外研高二英语选修八练习:Module 3 Foreign Food 同步验收题写作 .doc

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1、Module 3同步验收题-写作(共两节,满分45分)第一节:书面表达(满分30分)国家调整了法定节假日,请根据下表内容以The Change of the Arrangement of the Chinese Legal Holidays为题写一篇120词左右的介绍性短文。第二节:选做题(满分15分)选做题一:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probably think you wi

2、ll never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Heres how:1. Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in committed time su

3、ch as eating, sleeping, meeting, classes, etc. Then decide on good, regular times for studying. Of course, studying shouldnt occupy all of the free time on the schedule. Its important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment.2. Find a good place to study. Choose one place for you

4、r study. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable, and it should not have distractions. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject at hand.3. Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you beg

5、in to read it more carefully. Later when you begin to read, you will recognise less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improve your comprehension.4. Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class

6、means less work later. Sit where you can see and hear well. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.5. Review regularly. Go over your notes as soon as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused about. Read about these points in

7、 your textbook. If you review your notes and textbook regularly, the material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular review leads to improved performance on tests.6. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subj

8、ect. The world wont end if you dont pass a test, so _. Tests provide grades, and they also let you know what need to spend more time studying, and they help make your new knowledge permanent.There are other techniques that might help you with your studies. You will probably discover many others afte

9、r you have tried these. Talk with your classmates about their study techniques. Improving your study habits will improve your grades.76. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.) _77. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?The most important

10、thing is to devote yourself to what you are studying. _78. Please fill in the blank in the seventh paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.) _79. Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.) _

11、80. Translate the underlined sentence in the sixth paragraph into Chinese. _选做题二:改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)I live lonely in my flat on the sixth floor. 76. _Its such hot, that I wear only a pair of shorts when Im in my 77. _flat. The other day I woke up early. I was going to give 78. _a talk at a impor

12、tant conference in town at 10 am, so 79. _I wanted to get there early. I went into the bathroom but 80. _turned on the water for my bathroom. Then I went into the 81. _kitchen. I put some milk on a pan, lit the gas and put the pan 82. _on the gas ring (小煤气炉). Suddenly the door bell ring. I went 83. _to answer and saw a letter on the floor outside. I went to pick it 84. _up when the wind suddenly blew the door shut. I was locked in. 85. _



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