冀教版英语九上Unit 2《Lesson 12 Guess My Hero》ppt课件.ppt

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《冀教版英语九上Unit 2《Lesson 12 Guess My Hero》ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语九上Unit 2《Lesson 12 Guess My Hero》ppt课件.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Guess My hero Lesson 12 教学目标 1 词汇 crossword puzzle based whom anybody chemistry 2 学习能主动在听说交际中 运用课文中语言知识 Warming up 1 Talk about the heroes who you like 2 What do you learn from them Useful words and expression talk about 谈论 谈到 eg What are they talking about 他们在谈什么 the same as 跟 一样 The two brothers l

2、ook the same as each other 这兄弟俩长得一样 相关短语 not in the same street as 远不能与 相比 not in the same street with as 远不能与 相比 Language points I thought about it as I walked to and from school 当我上学和放学时我都在考 虑它 用法 when while as 都可引导时间状语从句 这几 个词都可以表示 当 时候 当它们引导的从句的谓 语动词是延续性的 三个词可以互换 其中when的用法 最广 既可以表示比从句早或晚的动作 也可以表

3、示与 从句同时进行的动作 可以指时间点 也可以指时间段 并且它可以与短暂性动词连用 as 表示与主句同时进 行的动作 指时间点时可以与when互换 while 只指时 间段 引导延续性动作 如表示与主句动作同时进行时 可与when as 互换 eg When As While he talked on he got more and more excited 他越谈越激动 这句话中的 主句和从句动词动作同时进行 表示时间段 He hurried home looking behind as he went 他赶紧回家 一边走一边往后看 主句和从句 动作平行 表示时间段 While the ch

4、ild was playing with his toys his parents were reading 孩子在玩玩具 他的父母 在看书 表示时间段 主句和从句都是同时进行 的表示延续的动作 Free talk Guess Li Ming s hero Do project in page 29 What did Li Ming s teacher ask him to do How did he think about it Did Danny guess the puzzle Question Oral practice There are many heroes around you

5、 they may not be very famous But they re good for you For example your partner introduces your parents for us I am proud of my mother father because 1 We studied famous people and talked about our favourite heroes e g When I entered the room they were talking about the war My grandfather often talks

6、 of the sadness of the past talk with to somebody 2 I said that this person was born in the same year as they were e g Her mother s hair is the same colour as my mother s I like the same music as you Exercises 1 The examples by our Chinese teacher 2 My pet dog behind my house and I greatly missed it

7、 3 Be quiet The doctors on the sick boy 4 His brother from Beijing University ten years ago 5 Could you tell me how this problem 6 All her life to her work 7 Do you know where tea 8 Mr Green to be the best teacher in our school were made was buried are operating graduated 从方框中选出恰当的短语 用其正确的形式填空 solve produce graduate devote think operate bury make to solve is devoted is produced is thought Homework Do the exercises in the Activity Book Tell the story of heroes


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