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1、Unit 2 Revision 初一英语 党慧芳 一 Free talk What sports do you know Li Hua is years old He is a of He comes from but now he Beijing He looks and football very well Many People him In his time He English He also enjoys to music It makes him Li Hua has a Li Hua wants to play in the I hope his dream He is my

2、favorite football star He is my hero 22 memberHuanghe Football Club Guangdong lives in strong plays like free studies listening happy next World Cup comestrue dream 1 我最喜欢的足球运动员 2 看起来强壮 3 足球踢得非常好 4 在他的空闲时间里 5 喜欢做某事 6 喜欢听音乐 7 使得某人 怎样 8 使得某人做某事 9 想要做某事 2 10 成为现实 11 的一名成员 my favourite football player l

3、ook strong play football very well in his free time enjoy doing sth enjoy listening to music make sb adj make sb do sth want to do sth would like to do sth come true a member of 二 三 Language points 1 非常喜欢 如 我非常喜欢跑步 我非常喜欢音乐 他非常不喜欢踢足球 2 踢足球 弹钢琴 注意 play和球类 乐器连用有区别 play 球类 play 乐器 填the 或 打排球 弹吉他 like ve

4、ry much I like running very much I like music very much He doesn t like playing football very much play football play the piano the play volleyball play the guitar 3 sometimes 译为 有时候 它是频率副词 可以用于 句首或行为动词前 对其提问用How often some times 译为 好几次 对其提问用How many times 他有时候打篮球 He he 他一周打篮球好几次 He 4 else 用于疑问词之后 译

5、为 其他 另外 疑问词 else 疑问词 other 名词复数 其他谁 其他什么地方 你还要些什么吗 sometimes plays basketball Sometimes plays basketball plays basketball some times a week who elsewhere else What else do you want What other things do you want 5 使我感到棒的 make me feel great 使某人 的 make sb adj 使某人做某事 使他打扫教室 使她高兴 6 a lot of 可数名词复数 或 不可数名

6、词 译为 许多的 大量的 lots of 许多书 许多水 make sb do sth make him clean the classroom make her nappy a lot of booksmany books a lot of watermuch water 7 fun不可数名词 n 译为 乐趣 有趣的事 形容词 adj funny 做某事是有趣的 It s fun to do sth Doing sth is fun 做某事有乐趣 have fun doing sth have a good nice great wonderful time doing sth 只为了消遣

7、just for fun 阅读是有趣的 极大的乐趣 我爷爷学打牌只是为了消遣 My grandpa to play cards great fun What great fun It s fun to read Reading is fun learnsjust for fun 8 too 译为 也 一般用于句末 另外also 也译为 也 但它用于句中 用于行为动词前 be动词之后 两者可 以同义转换 I like swimming too She is a student too I also like swimming She is also a student A根据首字母或中文提示完成

8、单词 1 I don t like playing football but I like playing table t 2 Please give me something e to read 3 Swimming is great f 4 I speak Chinese Me t B单项选择 1 It makes me happy A feel B to feel C D A and C 2 What books do you want to read A else B other C the other D others ennis lse un oo D B 堂清巩固 3 I go

9、home by bus A Sometime B Some times C Sometimes D Some time 4 What great fun it is to fly kites A a B C an D the 5 He his homework at home A don t do B don t C doesn t D doesn t do A B D 四 Grammar 一般现在时 当我们谈论以下几种情况时 用一般现在时 1 表示现在的事实或存在的状态 2 表示经常性 习惯性的动作 3 表示客观事实或普遍真理 4 目前存在的事实 如爱好 能力等 一般现在时用法大集合 一般现

10、在时用法大集合 1 be动词的一般现在时 2 行为动词的一般现在时 掌握 1 一般现在时的定义 2 be动词的使用 3 行为动词的三单式 4句式 否定句 和 疑问句 Most verbs 大多数动词 swalk walks get gets like likes 以辅音字母加 y 结尾 的动词 y ies fly flies worry worries try tries cry cries 以 ch sh ss x结尾 的动词 es watch watches wash washes dress dresses fix fixes 以o结尾的动词 es go goes do does 行为动

11、词第三人称单数的形式构成规则 Simple present tense of the verb to do 总结 行为动词一般现在时的 否定句和疑问句 肯定句式 I like watching basketball games Yao Ming plays basketball very well 否定句式 I don t like watching basketball games Yao Ming doesn t play basketball very well 一般疑问句式 Do you like watching basketball games DoesYao Ming play

12、basketball very well 主语 动词原形或动词的第三人称单数式 主语 don t doesn t 动词原形 Do Does 主语 动词原形 1 Mr Green comes from Shanghai Does Mr Green come from Shanghai 2 Mr Green is from Shanghai Is Mr Green from Shanghai Where does Mr Green come from Where is Mr Green from 改一般疑问句 并对括号里的提问 3 They do a lot of homework every d

13、ay 改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答 4 They are my new classmates 同上 5 He flies to Beijing 改为否定句 6 I am from Nanjing 同上 Do they do a lot of homework every day I am not from Nanjing He doesn t fly to Beijing Yes they do Are they your new classmates Yes they are Quiz A 请根据句意 用括号内所给单词的 适当形式填空 1 I usually go to school on f

14、oot 2 You be always my best friend 3 Tom often play basketball with his classmates after school 4 All these children come from Sichuan Province come go are plays B 请根据汉语句子意思 完成英语句 子 每空词数不限 5 我不喜欢摇滚音乐 I rock music 6 那些男孩子个子不高 Those boys tall aren t are not don t like 7 玛丽家离学校不远 Mary s home far away f

15、rom school 8 他没有兄弟姐妹 是独生子 He any sisters or brothers He is an only child doesn t have does not have isn t is not C 请根据句意 从括号中选择适当的单 词填空 9 is are Millie and Simon good at English 10 is are his hair long and black 11 do does your brother do does morning exercises every day 12 do does you live lives cl

16、ose to each other Do Are Is Does live do 按要求转换句型 1 Daniel is very tall 变成一般疑问 句并作肯 否定回答 Is Daniel very tall Yes he is No he isn t No he is not 中考题型链接 2 Kitty and Amy are classmates 变 成否定句 Kitty and Amy aren t are not classmates 3 He wears glasses 变成一般疑问句 并作肯 否定回答 Does he wear glasses Yes he does No he doesn t No he does not 4 They enjoy playing football 变成否定 句 They don t enjoy playing football 5 Millie loves playing basketball 变成 否定句 Millie doesn t does not love playing basketball 五 音标 Aa Ee Ii


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