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1、单元质量检测(五)Unit 5Enjoying novels(满分:100分限时:60分钟).单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1As we all live on the same planet,mutual respect should become the _(共识) shared by farsighted people.2She looks _(可疑的)when she was asked whether to do this.3The doctor said the old mans condition was _(没有希望的)4It was g_ of him to of

2、fer to pay for us both.5She wore a heavy gold c_ around her neck.完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)6I know he hasnt finished the work,but _(毕竟),hes done his best.7Hes a poor liar so anyone can _(看穿他)8The stormbeaten ship _(最后) arrived at the harbor.9_(考试结束了),we began our holiday.10_(我正要去长城) when the boss sent m

3、e to Nanjing.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11The sale usually takes place outside the house,with the audience _ on benches,chairs or boxes.Ahaving seatedBseatingCseated Dhaving been seated12We hope the building project _ will be completed as soon as possible because a lot of citizens are complaining about

4、the noises.Ato be carried out Bcarried outCbeing carried out Dcarrying out13Einstein like Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into German.Agave off Bturned downCtook over Dset aside14Many young people in _ field of IT are struggling to become _ Bill Gates to make more money

5、as well as a big fame.Athe;a Bthe;theCa;one Da;不填15You require too much _ me.Its beyond my power.Aat BinCof Dwith16Id like a car _ front lights are big and tuned.Awhich BthatCwhose Dof which17It was with great courage _ the boy told the truth _ he had stolen the money.Awhich;that Bwhen;whatCas;that

6、Dthat;that18To me,cycling at _ altitude of more than 4,000 meters was _ unforgettable experience.Athe;an Ban;anC不填;a Dan;不填19Street Dancing is a new type of sport,which more and more youngsters are beginning to _ in our country.Asubmit to Bpromise toCturn to Dtake to20We put tables and chairs out in

7、 the garden but it started to rain and all our efforts were _.Ain vain Bpaying offCmeaningless Dfailing21With some urgent business _,Mr.Smith has decided to put off his journey to Paris.Aattending to Bto attend toCattended to Dwill attend to22Would you do me a favor and give me a ride?_.AIts my plea

8、sure BTake it easyCWith pleasure DNever mind23She is so _ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.Asensitive BsensibleCimaginative Dimpressive24The United States is trying to _ the serious problems resulting from the energy crisis.Astep on Bcut offCend up Dcope with25Not until the motorbike

9、 looked almost new _ repairing and cleaning it.Ahe stopped Bdid he stopCstopped he Dhe did stop.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A girl named Jenny once told me about her _26_ in the world of LoseWin during her eighthgrade year before she finally broke _27_.My _28_ with my mom all started one day _29_ she sai

10、d to me sarcastically (讽刺地) “Wow,youre surely lively today.” I _30_ it so literally (字面的) that then and there I decided to close off from her and never _31_ back to her.So every time she would say something _32_ I disagreed with her I would just say.“Okay,_33_ you want,Mom.”But I really got cold qui

11、ckly.And my _34_ began to build.One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh,thats _35_” and then went back to mop the floor.“Dont you ever _36_?” I thought.But I didnt say anything and stormed off.She had no idea I was _37_ upset.She would have been willing to talk to me

12、 had I _38_ her how important it was to me.At last I just blew up.“Mom,this has got to _39_.You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because its _40_ than if fighting.Well,Im sick of it.” This all came as a _41_ to her.After my blow up,we felt like we were _42_ all over in our relat

13、ionship.But its getting better all the lime.We discuss things now and I always _43_ my feelings with her.If you adopt LoseWin as your basic _44_ toward life,then people will wipe their dirty feet on you.Youll also be _45_ your true feelings deep inside.And thats not healthy.26A.wanderings Bdisappoin

14、tmentClessons Dhelplessness27 Aout BdownCup Dfree28A.relationship BproblemsCquarrels Dimprovement29A.as BsinceCwhen Dbefore30A.regarded BtreatedCreceived Dtook31A.fight BstruggleCtalk Dturn32A.even if Bonly ifCwhich Das though33Ahowever BwhateverCso much Dtoo much34A.coldness BangerCdisagreement Dhope35A.true BimpossibleCnice Dimportant36A.care BseeC



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