六年级上册英语教案Unit1 Period1人教PEP

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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?TopicUnit 1 Theme How can I get there? A 部分 Lesson 1 Aims1、能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum。2、能够听、说、认读并正确抄写句型:“Where is the ? Its near the post office”并进行关键词的替换操练。3、能够听懂并基本会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”4、能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。Key Points1. 句型:Where

2、is the .? Its near/next to/behind .2. 运用句型问路,表述方位。Difficult Points1.运用句型问路,表述方位。2.正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。Aids1教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。2学生准备一些玩具,如自行车、汽车、火车、飞机等。3教师和学生准备A Lets learn部分的单词卡片。Task 设计城市规划图并描述Blackboard DesignWhere is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. science museum post office hospital来源:学

3、科网ZXXKProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesStep 1. Pre-taskStep2. While-taskStep 3. Post-task来源:Z.xx.k.ComWarm-upLets tryLets talk1. Greetings2. Chant:Where, where, where is the ?Behind, behind, its behind the door3. sing a song“Where are you going?”4. Guessing gameA. Its a place that I can see lots of

4、animals. (zoo)B. Its a place that I go from Monday to Friday. I have classes there. (school)C. I want to see a film. Where can I go? (Present and teach “cinema”)D. I dont feel very well now. Where shall I go? (Present and teach “hospital”)1. T shows a pictureT: Look! Where is the cinema?Ss: Its behi

5、nd the post office.T: Where is the hospital in our town?Ss: Its next to our school.5. Present the task学会运用句型 Where is the cinema? Its near the bookstore. 简单描述家乡公共设施的大致位置并分享给朋友。Lets try1. Listen and tick.2. Check the answers and Teach museum ad bookstore.There are many books there. You can buy books

6、in the bookstore. Is there a bookstore near here?Ss: No, there isnt.T: There are also many books in this place. Its a library.3. Practice: chain gameT: Where is the ?S1: Its . Where is the ?S2: Its .Lets talk1. Listen and underline the places Ss: Museum, post office2. listen and answer1) Where is th

7、e musum shop ?2) Where is the post office ?3. Listen to Lets talk and repeat.1. Pair workLook at the pictures and talk about the places in Tongan.2. Task: 描述自己设计的城市规划图(1) Pair work:S1: Where is Renmin Park. S2:Its near the hospital.(2) Introduce your city.S: look. This is our city. The hospital is next to the cinema.(3) Make a surveyStep 4. Homework1. Copy the new words and phrases 5 times.2. Copy the key sentences three times and recite them.3. Finish the reading exercises.来源:Zxxk.Com轻快的歌谣,富有韵律的歌曲快速帮助学生复习旧知识并马上精神饱满地进入课堂。采用任务型教学途径,让学生在学中做,在做中学来源:Z+xx+k.Com教后反思


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