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1、TENSEandVOICE 2 客观真理 客观存在 科学事实 Theearthmovesaroundthesun ShanghailiesintheeastofChina 3 表示格言或警句中 Pridegoesbeforeafall 骄者必败 注意 此用法如果出现在宾语从句中 即使主句是过去时 从句谓语也要用一般现在时 e g Columbusprovedthattheearthisround 4 代替将来 可用于表示事先安排或计划好的将来的动作 这些动词往往表示 来 去 出发 到达 等含义 如 begin start come go arrive return leave stop ope

2、n close end stay do have give die meet seeoff gooff等 有具体的时间状语 e g Thetrainstartsatfive Theplanearrivesatsix 5 在时间状语从句 条件状语从句以及让步状语从句中 主句用一般将来时 从句用一般现在时 e g Iwillgoifyougo Youcanjointheclubwhenyougetabitolder NOTES Ifyouwilllisten Iwilltellyouaboutit 6 被动语态的构成am is are 过去分词e g TheGreatWallisknownallo

3、vertheworld Ourclassroomiscleanedeveryday 1 Whenwillyoucometoseeme Dad Iwillgotoseeyouwhenyou thetrainingcourse A willhavefinishedB willfinishC arefinishingD finish 2 Visitors nottootouchtheexhibits A willrequestB requestC arerequestingD arerequested D 3 I pingpongquitewell butIhaven thadtimetoplays

4、incethenewyear A willplayB haveplayedC playedD play 4 Youaredrinkingtoomuch Onlyathome Noone mebutyou A isseeingB hadseenC seesD saw C 5 Willyougoskiingwithmethiswintervacation It A alldependB alldependsC isalldependedD isalldepending B 6 CanIhelpyou sir YesIboughtthisradiohereyesterday butit didn t

5、workB won tworkC can tworkD doesn twork 7 Ineedonemorestampbeforemycollection A hascompletedB completesC hasbeencompletedD iscompleted 8 ItwasuntilthenthatIcametoknowthatknowledge onlyfrompractice hascomeB comesC cameD hadcome B 二 现在进行时 am is are v ing a 表示现在 指说话人说话时 正在发生的事情 Wearewaitingforyou b 习惯进

6、行 表示长期的或重复性的动作 说话时动作未必正在进行 Mr Greeniswritinganothernovel SheislearningpianounderMr Smith c 表示渐变的动词有 get grow become turn run go begin等 Theleavesareturningred It sgettingwarmerandwarmer d 与always constantly forever等词连用 表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态 往往带有说话人的主观色彩 Youarealwayschangingyourmind e am is are being p p

7、被动语态 1 Mydictionary Ihavelookedforiteverywherebutstill it A haslost don tfindB ismissing don tfindC haslost haven tfoundD ismissing haven tfound D 2 不用进行时的动词1 事实状态的动词have belong possess cost owe exist include contain matter weigh measure continue等 Ihavetwobrothers Thishousebelongstomysister 2 心理状态的动

8、词know realize think see believe suppose imagine agree recognize remember want need forget prefer mean understand love hate等 Ineedyourhelp Helovesherverymuch 3 瞬间动词accept receive complete finish give allow decide refuse Iacceptyouradvice4 系动词seem remain lie see hear smell feel taste get become turnYo

9、useemalittletired 二 一般过去时的用法1 在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态 时间状语有 yesterday lastweek anhourago theotherday in1982等 Wheredidyougojustnow 但有时状语可以省去或隐含 需从上下文中猜测 2 表示在过去一段时间内 经常性或习惯性的动作 WhenIwasachild Ioftenplayedfootballinthestreet WhenevertheBrownswentduringtheirvisit theyweregivenawarmwelcome 3 wish wonder t

10、hink hope等用过去时 作试探性的询问 请求 建议等 Ithoughtyoumighthavesome 我以为你想要一些 4 被动语态的构成was were p p 1 Wherehaveyoubeenrecently I inHangzhouonbusinessforaweeklastmonth havebeenB wasC hadbeenD hadgone2 Yourphonenumberagain I quitecatchit It s69568442 A didn tB couldn tC don tD can t B A 3 Whathappenedtothepriceless

11、worksofart A TheyweredestroyedintheearthquakeB TheearthquakewasdestroyingthemC TheydestroyedintheearthquakeD Theearthquakedestroyedthem 4 Youhaven tsaidawordaboutmynewcoat Brenda Doyoulikeit I msorryI anythingaboutitsooner Icertainlythinkit sprettyonyou A wasn tsayingB don tsayC won tsayD didn tsay

12、5 Myuncle untilhewasforty five A marriedB didn tmarryC wasnotmarryingD wouldmarry6 Anawfulaccident however occurtheotherday A doesB didC hastoD hadto 7 OldMcdonaldgaveupsmokingforawhile butsoon tohisoldways A returnedB returnsC wasreturningD hadreturned8 Nancyisnotcomingtonight Butshe A promisesB pr

13、omisedC willpromiseD hadpromised 注意 用过去时表示现在 表示委婉语气 1 动词want hope wonder think intend等 Didyouwantanythingelse Iwonderedifyoucouldhelpme 2 情态动词could would Couldyoulendmeyourbike Wouldyoudomeafavor 3usedto beusedtousedto do Motherusednottobesoforgetful Scarfusedtotakeawalk beusedto n doing 对 已感到习惯 或 习

14、惯于 to是介词 后需加名词或动名词 Heisusedtoavegetariandiet Scarfisusedtotakingawalk 现在习惯于散步 三 一般将来时shall will V1 shall用于第一人称 常被will所代替 will在陈述句中用于各人称 在征求意见时常用于第二人称 WhichparagraphshallIreadfirst Willyoubeathomeatseventhisevening 2 begoingto 不定式 表示将来 a 主语的意图 即将做某事 Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow b 计划 安排要发生的事 Theplayisg

15、oingtobeproducednextmonth c 有迹象要发生的事Lookatthedarkclouds thereisgoingtobeastorm 3 be todo1 表将来 按计划或正式安排将发生的事 WearetodiscussthereportnextSaturday 2 表示职责 义务 意图 约定 可能性 命令等 I msureyouaretobecomeusefulpersonsinthefuture beabout 不定式1 意为马上做某事 HeisabouttoleaveforBeijing 注意 beaboutto不能与tomorrow nextweek等表示明确将

16、来时的时间状语连用 2 be just abouttodo when Iwasjustabouttogotoswimintheriverwhenourguidefoundme 5 一般现在时表将来1 下列动词 come go arrive leave start begin return的一般现在时表将来 这主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情 ThetrainleavesatsixtomorrowWhendoesthebusstart Itstartsintenminutes 2 倒装句 表示动作正在进行 如 Herecomesthebus Thebusiscoming Theregoesthebell Thebellisringing 3 在时间或条件句中 WhenBillcomes 不是willcome askhimtowaitforme I llwritetoyouassoonasIarrivethere 4 在动词hope takecarethat makesurethat等后 Ihopetheyhaveanicetimenextweek Makesurethatthew


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