六年级上册英语试题modue 3 Have you got any stamps from China 外研社一起

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《六年级上册英语试题modue 3 Have you got any stamps from China 外研社一起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级上册英语试题modue 3 Have you got any stamps from China 外研社一起(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3(教师版) 姓名:_ 年级:_ 科目:_1、 单词默写(1) 邮票_ (2)簿,册 _ (3)收集 _(4) 爱好 _ (5)太阳 _ (6)岛屿 _(7)椰子 _2、短语默写 1. collecting stamps _ 2. have got _ 3. lots of _ 4. be from _ 5. a letter for me_ 6. another Chinese stamp _ 7. flying kites _ 8. riding bikes _ 9. collecting dolls _3、句子默写 (1)你在干什么?_(2)我在把我的新邮票放到集邮册里。_

2、(3)你有来自中国的邮票吗?_(4)不,我没有_(5)我的爱好是收集邮票。_1、掌握本模块重点单词、短语2、掌握句型:询问某人是否拥有某物3、掌握句型:描述某人正在做某事4、掌握句型:表达自己或他人爱好5、掌握动词-ing形式的变化规则1、询问某人是否拥有某物的句型 (1)句式结构:Have/Has + 主语 + got +某物?.有.吗? Yes, 主语 + have/has. 是的,.有。 No, 主语 + havent/hasnt. 不,.没有。注意: 当主语为第三人称单数时,其表达方式用“Has.got.”;非三单人称时,用“Have.got.”(2)例句:Have you got a

3、 new coat? 你有一件新外套吗? Yes, I have. 是的,我有 No,I havent. 不,我没有。(3)试一试! 他有一封来自中国的邮票吗? _ 是的,他有 _ 不,他没有 _2、 注意:一般疑问句或否定句中some 变为any. 例题 1.Have you got_ English stamps? Yes, I have.A.some B.any. C.an.2.Are there _ letter for me? Yes,there are.A.some B.any. C.an.3.This stamp is China.A.at . B.on. C.from.4.Si

4、mon has got _stamps from China. But he hasnt got_ stamps from Mexico.A.some,any. B.any,some. C.some,some.3、描述某人正在做某事的句型句式结构: What are you doing?你在做什么? 回答:Im reading a book/ collecting stamps.主语 + be动词 + 动词ing形式 + 其他4、介绍某物是来自某处的句型 句式结构: 指示代词 + be动词+物品+from+地点 These are biscuits from America. 这些是来自美国的

5、饼干。5、表示人或物的所有格 介词of 的用法。意为:.的. (1)我的一个朋友_ (2)一张教室的照片_ (3)迈克的外套_ (4)汤姆的家_ 6、表达自己或他人爱好的句型 句式结构: 动词ing形式+be动词+sbs hobby. Reading books is my hobby.动词-ing形式的变化规则: 一般在动词词尾直接加ing。 do-doing go-going send-sending 扩充:rending/washing/saying/thinking/working 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,双写最后的辅音字母再加上ing put-puting set-se

6、tting 补充:cutting/beginning/getting 注意:sleeping 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加上ing. Take-taking make-making wake-waking 以ie结尾的动词,变ie为y再加上ing. Lie-lying die-dying一、根据句意补全单词.1.Lingling likes c_ postcard.2.These s_ are from Canada.3.I have got a h_.4.They are famous_ (男人)and_(女人).二.选择.( )1. These postcards _ great!

7、 A. is B. am C. are( )2. Tell me _ about the Great Wall. A. more B. any C. some( )3. Its _ six thousand seven hundred kilometres. A. of B. about C. From( )4.Beijing _ about fourteen million people. A. have B. have got C. has got( )5._ pictures are great! A. This B. That C. These ( )6.New York has go

8、t eight _ people.A. a million B. million C. millions ( )7.Have you got any stamps from China? _. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I havent. C. Yes, I do.( )8.Have you got a doll?_. A. Yes, I have. B. No, I have. C. Yes, I do.( )9._ she got any pen friends? Yes, she has. A. Have B. Has C. Do( )10.Is there a l

9、etter _ me? Yes, there is. A. of B. about C. for( )11.My hobby is _. A. swimming B. swim C. swiming( )12.Simon has got _ stamps.A. lots of B. a lot C. lot of3、 连词成句.1. you ,got,any,have,from,stamps,China?2. is,my,collecting,hobby,stamps.3. are,these,from,some,Canada,stamps. 4. you,collect,do,stamps?



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