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1、Module8Unit2 Whyareyouwearingahat 1 进来2 把杯子放在他们的头上3 计划做某事4 棒球比赛5 让某人做某事6 犯错误7 棒球帽8 把 戴上 穿上9 打棒球10 你为什么笑 Review 复习 comeinto havecupsontheirheads plantodo baseballgame asksbtodosth makemistakes baseballcap put on playbaseball Whyareyoulaughing Let sreviewthewordsaboutclothesandweather 复习关于衣服和天气的单词 swi

2、msuit T shirt dress raincoat coat hat cap snow rain windy sunny cold warm It sgoingto It sgoingtobe Canyoumakeasentencewiththesewords 你能用这些词造句吗 hot Listentopart1andpart2 thenunderline why and because 听录音 画出why和because Textlearning Why Whyareyouhere Whyareyouhere Whyareyouwearingaraincoat Whyareyouwe

3、aringahat WhyareyouwearingaT shirt Whyareyouwearingadress 好问的why 用于询问原因 Grammartip Why的好搭档because 用于回答原因 because Becauseit sgoingtorain Becauseit sgoingtobehot BecauseIamgoingtoplaybasketball BecauseIamgoingtothetheatre Listenandimitate payattentiontothepronunciationandintonation 听录音 跟读 注意语音语调 Readi

4、nyourgroup 小组内读课文 Showtime 展示 Practice1p46part4 Whyareyoucrying BecauseI msad Whyareyoushouting BecauseI mangry Whyareyoueating BecauseI mhungry Practice2 Lookandanswer B Becauseit sgoingtorain A Whyareyouwearingaraincoat A Whyareyouwearingahat B Becauseit sgoingtobehot A WhyareyouwearingaT shirt B

5、BecauseI mgoingtoplaybasketball A Whyareyouwearingadress B BecauseI mgoingtogotothetheatre 合并句 Sheislaughingbecausesheishappy Practice3combinethetwosentences 合并句子 Heiseatingthebigcakebecauseheishungry 合并句 IamwearingabaseballcapbecauseI mgoingtoplaybaseball 合并句 BecauseIamgoingtoplaybaseball Thegirlis

6、sittingonthemoonbecauseshewantstopickthestars 合并句 star Look thisisaphotoofAB AiscryingnowBislaughing isAcrying hedidn tdohishomeworkyesterday HewatchedTV theteachercritisized 批评 him BwatchedTV too she sgotaredflower afterschool shefinished 完成 herhomework ShewatchedTV Practice4Fillintheblanks 用why be

7、cause and but so first then来填空 Joe sayshisfather Putonyourcapandletusgoforawalk Joeishappy Helikestogooutwithhisfather Heputonhiscapandcoatandsays Father Iamready Joeandhisfathergooutintothestreet Suddenly 突然 theyseebigblackdog Thedogbeginstobark Joeisafraidofthedog Hewantstorunaway Hisfathersays Do

8、n tbeafraid Joe don tyouknowtheproverb 谚语 Abarkingdogdoesnotbite 咬 Oh yes saysJoe Iknowtheproverb youknowtheproverb butdoesthedogknowtheproverb Youareright sayshisfather Wehadbetterto 最好 becarefulaboutthedog Itisnotgoodtotakeanenemy 敌人 forfriend Butdon tbeafraid Letusgoon ReadingRoomReadandChoose 1

9、Joe sfatherasksJoetogoforawalk A afterhimB followhimC withhim 2 Joetogooutwithhisfather A likeB likesC wants 3 Theyseeabiginthestreet A blackdogB whiterdogC blackcat 4 Thedogbegins A torunafterJoeB tobarkC torunaway 5 Theydon tbeafraidand A torunB togoC goon C B A B C It ssaidthatitisgoingtorainonSaturday Tom sfamilyisgoingtostayathome Hismother readnewspaperplaycardssleepdrawpictureswatchTV


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