外研版五年级下册英语学案Unit 1 We lived in a small house

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1、五年级英语导学案周次 一课时序号1总序号1课型新授课课题:Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house.学习目标:1、我会听说认读:单词:life, different ,ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, lady, grandmother句型:There werent many buses .We lived in a small house .We didnt have enough food .2、我能口头运用:We lived in a small house .We didnt have enoug

2、h food . 这类语句说明自己过去的状况。通过比较过去与现在的生活,引导学生珍惜现在的美好生活,并要更加珍惜现在的学习机会。学习重难点能灵活运用过去时谈论过去的状况。学习准备:学习过程:方法指导1、 自主学习(一)温故知新写出下列动词的过去式play- watch- talk- cook- walk- listen- live- hope- is- are- do- go- (二)自主探究Task 1、 读熟单词并翻译。life _ different _ ago _ any _ television _ grandchildren _ us _ lady _ grandmother _T

3、ask 2、朗读并翻译短语。a programme about China _ many years ago _ live in a small house _ watch TV _ talk to _Task 3、朗读并翻译句子。Life was very different in China many years ago. _We lived in a small house. _We didnt have enough food. _There werent many buses. _There werent any televisions. _Task 4、 跟读课本活动二并回答问题1

4、. Where is Lingling?2. What is the programme about?二、巩固练习1.完成表格 China is changing!many years agonowWe_house.We live in a big house.We didnt have enough food.We_.There_.There are lots of buses and cars.There _. I watch TV every day.Love our China!2.根据对话内容填空An old _ talked about her _ many years ago.

5、There _ any buses. They _in a small house. They didnt have _ food.三、达标检测:根据句意选词填空。1.Many years ago, there _(A.were B.werent ) any buses. Now there _ (A.were B.are ) lots of buses .2.My grandpa_(A.lived B.lives ) in an old house two years ago .3.Im _ (A.watched B.watching )TV now .看懂每条学习目标1.利用电子书 指读,跟读课文单词和句子。2.不会的做标记。规范书写,认真达标家庭作业:1.会读、会写本课单词2.熟读课本活动二,能够复述课文。3.写一写:运用过去式描述自己家的变化(三到五句)。


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