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1、五年级英语上册Module 1 过关检测题1、 基础知识过关(1) 单词1 在.上方_2 和在一起_3 回来_4 家_5 地面_6 那些_7 冰激凌_8 完成_9 赶紧_10等待_11 掉落_12 亲爱的_13中国的_14 发送_15 我们(宾格) (二)词组1 从回来_2 回来_3 上周日_4 居住在_5 看 _6 等待_7 在公园里_8 回家_9 乘公交车_10跑向公车_11 快点 12 发电子邮件 13. 去公园 (三)动词过去式1 go_ 2 meet _3 run _4 walk _5 have _6 buy _7 drop_8 watch_9 come _10 do _(四)选出与

2、所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词( ) 1 teacher A meat B great C sweater( ) 2 river A kite B bike C rabbit ( ) 3 letter A hen B she C he ( ) 4 apple A small B name C cat ( ) 5 those A drop B home C come 二、基础知识运用(一)单项选择( ) 1 _ did you go to the zoo yesterday ? _7:20. A When, On B How , At C When , At( ) 2 _you _to the

3、park yesterday? Yes, I did. A Do, go B Did, go C Did , went( ) 3 They are waiting _me . A / B to C for ( ) 4 _ did you come back? Last week. A What B When C How ( ) 5 Mike _ his cap yesterday. A dropped B drops C droped( ) 6 How are you ? _. A Im fine. B Nice to meet you . C Hello.( ) 7 This is our

4、_friend, Lingling. A China B Chinese C the USA( ) 8 You _ back from China ! A am B is C are ( ) 9 Do you live in this city? A Yes, I did. B Yes, I do. C No, I didnt.( ) 10 _did you come back from London? A When B Where C What(二)选词填空 home back when live came A: Hello , John. How are you ?B: Im fine,

5、thank you . You are _from China !A: Yes, we are _ .B: _ did you come back ?A: We _back last Sunday. This is our Chinese friend , Lingling .B: Hello , Lingling.C: Hi, John. Do you _ in London?B: Yes, I live near Amy and Sam. met bought went ran dropped Dear Daming,Yesterday I _to the park with Sam an

6、d Amy. We _John in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend . We _ice creams. Then we went home by bus. I _ to the bus . But I _my ice cream ! Love, Lingling by am up are at is with in back come 1 Hello, Daming . How _you ? I _fine, thank you.2 Do you live _London ? Yes .3 When did you _back ? We came back

7、 last Sunday .4 Yesterday I went to the park _Sam and Amy.5 We went home _bus yesterday.6 This _your ice cream , Amy.7 Im _ from China .8 Sam , look _ those ice cream .9 Hurry _, John . Run !三 综合运用拓展(一)用所给单词的适当形式补全句子1 He _( buy ) a new house in Dalian last year.2 We _ ( go ) home by bus yesterday.3

8、She has _( get ) five story books.4 The boys are _( run ) in the park .5 They _( eat ) some ice creams yesterday .(二)连词成句,注意大、小写及标点符号1. the/ yesterday/ Did/ Amy/ to/ go/ park _ 2 by/ home/ bus/ I/ went/ yesterday _ 3 you/ Do/ city/ live/ in/ this _ 4 are/ We/ home/ now/ going _ (三)阅读理解,判断对错Bill got

9、up at 7:00 . He brushed his teeth, then he had breakfast at 7:20. He walked to school at 7:40. His friends and he played a game after school. He didnt win, but he was also very happy . He went back at 5:30. It was time for dinner.( ) 1 Bill didnt brush his teeth.( ) 2 Bill had breakfast at 7:40.( ) 3 Bill went to school on foot(步行).( ) 4 Bill won the game , so he was very happy.( ) 5 Bill went back after dinner.(4) 习作练习假设你是Peter,给你的朋友Anna写一封信吧,分享你的有趣经历,告诉她你上星期天和谁去了哪里,遇到了谁,做了什么事情,后来发生的事情以及你的感受。提示:1. 注意书信格式; 2.不少于8个句子,不少于60个单词。


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