六年级下册英语教案Unit 2 Lesson 11 An Old Man and a Wolf冀教版一起

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1、Unit 2 Tell Me a StoryLesson 11 An Old Man and a Wolf 教材分析本节课是第二章的第五节内容,通过东郭先生和狼的传统小故事,让孩子们能够在故事中学习英语。 教学目标【知识目标】1、 学会讲述东郭先生和狼小故事,注意人称与时态的变化。2、 掌握本节课出现的动词过去式的变化。【能力目标】指导学生用英语讲述东郭先生和狼的故事。【情感目标】通过对本课的学习,让学生进一步懂得如何用英语讲述小故事,通过东郭先生和狼的故事,掌握故事中出现的重点动词时态变化,还教导学生懂得一些生活的小道理。 教学重难点【教学重点】如何用英语来讲述东郭先生和狼的故事。来源:学科

2、网【教学难点】帮助孩子能够在英语小故事中,不仅学到英语知识还能学到生活道理。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia来源:学科网 教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activitiesPlease describe the picture.Do you like to listen to stories?Step 2. PresentationToday, I will tell you a story about a kind and clever man.The storys name is An old man and a wolf

3、.One day, an old man was walking down a road.来源:学科网ZXXKA wolf ran up to him. “Please hide me” cried the wolf. “Some people are running after me.”Soon, some farmers came running over, They asked the old man, “Did you see a wolf? We have to kill it .It ate our sheep and pigs.” The old man said , “No,

4、I didnt see it .” And so, the farmers left to go on looking for the wolf .The old man opened the bag. The wolf jumped out and said , “Now I am safe .I will eat you” .What are you talking about ?I couldnt breathe in your bag !But I just saved you, didnt I ?I didnt see that !Please show me again!He ju

5、mped into the bag again .来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KThe old man quickly closed the bag and went to look for the farmers.The story is over ,Do you understand , Jenny ?Yes , I understand .Is the farmer clever ?Yes, he is.What can you learn from the story ?来源:Z。xx。k.ComI think the old man is brave and kind .Step 3

6、. DiscussionRead the story again and answer the two questions.1.Is the old man kind or not? What do you think?2.What can you learn from the story?Step4. Summaryrun after , keep quiet ,safe, look for , jump out ,jump into.Step5. HomeworkRewrite the story in your own words. Share it in our next class. 教学反思略。



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