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1、.专业.专注.Unit 1Conversation 1Porter: Good afternoon. Janet: Good afternoon. Porter: New student? Janet: Yes. Porter: Welcome to Hertford College. Janet: Thank you. Porter: Can I have your family name, please? Janet: Yes, its Li. Porter: Er, L-double E? Janet: No, L-I. Porter: And whats your first name

2、, Ms Li? Janet: Janet. Porter: Janet Li . ah yes, there you are. Here are your keys. Janet: Wheres my room? Porter: Youre in staircase 6 room 5. Janet: Who am I sharing with? Porter: Nobody. You have your own room. Er . theres a Ms Santos in the room next to you. Janet: Oh. My own room? In China we

3、usually have several people in a dormitory. Porter: Well, here you dont have to share with anyone. Janet: Thank you sir. Porter: No need to call me sir, Ms Li. Everyone calls me Stewart. Janet: Please call me Janet! Porter: OK, Janet, um, can you just sign for your keys, please?Conversation 2Kate: H

4、i, have you just arrived too?Janet: Yes!Kate: I guess were neighbors. My names Kate Santos.Janet: Im Janet Li. Where are you from?Kate: From New York. How about you?Janet: Im from Anshan in China.Kate: Is Janet your real name?Janet: No, its my English name. My Chinese name is Li Hui. Is Kate your fu

5、ll name?Kate: No, its short for Catherine.Janet: So do I call you Catherine or Kate?Kate: Everyone calls me Kate.Conversation 3Unit 2Conversation 1Kate: Oh, this looks nice. Mark: Cool. Waitress: Good afternoon, table for three? Come this way. Mark: Lets have a look at the menu. Mark: Thank you. Jan

6、et: Thank you. Waitress: The specials are on the board. Kate: So, what sorts of food do you like, Janet? Janet: Well, I like spicy food. And Im not very fond of raw food! What would you recommend? Mark: Why dont you try the chicken curry? Thats nice and spicy. Janet: Whats in it? Mark: Chicken cooke

7、d in tomatoes and onions with Indian spices. Janet: Ill try it. Do we all choose a selection of dishes to share or only one dish per person? Mark: Usually one dish per person. Kate: Or the moussaka looks good. Janet: Whats it made with? Kate: Its made with lamb and eggplant. Its a Greek dish. Janet:

8、 How is it cooked? Kate: Its baked in the oven. Janet: Mm, that sounds good too. Kate: And as a starter? Janet: Whats minestrone soup? Mark: Its an Italian soup with vegetables and pasta. Its delicious! Janet: OK, Ill have that. Kate: Waitress? Waitress: What can I get for you? Kate: Well, for the s

9、tarter, can we have two minestrone soups, and for the main course, one moussaka and one curry, please. What about you, Mark? Mark: Ill have the prawns with garlic and the chilli con carne. And could you bring us some water, please? Waitress: OK. Mark: Thank you. Waitress: Thanks. Janet: Whats chilli

10、 con carne? Mark: Its a spicy Mexican dish with beef and beans. Its very hot!Conversation 2Janet: That was great! Except I dont like cold water. I usually drink hot water. Kate: Hot water? We never drink hot water except with tea. Lets have a dessert. What would you like, Janet? Janet: Any suggestio

11、ns? Kate: Well, why dont you try the apple strudel? Its an Austrian dish. Its made with apple, pastry and spices. Janet: No, Im not so keen on pastry. .Whats a chocolate brownie? Mark: Its a kind of chocolate cake. Janet: How is it made? Kate: Its made with flour, eggs and butter. Mark: And lots of

12、chocolate! Kate: Youll love it. Janet: What kind of ice cream is there? Kate: Ill ask . Excuse me . What flavor ice cream do you have? Waitress: Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Janet: Ill just have a fruit salad, I think. Mark: And Kate, what are you going to have? Kate: Same for me. Mark: Could

13、you bring us two fruit salads, and a chocolate brownie? Waitress: Sure.Unit 3Conversation 1Mark: Hi, whatre you doing? Janet: Oh, nothing much . Well, Im just doing this quiz here in the newspaper. Mark: Lets have a look then. Janet: Here. Its called, How much do you know about memory? Ive just done

14、 it. Do you want to have a go? Mark: OK, might as well. Im not busy. Janet: Right. Look, Ill read the statements. Then you have to answer true or false. Ready? Mark: Yea. Janet: OK. Physical exercise improves your memory. True or false? Mark: True, I suppose. It sounds like the right answer. Janet:

15、Youre right; exercise does improve your memory. Next statement: 30 per cent of people have a visual memory. Mark: That sounds about right. True? Janet: No, wrong, Im afraid. In fact, 60 per cent of people have a visual memory. Mark: Really? Actually, Ive got a pretty good memory. Janet: Have you? OK . Next one . When youre tired, its more difficult to remember things. Mark: Thats true, ob


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