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1、. . . . .九年级期末学业水平质量检测英 语 试 题 II读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ( 5分)( )21. In China, youre not supposed to _ /stk/ your chopsticks into the food. A. steak B. stickC. stuckD. strict( )22. We often just _ /drp/ by our friends homes if we have time. A. dripB. deepC. dropD. top( )23. Who think

2、s the Thats Life concert is the best _ /memr/? Brian thinks it is. A. memorizeB. memberC. memoryD. melody( )24. What do you hope to do in the future? I hope to get a _ /bzns / degree. A. business B. biscuitsC. busyD. basic( )25. Does Peter like The Modern? No, he doesnt. He prefers groups that play_

3、 /kwat/ and slow songs. A. quiteB. questC. quarrelD. quietIII选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 ( 30分)( )26. How can I improve my pronunciation, Mr Jones? _ listening to tapes. A. InB. ByC. WithD. Of( )27. What are you going to do when you graduate? I am going _ a teacher. A. amB. beC. to beD. will be(

4、)28. Mum, my little sister is crying all the time. Oh, Nancy, be _! She doesnt feel well. You should take good care of her. A. politeB. patientC. tidyD. sweet( )29. The photo _be Tinas. Look, this is her twin brother. A. mustB. mayC. canD. need( )30. What do you usually do in the morning? I often pr

5、actice _ English. A. speakingB. to speakC. spokeD. speak( )31. I saw you come to work by taxi this morning. Oh, I _ come to work by taxi, but it rained heavily this morning. A. sometimesB. usuallyC. alwaysD. hardly( )32. The Olympic Games of 2016 will _ in Brazil. A. take upB. take off C. take place

6、D. take away( )33. You look nervous, Jack. Whats up? I have to finish _ a report this Friday, but I dont know how to start till now. A. to writeB. writing C. write D. wrote( )34. How was your vacation, Rick? It was relaxing. I saw people_ on the beach and I did the same as them. A. liesB. lyingC. li

7、ed D. lay( )35. When I speak English, I always make mistakes. Dont _ that. Good learners always learn from mistakes. A. be born with B. talk about C. take pride inD. be afraid of( )36. What kind of music do you like? Music that I can sing along with. But I _ noisy music. It makes me upset. A. like B

8、. love C. preferD. cant stand( )37. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to _? I want to take out some money. Sure. Go straight and you will see it.A. a school B. a hospital C. a bank D. a park( )38. You look different, Kate. Yeah, I have just got my hair _ this afternoon. A. cutB. cutsC. to cutD. c

9、utting( )39. What happened? The workers _the building which was built a few years ago. A. pulled overB. pulled togetherC. pulled downD. pulled in( )40. Would you like to _ the opening ceremony of our company? Sure, Id love to. A. joinB. attendC. keepD. create( )41. To begin with, I had problems _ wh

10、at the French teacher said in class. A. to understandB. understoodC. understandingD. understand( )42. When you have difficulties, do remember to _. Two heads are better than one. A. make a decision B. give upC. go byD. ask for help( )43. Which sign means you can recycle this item?A.B. C. D.( )44. It

11、s so noisy outside that I cant hear _. Could you please say it again? Sure, no problem. A. what do you sayB. what you sayC. what did you sayD. what you said( )45. This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it. A. interested enoughB. enough interested C. interesting enoughD. enough interesti

12、ng( )46. Have you bought _ for Lilys birthday? Not exactly. Just some chocolates and flowers. A. something unusual B. anything unusual C. unusual something D. unusual anything( )47. Could I borrow your bicycle? _, but please return it by Saturday. A. Of courseB. Let me seeC. Yes, pleaseD. No, thanks

13、( )48. We have done a lot to help the environment, but its still not enough. So were supposed to do _ to improve it. A. lessB. moreC. higherD. fewer( )49. Your city looks beautiful! Yes. Lots of trees and grass _ last March. A. are plantedB. have plantedC. were plantedD. planted( )50. Here is a pair of nice gloves. _


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