?S: .T: Today we are going to learn the rainbow.(二)While-reading 活动一:understanding 1 活动目标:边阅读边理解,掌握一定的阅读方法。实施方法和师生预设语言:(阅读第一段,理解彩虹的形成)T:What are rainbows made of?S: .T: Before and after it rains, is there a lot of wa

8、ter in the air? S: .T: When sunlight touches the drop of the water, what happened then?(播放一段散射的物理实验视频-太阳光通过三棱镜,说明light scatters.)活动二:understanding 2 活动目标: 通过问题的设置帮助学生感知理解课文情景,近一步理解大自然中各种颜色的光形成的自然现象。实施方法和师生预设语言:T: Lights from the sun colors our world. Light can bounce, scatter and be absorbed. So wha

9、t s the color of the light?S: .T: When the light is absorbed, it comes back to the same color, what is the color?S:. .When we see the different colors so what happens to the light?活动三:Lets do.活动目标:通过实验的制作,让学生更深切的体验所学的知识,让学生自己发现太阳国的三个颜色。实施方法和师生预设语言:来源:Z+xx+k.ComT: Whats color is the sunlight?S: It is

10、. .2.播放录音,理解对话模仿录音跟读分角色跟读课文3动手做彩虹Rules:l Everyone should speak English.l Group work. One reads the method, the other follows the steps. The rest of the groups members watch carefully and see what happened.l Each group tries different methods to make rainbows.(三)post-reading: 活动一:Including 活动目标:将本课所学

11、语言进行整合,落实于文字进行表达。实施方法和师生预设语言:T: What did you know from this class?S: I knew. .T: How can we get the rainbow without the rain?S:We have more than three methods. We can use the mirror, or the CD. 当堂课监控练习:(4) Homework1、跟录音朗读课文,模仿录音跟读,签字2、为家人制作一次彩虹七、板书设计Lesson 16Rainbows are made of sunlight and water. Light from the sun colors our world. Light is made up from the colors of the rainbow.八、课后反思来源:Z|xx|k.Com



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