六年级下册英语课课练Unit 1How tall are youPart B

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1、一、选出与所给单词同类的一项。() 1. metreA. tallB. oneC. kilogram() 2. shadowA. feet B. stronger C. hall() 3. become来源:学科网A. wear B. mine C. than() 4. smarterA. size B. lower C. heavy来源:学科网来源:学科网() 5. gettingA. hike B. becoming C. amaze二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. My mother is _. Im _ than her. (thin)来源:Zxxk.Com2. This desk

2、is _ than that one. (heavy)3. My ball is _. His ball is _ than mine. (big)4. That boy is _ than us. (strong)5. These shoes are _ than those shoes. (small)6. She gets _ and _ (smart). 三、单项选择。() 1. My feet _ than yours. A. is biggerB. are biggerC. are big() 2. He is 75 _. A. kilogram B. heavy C. kilog

3、rams() 3. The shoes in the shop are so nice. Lets _. A. look at B. have a look atC. have a look() 4. He _ taller and stronger. A. becomeB. is becomingC. becoming() 5. In the evening, the sun gets _. A. lowB. low and lowerC. lower and lower四、句型转换。1. Peter is_50_kilograms. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is Peter?2. Im

4、47 kilograms. Mary is 45 kilograms. (合并成一句)来源:Zxxk.ComIm _ _ Mary. 3. My shoes are size 37. (同义句转换)I wear _ _ _. 4. look, thinner, you, her, than (. ) (连词成句)_五、选择正确的句子补全对话。 A. When will your shadow get longer?B. How heavy are you?C. What happens to Jack?D. What size are your shoes? 六、阅读短文,判断正()误()。A

5、my, Daisy and Lily are good friends. Amy is heavier than Daisy. And she is taller than Daisy. Lily is taller than Amy. She is thinner than Amy. How old are they? Lily is ten years old. Amy is younger than her. Daisy is older than Lily. Who is nine? Who is eleven?They all study in a school. They stud

6、y together. They play together. They all study hard. () 1. There are two children in the story. () 2. D aisy is shorter and heavier than Amy. () 3. Amy is fatter than Lily. () 4. D aisy is eleven years old. () 5. They are good students. 七、写作训练。本单元我们学习了形容词的比较级,下面我们就来用这些词描述我们的朋友吧。范文: My friendsIm Pete

7、r. Im eleven. Im tall. I have two good friends,Bob and Sam. Bob is eleven, too. He is taller and heavier than me. Sam is ten. He is younger than us. He likes playing football. He is stronger than us. He is a good football player. We sometimes play football together. We feel very happy. _答案:一、1. C2.

8、C3. A4. B5. B二、1. thin; thinner2. heavier3. big; bigger4. stronger5. smaller6. smarter; smarter三、1. B点拨:feet是复数,所以谓语动词要用与之对应的复数形式,big的比较级是bigger。2. C点拨:“数字kilograms”用来表示体重,此处kilogram应为复数。3. C点拨:have a look 看。固定搭配。4. B点拨:be doing为现在进行时形式,本句指“正在变得更高更壮”。5. C点拨:“比较级and比较级”意思为“越来越”。四、1. How heavy2. heavier than3. size 37 shoes 4. You look thinner than her. 五、1. B2. D3. A4. C六、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、略



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