外研版小学英语五年级下册 Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a television 作业课件PPT

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《外研版小学英语五年级下册 Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a television 作业课件PPT》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版小学英语五年级下册 Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a television 作业课件PPT(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Module1 WY五年级下册 Unit2Shedidn thaveatelevision 五 一 七 三 四 六 二 八 九 一 判断下列每组单词中画线部分的发音是 T 否 F 相同 1 A partyB warmC farmer 2 A walkB autumnC talk 3 A ladyB programm

2、eC radio 4 A lifeB nightC write 5 A rainB playC day F T F T T 二 根据图片及字母提示补全句子 1 Youcanseethemoonat g n i h t 2 Ilikelisteningtothe r o a i d 3 Wecookedonthe f e r i night radio fire 4 I vegota t e e l h p e o n 5 Mygrandpaworkedinthe e i f l d 6 Theboycan letters t w e r i telephone field write 三 请在

3、下列单词前加一个字母 使之变为另一个单词 并仿照例子写一个短语 加法记忆法 例 long alongalongtheriver1 go 2 any 3 our agofivedaysago manymanybooks hourhalfanhour 4 ear 5 all yearmanyyearsago tallatallboy 方法点拨 本题用加法记忆法解答 在单词前加一个字母可以构成一个新单词 如a go agom any manyh our houry ear yeart all tall 四 给句子选择相应的图片 A B C D E 1 Hecanjumpreallyhigh 2 Jo

4、hnlivesinabigcity 3 Thefarmerworksinthefieldseveryday 4 IwasinChinathreeweeksago 5 Mygrandpadidn thaveatelephonetenyearsago B C A E D 五 单项选择 1 I atelevisionprogrammelastnight A watchB iswatchingC watched 2 Theydidn thaveatelevision acomputermanyyearsago A andB orC too 点拨 or用于否定句中 连接两个或多个并列的成分 点拨 las

5、tnight是表示过去的时间 所以句子时态为一般过去时 动词用过去式 C B 3 Where youthreedaysago A wereB areC was 4 oldladyistellingastorytothechildren A B AC An A C 点拨 单词old的音标以元音音素开头 故用an表示 一个 点拨 句中的时间表示过去 主语是第二人称 故选A 5 We inabigcitynow Butfiveyearsago we inasmallvillage A lived liveB live livedC lives lived 6 Myparents inWuhanlas

6、tyear Butthey inSanyanow A are wereB were areC was are B B 点拨 由lastyear可知前句为一般过去时 由now可知后句为一般现在时 主语为复数 故选B 点拨 第一个句子是一般现在时 主语是复数 故谓语动词用原形 第二个句子开头表示的是过去的时间 故谓语动词用过去式 7 Myfather illyesterday A isn tB aren tC wasn t 8 Mygrandma onafiremanyyearsago A cookB cookedC cooks C B 点拨 由时间可知动词用过去式 点拨 由主语myfather和

7、时间状语yesterday可知此处否定形式为wasn t 故选C 9 There lotsofflowersbefore A areB wasC were 10 Mylittlebrother walktwomonthsago Butnowhecanwalk A canB can tC couldn t C C 点拨 before意为 以前 表示过去的时间 所以系动词用过去式 flowers是复数 故选C 六 选择合适的短语补全句子 1 IwatchedTVwithmygrandpa 2 Anoldlady herlifemanyyearsago 3 Welivein now D E A 4

8、Manythings thepast 5 Thosefarmers 6 Mygrandma threechildren C B F 七 按要求完成下列各题 1 Thereweresomecars 改为否定句 2 Wehadlotsoffood 改为否定句 Thereweren tanycars Wedidn thavelotsoffood 点拨 在therebe句型的否定句中were变成否定形式weren t some用于肯定句 否定句中用any 3 IwatchTVeveryday 用yesterday改写 4 Helivedinasmallvillagetwentyyearsago 改为一

9、般疑问句 IwatchedTVyesterday Didheliveinasmallvillagetwentyyearsago 点拨 yesterday为过去的时间 故改写时需将动词变过去式 点拨 此句变一般疑问句 需将lived变原形 并在句首加助动词did 5 IworkedinthefieldslastSunday 对画线部分提问 WheredidyouworklastSunday 点拨 由inthefields可知询问工作地点 故用特殊疑问词where 主语为I 应改为you work为实义动词 故主语前加did 八 完形填空 Hello I mYangFan Iliveinasmal

10、lvillage Fiveyearsago myschool1 small Therewas2 onebuildingandasmallplayground Wecouldn tplayfootball Butnowmyschoolis3 1 A wasB isC were 2 A butB stillC only 3 A oldB differentC change A C B Therearefivenewbuildings Andtheplaygroundisverybigandbeautiful Ioftenplaygameswithmyfriendsonit Thereisabig4

11、 too Weoftenreadbooksinit Icanlearnalot5 thebooks Ihaveagoodtimeinmynewschool 4 A zooB libraryC restaurant 5 A toB ofC from B C 九 阅读短文 判断句子正 T 误 F 分析推理和关键词定位法 Therearetwopicturesaboutourcity Look Therewasasmallparkmanyyearsago butnowthereisabigandbeautifulpark Andinthepark thereisalakewithsomeduckso

12、nit Therewasn talakeinthepast Inourcitythereweremanyoldhousesandsmalltrees Butnowtherearemanynewhighbuildings Thetreesareverytallnow Therearemanysupermarketsandcarsnow Ilovemycity 1 Therewasabigparkinourcityinthepast 2 Thereisalakeinthepark 3 Therearemanynewhighbuildingsinourcitynow 4 Thetreesarenotverytall 5 Therearemanycarsinthecity F T T F T 方法点拨 本题用分析推理和关键词定位法解答 第1小题 由短文中第三句话Therewasasmallparkmanyyearsago 可知过去有一个小公园 故此句有误 第2小题由Andinthepark thereisalakewithsomeducksonit 可推测出公园里有湖 第3小题关键词是highbuildings 第4小题关键词是trees 第5小题关键词是cars 由关键词可以从短文中找到对应的句子 通过比较 分析可以判断出答案 Thankyou



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