六年级上册英语试题Unit1How can I get there单元测试人教PEP

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1、 第一单元复习题 班级_姓名_1 根据要求写做题。1. 能,会 _ 2. 向右转 _ 3. 科学博物馆_4. go straight _ 5. 让我们 _ 6. over there _ 7. 邮局_ 8.书店_ 9. 医院_10. 电影院_ 11.想要做某事_12. 在公园隔壁_ 13. 在学校附近_ 13. 14.买一张明信片_ 15.到达_16. the Italian restaurant_17.十字路口_18. 在桌子上_19.在电影院前面_20.博物馆商店_2 选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前的括号里。( ) 1. I want _ it. A. to send B. sends

2、C. sending( )2.I dont know. _ ask. A. Im B. Ill C. She( )3.What _ beautiful flower! A. an B. a C. the ( )4._ there a school near here? A. Is B. Are C. Does( ) 5. -_ is the library? -Its over there. A. When B. What C. Where( )6.The hospital is in front _ the school. A. on B. of C. to( )7.- How can I

3、_the cinema?Go straight and turn left. A. get to B. get on C. get off( )8. What _interesting film it is! A. a B. an C. the( )9. Where is John?- _ the bookstore. A. Of B. For C. In( ) 10. Turn left _ the cinema. A. on B. of C. at ( )11 If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the _. A. hospital B.

4、library C. cinema ( )12.The restaurant is next to the park _Dongfang Street. A. at B. on C. to ( )13. Is there a post office near here?Yes, _. A. there is B. there isnt C. it is ( )14. -_ has GPS? Robin. A. Who B. How C. Where( )15. Here is a hospital _ my city. A. at B. in C. on( )16.A _doll! How l

5、ovely! A. talking B. talks C. to ( )17.The museum is next _ the cinema. A. for B. in C. to ( )18.Excuse _, where is the bookstore? A. me B. my C. I ( )19. _ can I get _ there? A. How, / B. What, to C. How, /( )20. Is it far _here? A. for B. of C. From( )21.Sarah _ a new compass. A. has B. have C. Do

6、es( )22.We can _ the bookstore. A. give B. help C. Find( )23.Please follow _. A. I B. me C. my( )24.Mary wants her son _ to school. A. to go B. go C. goes 3 连词成句。 1. Where the is library ?_ 2. want buy I book to a. _ 3. near Its the zoo. 4. we, How, can, there, get? _ 5. bookstore, the, Turn, at, le

7、ft_ 6.a, what, museum, great(!) 四句型转换1. I know.(改为否定句) _2. The post office is near the bookstore. (就画线部分提问) _3. There is a hospital near the cinema. (改为一般疑问句) _4. What do you want to buy? (根据提示回答问题) 一支钢笔 _5. Its near the museum shop. (写出同义句) _6. . My bike is over there. (划线部分提问)_7. Mary wants to buy

8、 a book. (同上) _8. Im hungry.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) _五读下面句子,重新排序组成一个完整的对话(10分)A. Where is the nearest restaurant.B. How can we get there?C. OK!D. Im hungry, mum. I want to eat some food. Lets go to the restaurant.E. Turn right at the cinema. Then go straight. Its on the right. F. Its near the KFC. C六、阅读短文,

9、完成地图(10分)First, you can see the science museum. Its next to the bookstore and the post office. The bookstore is behind the cinema. The hospital is in front of the cinema. The library is in front of the science museum. There is a park next to the hospital. The school is next to the park and the library. Its in front of the post office. Let s finish the map. Lets go!1._post officescience museum school4._2. _


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