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1、. . . .专科毕业大作业题 目:浅谈绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易及产业结构的影响站 点: 湖北宜昌 指导教师: 学 号: 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 年 级: 2012 姓 名: 2014年 1月专科毕业大作业诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺网络教育 高升专科层次 专业的毕业论文浅谈绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易及产业机构的影响的主要观点和思想系本人独立思考完成,并在此申明我愿承担与上述承诺相违背的事实所引起的一切消极后果。签名: 2014年4月 16日浅谈绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易及产业机构的影响摘要最近几年,随着经济全球化和国际贸易的发展,绿色贸易壁垒成已经为国际贸易保护主义的主要趋势并且正受到各国的关注。目前,我

2、国许多产品正深受绿色壁垒的影响,尤其是在农业、纺织业、机电、儿童玩具等方面。怎样突破其他国家的绿色壁垒,以及如何利用绿色壁垒提升我国工、农业的国际竞争力,有着重要意义。 本文是理论研究和实证研究相结合。分为五个部分:第一部分主要对该领域的相关研究进行了一个文献综述;第二部分对绿色贸易壁垒的定义及其表现形式作了简要介绍;并分析了我国在国际贸易中遭遇绿色壁垒的内外部原因;第三部分是本文的核心部分,利用博弈论和微观经济学中的消费-需求理论分析了绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响;第四部分列举了绿色壁垒对一些具体出口行业的影响的例子,对绿色贸易壁垒的效应进行了实证分析;最后一部分是结论和建议。本文得出的

3、结论是:绿色贸易壁垒是一把双刃剑,从表面上看,绿色壁垒会降低我国出口数额,削弱我国产品出口的竞争力,破坏我国社会福利等;但从长远看来,绿色壁垒也有好的一面:它对我国出口企业的技术进步和产业升级有一定的促进作用。针对以上原因分析,和具体实证分析,笔者从政府和企业两个层面提出了应对绿色贸易壁垒的具体建议。应对绿色壁垒,政府需要做到以下几点: 第一,制定和完善绿色环保的相关的法律,规范企业行为;第二,加强对贸易伙伴的绿色法规、标准、认证体系的研究;第三,提高我国在国际贸易环境与贸易相关规则制定的作用;第四,制定绿色产品开发的优惠政策,优化出口产品结构;第五,运用 WTO 争端解决机制,冲破绿色贸易壁

4、垒。企业层面应做到:第一,积极主动地了解有关贸易国的绿色壁垒动态,及时预防;第二,树立绿色营销理念;第三,追求技术创新,实现产业升级;第四,通过对外投资,跨越绿色壁垒。关键词:绿色贸易壁垒 出口贸易 影响 对策AbstractThe Green Trade Barrie (GTB) has become the major character of the International. Trade Protectionism and attracted many countries attention in recent years due to the economic globalizat

5、ion and international trade development. Now China is facing severe impact of the GTB in many kinds of Products, especially in the agriculture,textile,home electronic machines and toy Products. How to break through GTB of other countries as well as how to use the GTB to Promote international competi

6、tiveness of Chinese industry and agriculture is something that has great value. This essay was made up of five parts. The first part introduced the definition and properties of green trade barriers. The Second part explained reasons why we are suffering green trade barrier, and analyzed the trend of

7、 green trade barrier. Then, in the core part of this essay, the author applied Game Theory and related microeconomic theories, to explain the Green Trade Barriers effect on our countrys exports. Some specified industries are listed out in the fourth part to illustrate the green barriers negative imp

8、acts. In the last part, the author came to the conclusion that green barrier is also a double-edged sword. Green trade barriers will damage our countrys terms of trade in export, while at the same time, it helps to promote the technological progress and industrial upgrading of related enterprises in

9、 our country. In the end, the author put forward strategies to cope with foreign green trade barriers from the perspectives of government and enterprises. The government should take the following active attitude and feasible countermeasures to stride over the green trade barrier: Firstly, establish

10、and perfect environment protection related laws to inspect our enterprises. Secondly, learn the green trade regulations, standards and authentication systems of our main trade partners. Thirdly, try to improve our role in making laws and regulations about international trade, so as to win over an eq

11、ual status with other developed countries;. Fourthly, carry out preferential policies for green product development, to optimize our output structure. Fifthly, make the most use of WTO dispute settlement mechanism to break through the green trade barrier. While the enterprises may proactively learn

12、about the trend of green trade barrier and timely prevent potential risks. They should also build green marketing ideas, and pursuit technological innovation, to realize industrial upgrading. Last but not the least, our enterprises can also stride over the green trade barrier by investing abroad. Ke

13、y Words: Green Trade Barriers International Trade Export Impact Strategies 目录摘要IAbstract II1绪论21.2国内研究现状22我国遭遇绿色壁垒的原因分析32.1绿色贸易壁垒的概念界定32.2 我国遭遇绿色壁垒的外部原因32.2.1环境污染日益严重,人类环保意识不断提高32.2.2 我国遭受贸易保护主义的影响42.2.3 发达国家较高的检测水平和技术标准42.3 我国遭遇绿色壁垒的内部原因52.3.1 我国出口产品结构失衡52.3.2 我国产品生产、加工技术落后,达不到国际标准53.绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易影响的

14、经济学分析63.1 设置绿色壁垒的激励机制分析63.2 绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响63.3 绿色贸易壁垒对我国的积极影响64.绿色壁垒对我国出口行业的影响的分析64.1 绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响75.结论7致谢9参考文献101绪论1.1国外研究现状伴随着环境问题日益成为全人类关注的焦点,以及国际贸易往来的加深,“绿色壁垒”这一问题吸引了广大国内外学者的关注,他们在这方面贡献出了丰富的研究成果。国外众多学者就绿色壁垒与国际贸易问题进行了大量的研究,并就此问题提出了多种假说,主要有:环境库兹涅茨曲线假说(Grossman,Kureger 和 Wheeler Hettige等,1992)、要素禀赋假说(Copeland 和 Taylor,1994)、波特假说 (Michael Porter,1991)等


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