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1、题型二 单项填空 从近几年对全国各地的中考试卷的分析可以看出 单项 填空 题的考点主要分布在 名词 动词 形容词 副词 代词 冠词 连词 介词 时态 语态 词义 辨析 语序 各种不同的从句 及交际用语上 在做单项 填空题时 同学们除应具有较扎实的语言基础知识 善于思考之外 还应 掌握一些解题方法 一 直接法 即直接利用相关语法知识 通过题 干中的已有信息 捕捉到解题 线索 从而得出正确答案的解题方法 典例1 2018 上海 27 Sue practices the violin hard and often gives wonderful performances A play B playe

2、d C to playD playing 解析本题考查practise的用法 practise doing sth 意为 练习做某 事 答案D 二 关键词法 许多题目中都有一些词对 于快速而准确地判定答案起着重要作 用 这些词就是关键词 keywords 找到句中的关键词 也就找到 了解题的突破口 典例2 2018 上海 26 The debate on whether to keep pets forty minutes yesterday afternoon A lastB lasted C will lastD has lasted 分析本题考查时态 解答本题时有个关键词 yesterd

3、ay afternoon 这个词语用于一般过去时 答案B 三 类推法 若对题目的备选答案没有把握或把握很小 不妨用 如果A对 那么B也对 的类推法 从而可将A B否定 典例3 Who s the man at the door A He is a doctorB He is a friend of mine C He is a famous singerD He is twenty 分析A C选项针对的是 职业 若A是对的 那么C也会是对的 单选题不可能同时有两个正确答案 因此判断A C两项都不对 D 选项回答的是年龄 故唯有B项才是正确的 答案B 四 前后照应法 此方法多用于两个以上句子或对

4、话 形式命题的题目 解题前 透彻理解 然后联系上下文 捕捉隐含信息 方能准确找出答案 典例4 2018 江苏无锡 14 Chris didn t even look at me I did say hello to him with a big smile But that is just so Chris He s always living in his own world A No wonderB No worries C I bet you didD I doubt you did 分析本题考查情境对话 句意 克里斯甚至没有看我一眼 我带 着灿烂的微笑向他问好 但这就是克里斯 他总是生

5、活在 自己的世界里 A项意为 难怪 怪不得 B项意为 别客气 好 C项 意为 我打赌你做了 D项意为 我怀疑你做了 根据上下文 克里 斯甚至没有看我一眼 我带着灿烂的微笑向他问好 及 但这就是 克里斯 他总是生活在自己的世界里 可知 要填 难怪 其他选项语 意不通 答案A 五 排除法 根据题干提供的信息 先把一眼就看出的干扰项 排除 缩小选择 范围 然后将剩余的选项 填入空白处进 行检验 辨别真伪 典例5 2018 天津 30 Please tell me At ten o clock A where you have your English lesson B where do you ha

6、ve your English lesson C what time you have your English lesson D what time do you have your English lesson 分析根据 Please tell me 可知 本题考查宾语从句 宾语从句中一 般为陈述语序 选项B D是疑问语序 所以排除掉 再根据 At ten o clock 可知这里是指时间 用what time询问 排除A项 答案C 六 交际法 此方法可用一些常用的交际用语 联系上下文直接解题 典例6 2018 湖北孝感 36 All of us will take the entranc

7、e exam for the senior high school in June A Of course B Good luck C CongratulationsD You re welcome 分析上句中提到 我们每个人六月都要参加中考 答句应该是表 示祝福 答案B 素养训练提高 1 2018 湖北襄阳 26 Mom I m thirteen now Can I ride a bike to school Yes you can But you must follow the traffic A on the way A rulesB planesC safetyD accident 2

8、 2018 贵州安顺 29 Excuse me Is this A new house Yes it s The parents of them bought it last September A Lucy and Lily s theirs B Lucy s and Lily s them C Lucy s and Lily s theirs D Lucy and Lily s them 3 I m hungry mom I d like something to eat We only have some C in the fridge A orangesB ice creamC dum

9、plingsD cheese 4 2018 广东 34 Boxing Day the 26th of December got B name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas A it sB itsC one sD one 5 What do you think of the activity Wonderful I ve never seen an activity B than it A more excited B more

10、 exciting C most excited D most exciting 6 This pig looks C It s wearing red shoes A cleverB braveC funnyD careful 7 How hard you are working Helen We must My teacher said that A we are we will be A the more hard working the luckier B the hard working the lucky C more hard working luckier D the most

11、 hard working the luckiest 8 2018 广东 36 My grandpa practices playing the guitar A in the university for the elderly every day Cool It s never too old to learn A hardB hardlyC greatD greatly 9 2018 广西贵港 42 What sports do you like D Basketball I think it s very interesting A good B well C betterD best

12、 10 According to a survey four out of five students do their homework at home after school but only D of them play computer games A four fifthB four fifths C two fifthD two fifths 11 2018 广东 33 How soon will we get the offer from a new high school A about two months A InB For C AmongD During 12 2019

13、 预测 Would you mind A playing music No not at all A myB IC me D myself 13 2019 预测 Look How fast the car is Its B is about 120 kilometers an hour A place B speedC priceD mark 14 2019 预测 How about that phone It is certainly better but it s much B A expensiveB more expensive C most expensiveD the most e

14、xpensive 15 2019 预测 There were no other reasons I bought the house D because it was large A nearly B certainlyC probablyD simply 16 2019 预测 If the flowers don t get enough water they C A diedB die C will dieD have died 17 2019 预测 The hills here are covered with wild flowers B early spring A onB inC

15、atD for 18 2019 预测 Is there a movie on in the cinema tonight There A be I will phone the cinema and find it out A might B shouldC canD must 19 2019 预测 Many subways D for two years in our city A has builtB will built C builtD have been built 20 2019 预测 The toy bear is the little girl s favorite toy She doesn t want to C it A come up with B agree with C part withD get on with



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