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1、完形填空完形填空真题检测(一)2018年6月浙江高考We have all heard how time is more valuable than money, but is it_36_to have too much time?I_37_ back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also_38_ a team sport.By the time I got home, I only had a few hours to do my homework, and I had to do it_39_.When

2、I got into college, things_40_.I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time.Because of all this_41_time, there was no sense of_42_to do my school work immediately.I was performing this action of waiting until it later became a_43_.Once that happened, I just kept_44_ my studying further and

3、further back in my day.Then I got to the point where I was _45_ really late at night to get my work done.One day I _46_ a former classmate of mine who was_47_ a lot of money running a sideline (副业)Since his regular job was_48_, I asked him why he just didnt do his sideline fulltime.He said without t

4、he job, he would_49_ have too much time and would just do what I did back in _50_.He said that if he_51_ the job, he would lose his_52_ to work and succeed.So, try _53_ your time with other work.This is why there is a_54_ that if you want something done, ask a_55_ person to do it.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通

5、过亲身经历告诉我们:拥有太多时间就会拖延做事情,时间紧迫反而能合理安排时间把事情做好。36A.trueBfairCstrange Dpossible解析:选D作者在文章开头提出问题“我们都听说过时间如何比金钱更宝贵,但是拥有太多的时间,这是可能的(possible)吗?”。true“真的”;fair“公平的”;strange“奇怪的”。37A.remember BadmitCunderstand Dexpect解析:选A 根据下文叙述可知,作者记起(remember)了高中时的生活。admit“承认”;understand“理解”;expect“期望”。38A.watched BlovedCc

6、oached Dplayed解析:选D因为作者还参加团体性运动,所以他一天的大部分时间都是在学校度过的。watch“观看”;love“热爱”;coach“训练”;play“参加运动”。39A.at last Bright awayCof course Das usual解析:选B根据上文可知作者到家后只有几个小时的时间做作业,所以必须立即(right away)开始做。下文42空后的“do my school work immediately”也是提示。at last“最后”;of course“当然”;as usual“像往常一样”。40A.happened BrepeatedCchange

7、d Dmattered解析:选C前面提到高中时间紧张,又由下文可知,在大学,课程中午前就结束了,所以说事情发生了变化(changed)。happen“发生”;repeat“重复”;matter“要紧”。41A.extra BdifficultCvaluable Dlimited解析:选A课程结束得早,作者就有了额外的(extra)时间。difficult“困难的”;valuable“有价值的”;limited“有限的”。42A.duty BachievementCurgency Ddirection解析:选C时间充足,所以“没有立即去做功课的紧迫(urgency)感”。duty“责任”;ach

8、ievement“成就,成绩”;direction“方向”。43A.burden BreliefCrisk Dhabit解析:选D后来,“我”就慢慢地养成了一种等待(拖延)的习惯(habit)。burden“重担,负担”;relief“缓和,宽慰”;risk“冒险”。44A.pushing BtakingCsetting Dcalling解析:选A由上下文可知,作者不断地把学习往后推(push . back)。take . back“带回来”;set . back“拖后腿”;call . back“回电话”。45A.hanging out Bstaying upCjogging round D

9、showing off解析:选B因为把功课一直往后推,所以最后只能熬夜(stay up)做功课。hang out“出去闲逛”;jog round“在周围慢跑”;show off“炫耀”。46A.met BhelpedCtreated Dhired解析:选A由下文叙述可知,有一天作者遇到了(met)一个以前的同班同学。help“帮助”;treat“对待”;hire“雇用”。47A.raising BwastingCdemanding Dmaking解析:选D由下文提到的“running a sideline (副业)”可知,此处是指赚许多钱(make a lot of money)。raise“

10、举起,筹集”;waste“浪费”;demand“要求”。48A.safe BimportantCboring Drewarding解析:选C由下文作者问同班同学为什么不全职经营他的副业可知,他的固定工作很无聊(boring)。safe“安全的”;important“重要的”;rewarding“值得做的,报酬高的”。49A.luckily BhardlyChopefully Dsimply解析:选D他说如果没有那份工作,他确实会有很多时间。simply“确实,简直”,符合语境。luckily“幸运地”;hardly“几乎不”;hopefully“有希望地”。50A.childhood Bcol

11、legeCtown Dbusiness解析:选B结合上文可知,如果拥有太多时间,作者的同班同学就会像作者在大学(college)里所做的一样。childhood“童年时期”;town“城镇”;business“生意,商务”。51A.quit BfoundCaccepted Dkept解析:选A上文作者问同班同学为什么不全职经营副业,所以此处是说“如果放弃(quit)这个工作”。find“找到,发现”;accept“接受”;keep“保持,保留”。52A.heart BchanceCdrive Dway解析:选C如果辞职,他就会失去工作和成功的动力(drive)。drive“驱动,推动力”,符合

12、语境。 heart“心脏”;chance“机会”;way“方法”。53A.saving Bfilling upCgiving up Dtrading解析:选B通过上文得出结论:因此,试着用其他工作填满(filling up)你的时间。save“节省”;give up“放弃”;trade“交易”。54A.message BstoryCsaying Dfact解析:选C句意:这就是为什么有这样一种说法(saying)。message“信息”;story“故事”;fact“事实”。55A.careful BbusyCreliable Dkind解析:选B通过上文的描述可知,越忙效率越高。故此处意为“

13、如果你想做某事,就请忙碌的(busy)人去完成”。careful“仔细的”;reliable“可信赖的”;kind“友好的”。完形填空真题检测(二)2017年11月浙江高考A young English teacher saved the lives of 30 students when he took _36_ of a bus after its driver suffered a serious heart attack. Guy Harvold, 24, had _37_ the students and three course leaders from Gatwick airpo

14、rt, and they were travelling to Bournemouth to _38_ their host families. They were going to _39_ a course at the ABC Language School in Bournemouth where Harvold works as a _40_.Harvold, who has not _41_ his driving test, said, “I realized the bus was out of control when I was _42_ the students.” Th

15、e bus ran into trees at the side of the road and he _43_ the driver was slumped (倒伏) over the wheel. The driver didnt _44_. He was unconscious. The bus _45_ a lamp post and it broke the glass on the front door before Harvold _46_ to bring the bus to a stop. Police _47_ the young teachers quick thinking. If he hadnt _48_ quickly, there could have been a terrible _49_.The bus driver never regained consciousness a


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