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1、2019S3(3)VI.优秀试卷评讲 复兴中学2017年部分试卷cloze1. _2. _3. _4. _2019年高三英语一模翻译难点小短语1. 言谈举止:_ 2. 代表(介词词组): _3.教学风格不尽相同: _4. 幸福定义变化:_5. 追求幸福:_6. 对.作出贡献: _ 7. 日益增加的:_ 8.基因编辑技术:_9. 违反医学伦理道德:_10.无法预知的结果:_11. 己所不欲勿施于人:_12. 以.为代价: _13. 不久以后就.:_14. 地铁开通:_15. 不以人的意志力转移:_16. 生命无价: _17. 2018年上海进口博览会:_18. 在一定程度上_19. 渴望天下天平

2、: _20. 整个社会群策群力,共商对策: _21.遇到紧急状况要镇静:_22. 茫然不知所措: _23. 究竟怎样.? _24. 作出评论_25. 为.付出惨重代价: _26. 给.带来诸多不便: _27. 敬老院 _28. 出于安全起见 _29. 追求稳定不是一件坏事 _30. 攀登高峰: _32. 一个令人费解的现象: _33. 开拓视野:_34. 令教练欣慰地是: _语法巩固(A)Our space is beautiful. Looking out of the window of a space shuttle, you can see the stars more clearly

3、 than you can from Earth. Its thrilling view. However, whats out there can be dangerous too. And the dangerous things are often too small _25_(see).Above Earth, where space shuttles orbit, there are thousands of chunks of space garbage. They are flying as spaceships, at about 17,000 miles per hour.

4、Sometimes they hit spaceships. On one flight of the shuttle Columbia, the ship _26_( hit )106 times. Most of those hits were not caused by rocks. They were caused by pieces of space garbage.What kinds of objects are floating in space today? Some are satellites that are no longer working. Others are

5、pieces of rockets that exploded. The first explosion of a rocket in space took place in 1961. Since then, many others _27_(occur). An exploding rocket can send out hundreds of bits of metal.Space garbage also results _28_ everyday events. Lets say an astronaut walks outside a shuttle, _29_(take) pic

6、tures. _30_ if he drops the camera lens cap? It becomes a piece of orbiting junk. A flying bolt may not sound like much. If its flying ten times as fast as a bullet, though, it can be pretty scary. Some space trash_31_( burn) up by falling toward Earth. If its high up in space, though, it wont fall

7、to Earth. It will stay in orbit. What can be done about space trash? This may be one of the most important questions now facing NASA. (B)Teacher attire (着装) has been a hot topic lately, with various efforts from school districts to crack down on _32_ administrators view as “inappropriate” dress. A s

8、chool district in West Virginia, US, does not allow teachers to wear faded jeans or shorts to work. Last month, an Alabama school leader posed a dress code that _33_ ban Capri pants (七分裤) and scarves and include restrictions on eye makeup and nail polish. Most school districts say teachers _34_(expect) to follow the same dr


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