五年级上英语教案Unit 7 After school牛津译林一起

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1、Unit 7 After school第一课时(B、C、D部分)一、教学目标能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a newspaper, a picture book, chess, play with能听懂、会说、会读词组read a magazine, play with a yo-yo, play with marbles能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is he/she doing? No, he/she is not. He/She is Are they doing?No, they arent. They are四、教学过程Step 1 Revision1. MotivationSing

2、the song “ What are you doing?”2. Catch an eye: Show the pictures of activities learnt in Units 3 & 6: Ask: What is he/she doing? What are they doing?3. T: What can you do? What can he/she do?Ss: I can He/She canT: Do you like swimming/skating, etc?Ss: Yes, I do. No, I dont. I like复习动作类单词,为进一步学习做准备。

3、Step 2 A game T: Ask a student to come over to the teachers desk, ask him to make actions: sing a song without any sounds. What is he doing?Ss: Is he ?T: Yes, he is. No, hes not. HesSs make other actions and the others guess.利用第六单元的游戏让学生复习旧句型,并初步接触新句型。Step 3 Presentation1. T: Show the Ss a newspaper

4、 and ask: Whats this? Its a newspaper.se the same way to teach the Ss: read a picture book利用实物和学生的实际活动引出词汇和句型。2. T: Show the Ss a yo-yo: Whats this in English?Ss: Its a yo-yo.T: Can you play with a yo-yo?Ss: Yes, I can.T: Come and show us how to play with a yo-yo.What is he doing? Ss: Hes playing wi

5、th a yo-yo.把用play with的词组放到一起进行教学,便于操练和学生掌握。3. T: Show the Ss a box of cards: Look, heres a box of cards. Can you play with cards?Two students: No, we cant.T: What can you do?Ss: we can play chess.T: Show a box of chess: Look, heres a box of chess too. Come and play here. Are they playing cards?Ss:

6、No, they arent. They are playing chess.多人的活动放在一起进行教学和操练,便于学生理解。Step 4 Practice1. T: Show the Ss small pieces of paper with different names on one side, and actions the other side, let the Ss guess.What is .doing?来源:Zxxk.ComSs: Is he /she.?T: Look, no, hes/shes not. Hes/ShesSs: Are they ?T: Look, no,

7、 they arent. They are利用游戏的形式操练句型,让学生熟悉句型,能够熟练的说。2. T: Show the pictures of Part C.Ss make up dialogues as above in pairs, then show the others how to talk about the pictures.看图操练句型,使每一个学生都有说的机会。Step 5 Homework1. Copy the new words and phrases2. Practice the new dialogues and sentence drills.Assign t

8、he blackboard Unit 7 After schoolIs he sitting on a volleyball? No, hes not. Hes sitting on a basketball.Are they playing cards? No, they arent. They are playing 第二课时(A部分)一、教学目的、要求1.能 听说读写单词及短语class, over, say, after school, look for 。2.能听 说 认读日常交际用语和句型:Perhaps they are. Ill go and join them. Where

9、are you going?二、教学重点、难点Ill go and join them 的读音。三、教具准备单词、 句型卡片,录音机和磁带,课件,抹布,脸盆,篮球和yo-yos四、教学过程设计与分析Step1 Greeting and revision1.Greeting.2.Revision.课件展示一些图片。T:Is she reading a magazine?S1:Yes,she is.T:Is he playing basketball?S1:No,hes not.Hes playing with a yo-yo.T:Are they singing?S3: No, they are

10、nt .Theyre playing cards.T: Where are Su Hai and Su Yang?S4: Theyre in the library.T: Are they studying in the library?S5: No, theyre cleaning the library.(设计意图:通过课件展示图片,帮助学生复习现在进行时的一般疑问句,不但很好地巩固了前一课时所学的内容,而且为下面学习课文打好了基础,当学生接触到课文里的这一句式时便不会感到陌生。)Step II Presentation and Practice1. T: (递抹布给6) S6, come

11、 here . Please clean the window.S6: All right.T: What is he doing?Ss: He is cleaning the window.T: (将盛着水的脸盆递给S7) S7, please go and help him.S7: OK.T: Boys and girls , is S7 cleaning the window?Ss: No.T: Shes not cleaning the window. Shes helping S6. S6, is S7 helping you?S6:Yes.Teach “Is helping you

12、” and practice.2.课件展示iss Li的图片。T: Look, whos she?(Miss Li) Now Im Gao Shan.(带Gao Shan头饰) Excuse me. Im looking for Wang Bing .Is Wang Bing helping you in the office?Miss Li: No, hes not.Teach “Is Wang Bing helping you in the office” and practise.Gao Shan: Is Wang Bing helping Miss Li in the office?S

13、s: No.Gao Shan: Im looking for Wang Bing. Do you know where he is?Ss: Sorry, we dont know.Teach “look for, looking for, Im looking for Wang Bing” and practise.Gao Shan: Im sorry. I cant find Wang Bing. (脱下头饰)课件展示一个男孩找自行车的画面。T: Look at this boy. Whats he doing?Ss: Hes looking for the bike.课件展示男孩找钥匙的画

14、面。T: What is he doing?Ss: Hes looking for his keys.(设计意图:在教学句型Is Wang Bing helping you in the office?时,利用学生间互助擦玻璃这一生活情景引导学生学习新句型,不仅形象,而且易于被学生接受和理解,并且他们学会在生活中运用英语。)4. 两名学生到前面做动作,师问,生答。T: Are they dancing / singing / jumping.?Ss: Yes, they are./ No, they arent .T: Now ,lets play a game. They do action

15、s, you ask and I guess.师蒙着眼睛,两名学生做动作。Ss: Are they skating / swimming / dancing?T: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. Perhaps they are.Teach “Perhaps they are” and practise.(设计意图:通过游戏引出Prhaps they are 的教学,这避免了就句型教句型的枯燥,营造了轻松、愉快的学习氛围。)5. Teach “Ill go and join them” and “Lets go and join them” and practise.T: (手拿篮球) Look, whats this?Ss: Its a basketball.T: S8 and S9, please come


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