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1、单元加餐练加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空When it comes to gift lists, Ive never had to think about what I want.Since I was about four years old, every year I have asked my parents to _1_ get me toys.All I have ever wanted was a _2_ for my birthday or Christmas._3_, I didnt want a horse just to ride.I wanted a _4_ hor

2、se which would give birth to a foal (小马驹), which would _5_ to be a champion harnessracing (轻驾车赛马冠军) horse.That has always, always been my _6_.I guess you have to know a little about my family to _7_.My mom and dad have been around harnessracing horses for a long time.When I was little, my _8_ used t

3、o take me to the racetrack (赛道)Harness racing is a sport thats _9_ to watch and do.I really enjoyed it.When it came to my dream horse, I wanted to be able to _10_ it from the time it was born.You could say that I wanted to be _11_ a mom to my horse.And I always _12_ that he would be a champion even

4、before my horse was _13_.My dad and my uncle and my grandpa tried to talk me out of all this, but I never _14_.Around my eighth birthday, my dad finally realized how _15_ I was.Even though he was _16_ trying to talk me out of it, he bought me a mother horse.My dad said that _17_ she wasnt a champion

5、, her foal probably wouldnt be _18_.I thought he was _19_, because I knew my horse would be a _20_.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。受父母的影响,作者从小就喜欢轻驾车赛马。在八岁生日的时候,她终于如愿获得了一匹母马,并决定把它的孩子培养成轻驾车赛马冠军。1.A.everBalwaysCnever Donly解析:选C由下文中的“All I have ever wanted was a .”可知,作者“不(never)”想要玩具作为礼物。2A.horse BraceCcake Dtoy解析:选A由下文多次出

6、现的“horse”可知,作者想要一匹“马(horse)”作为礼物。3A.Anyway BInsteadCHowever DRather解析:选C由下文中的“give birth to a foal (小马驹) .champion”可知,虽然作者想要一匹马,“但是(However)”她不仅仅是为了骑马,而是为了把这匹马生下的小马驹培养为轻驾车赛马冠军。4A.mother ByoungCspecial Dcommon解析:选A由本句中的“give birth to a foal (小马驹)”和最后一段中的“he bought me a mother horse”可知,作者想要一匹母马。5A.get

7、 up Bgo upCwake up Dgrow up解析:选D由第三段中的“he would be a champion”可知,作者相信小马驹能够“成长(grow up)”为轻驾车赛马冠军。6A.gift BdreamCadvice Dchance解析:选B由第三段中的“my dream horse”可知,这是作者一直以来的“梦想(dream)”。7A.decide BagreeCunderstand Dchoose解析:选C本句承接上一句解释为什么作者如此执着地想要一匹马。作者接下来要讲述她的家庭,以帮助读者“理解(understand)”。8A.friends BparentsCteac

8、hers Dteammates解析:选B由上文中的“My mom and dad”可知,此处指作者的“父母(parents)”。9A.difficult BeasyCboring Dfun解析:选D由下文中的“I really enjoyed it.”可知,轻驾车赛马运动很“有趣(fun)”。10A.pay for Blook forCwork for Dcare for解析:选D由本文作者对于马的喜爱和下文中的“mom”可知,作者想“像(like)”妈妈一样“照顾(care for)”她的马。11A.like BwithCbeside Dbeyond解析:选A参见上题解析。12A.sugge

9、sted BwarnedCknew Dheard解析:选C由第一段中的“which would give birth to a foal (小马驹) .to be a champion harnessracing (轻驾车赛马冠军) horse”可知,在小马驹“出生(born)”之前,作者就“知道(knew)”它一定会成为轻驾车赛马冠军。13A.bought BbornCtreated Dfound解析:选B参见上题解析。14A.gave up Bpassed byCcame back Dwent out解析:选A由转折连词but可知,虽然作者的家人试图劝她打消这个念头,但她从来没有“放弃(g

10、ave up)”。15A.strict BhappyCkind Dserious解析:选D由下文中的“he bought me a mother horse”可知,作者父亲终于意识到了作者对这件事是“严肃认真的(serious)”,因此,尽管他“仍然(still)”试图让作者打消这个念头,他还是给作者买了一匹母马。16A.even BstillCjust Dalready解析:选B参见上题解析。17A.although BifCwhen Dsince解析:选D作者的父亲认为“因为(since)”这匹母马不是冠军,因此它生的小马驹也不会跑得“快(fast)”。18A.fast BprettyCs

11、weet Ddangerous解析:选A参见上题解析。19A.fair BwiseCwrong Dproud解析:选C由上文作者在小马驹出生前就认定它会成为冠军可知,作者认为父亲的判断是“错误的(wrong)”,因为她知道自己的小马驹会成为“优胜者(winner)”。20A.beginner BlearnerCtrainer Dwinner解析:选D参见上题解析。.阅读理解The Polish take great pride in their culture. Our culture has many different customs and traditions. I will disc

12、uss three of these traditions and customs.The Polish will say “Dziekuje” (“thank you”) only after receiving their change. What I mean by this is that when you are in Poland, you should wait to say “thank you” until after you have been given your change back. If you do not, you are telling cashiers (

13、收银员) that they can “keep the change.” Often, people visiting Poland will feel that things are very expensive, until they learn that they are giving the store clerk permission to keep the money that would have been given back.Polish people break “bread” with their families during their Christmas Eve

14、meal. The Christmas Eve celebration starts with the breaking of the Oplatek, which is a thin piece of “bread”. In my family, the eldest in the family (my grandfather) takes the big Oplatek and breaks it into large pieces that he then hands down to each of his four children (my aunt, uncles, and fath

15、er). Then, these family members break their pieces into smaller sizes and pass them out to their own children. Once the last piece is passed down to the youngest, we say a prayer (做祷告) and eat the piece of thin bread. Polish people celebrate “Imieniny”, or Names Day. This day is more important than ones birthday. They often name their children after a saint (圣徒) whose day is closest to the date that



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