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1、Unit 14 CareersCareer values in general are when you start working in the “real world”, what are the qualities that are the most important to you personally in your career, and what longterm features of your career do you value.Values are the things that are the most important to us in our lives and

2、 careers. Our values are formed in a variety of ways through our life experiences, our feelings and our families. In the context of Career Planning, values generally refer to the things we value in a career. For example, some people value job security (安全), money, structure and a regular schedule.Ot

3、hers value flexibility (灵活性), excitement, independence and variety.Career values are things we feel very strongly about. For example, most of us will say that having enough money to live comfortably is important to us, but many are willing to work for less because what they value most is not money,

4、its something else such as working for a specific (特定的) cause, helping people or having free time. Being aware of what we value in our lives is important because a career choice that is consistent with our core (核心) beliefs and values is more likely to be a lasting and positive choice.Section_Warmup

5、_&_Lesson_1_Prereading对应学生用书P35,Everybodys good at something!Do this personality test and find the right job for you.1A friend is having problems writing a plot summary for a book report. She asks you to help her. What would you do?a)Help her after school. Tell her to phone you if she needs any more

6、 guidance.b)Give her a model paragraph and tell her the names of some helpful books.c)Suggest ways to write a clear, accurate summary.d)Tell her to make a timetable so she can finish the plot summary and book report on time.2You are working for an institute that gives aid to the poor in a small vill

7、age. Your boss tells your team to repair an old pump near a river. What would you do?a)Ask the villagers what they want. Ask them to give you advice.b)Choose a certain job that you think you could do well, such as collecting data. Then plan how you could do the job well.c)Try to improve the design o

8、f the pump. Look at the river and see if there is a better place to build the pump.d)Ask everybody in your team to do certain jobs. Make sure they know what to do. Choose one of the hardest jobs for yourself to set an example.have problems (in) doing sth.做某事遇到难题summary smri n摘要,总结guidance aIdns n指导p

9、aragraph prrf n段落timetable n时间表;课程表institute InstItjut n机构;学院give aid to 对援助the poor 穷人在“that gives aid to the poor in a small village”中, that引导定语从句,修饰先行词an institute且在从句中作主语。pump pmp n泵,抽水机在“that you think you could do well”中, that引导定语从句,修饰先行词job。data deIt n资料,数据“疑问词to do”在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语。本句中what to

10、do作know的宾语。set an example (to sb.)(给某人)树立榜样以上部分译文人各有专长!做一下这个性格测试,找到适合你的工作。1一个朋友在写一个图书报告的内容简介时遇到一些问题,她向你寻求帮助。你会怎么做呢?a)放学后帮助她,并告诉她如果需要更多指导可以给你打电话。b)给她(写)一个示范段落,并告诉她一些有帮助的书的书目。c)就如何写一个清晰、准确的简介提些建议。d)让她制订一个工作时间表,以保证她按时完成内容简介和图书报告。2你在一个小村庄里的旨在帮助穷人的机构里工作,你的老板要求你的工作团队在一条河附近修缮一个旧水泵。你会怎么做?a)询问村民有什么要求,征求他们的意见

11、。b)选择一项你认为擅长的工作,例如收集资料。然后计划如何做好这项工作。c)尽量改善水泵的设计,观察小河,查看是否有更适合建造水泵的河段。d)给团队中的每个人分配一些工作,确保他们知道自己该做什么。你自己选择一项最艰巨的工作以给他人树立榜样。3.You are on a school trip and the coach has an accident when a deer runs across the road. No one is hurt, but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic. It is getting dark a

12、nd it has started to snow. What would you do?a)Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried. Tell them not to worry.b)Keep calm. You know that the situation is not really dangerous and somebody is going to get help.c)Tell your friends a story, while you are waiting for help.d)Take charge of the situa

13、tion. Ask a small group to go to the nearest village to get help. Tell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.4Last week your teacher asked your class to perform a short play for the school. So far, nothing has been done and there are only ten days until the performance. What would

14、 you do?a)Offer to take part and ask others to do the same. Help people to learn their lines.b)Organise some of the practical things, such as costumes, scenery and sound effects.c)Think of topics for the play. Write the dialogue and show it to the class.d)Offer to direct the performance. Choose peop

15、le for different roles.,on prep.在进行中deer dI n鹿run across跑着穿过when引导时间状语从句。stick v卡住,难住;粘着,附着who引导定语从句,修饰先行词anybody。keep calm保持镇静keep warm保持温暖keep fit保持健康take charge of 接管,控制;负责in charge of 管理(表示主动,主语一般是人)in the charge of .由管理(表示被动,主语一般是物)under the charge of .在的掌管下介词短语作后置定语修饰everybody。so far表示“迄今为止”,多与现在完成时连用。take part参加take part in 指参加活动并在其中负有责任。join 指参加组织,成为其中的一员。attend 仅表示“go to”,自己并不起积极作用。line n台词topic tpIk n题目,话题direct v导演以上部分译文3在一次学校组织的旅游中,长途车在躲闪一只跑着穿过马路的鹿时出了事故。虽然无人受伤,但你们被困在了没有车辆的


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