五年级上英语教案Unit 12 Review先锋英语

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1、Unit12 Review 一、 指导思想与理论依据:英语课程标准和新课程理念指出,设计教学过程时,应认真分析学生背景和教学内容,设计符合学生年龄特征的活动和教学方式,激发学生学习兴趣,以学生为主体,并注意语言学习的真实情景性。本单元为复习单元,虽然本课是第一课时,但其中很多知识在前几个单元已经出现过。因此我努力给学生创设真实的语言环境让学生感知、理解和运用所学的知识,并能够从学生身边熟悉的情景导入,用学生感兴趣的话题拓展;在学习方式上,力求照顾到全体学生,设计让所有学生都参与的小组活动。二、 教学背景分析:(1) 教材分析:本单元知识也比较简单,通过人物对话主要复习的是第八、九单元学习的语言

2、现象一般讲来时,特殊疑问句和形容词比较集合最高级等,其他单元的内容也有出现但不多。(2) 学生分析:五年级的小学生通过五年的学习,已经掌握了一些简单的日常交际用语,他们具有一定的语感和较好的语音,语调以及书写基础.本节课运用故事教学引入,把文字、声音、图像有机地结合起来,给学生提供真实语言情境,使学生的语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面的素质得到全面发展。(3)技术准备:多媒体 、图片、PPT、Tape三、教学目标:(1)知识与技能目标:1、学生能够理解并说出本学期所学部分词汇如: the cheapest、the biggest2、学生能够理解并掌握本学期所学部分主要语法

3、内容如:祈使句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问词3、学生能够正确理解并朗读语篇部分,并能理解对故事转述时事态要用过去时(2)过程与方法目标:1、学生能够通过讨论、探究小组合作等多种学习方式, 理解故事内容2、学生能够通过反复的听、说、跟读练习等,正确朗读故事的对话和叙事的内容3、学生能够结合插图复述故事的主要情节(3)情感、策略目标:1、通过对故事内容的学习,培养学生,做事要考虑他人的良好品质。2、通过对语篇的学习,使学生掌握勾画的阅读方法和按意群阅读的阅读策略。四、 教学重、难点:重点让学生通过对故事的学习,复习前几单元所学知识,理解故事及语篇主要内容。让学生体会,对过去事情叙述的这种方法。难点在于能

4、够理解并结合插图复述故事主要情节五、 教学过程:(一)、warm-up(3分钟)1、Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you!S: Hello, teacher! Nice to mee4t you, too!2、Free talkT: Now, we are having English class. What class will you have after this class?S: We will have.T: What class will you have in this afternoon?S: We will.

5、T: What will you do with your family tonight? Will you watch TV? Will you take a walk?S: Yes. / No. We will .T: Will you eat out tonight?( eat out 将词卡贴到黑板上,并带读)S: Yes. / No.设计意图:从打招呼入手,自然引入到free talk 环节,与学生谈论有关将要发生的事,自然引出eat out ,即复习了特殊疑问句和将来时态,又为下面学习作了铺垫。(二)、Learn the story1、导入(2分钟)T: Do you usuall

6、y eat out for dinner?S: Yes. / No.T: What do you usually eat for dinner?S: I usually eat .T: Oh, look . Who are they?此时,教师播放PPT,出示Ann的一家及Mocky的头像S:Theyre Ann,Ken,Anns mother, Anns father ,and they are Anns family. (出示PPT)T: What do they usually eat for dinner, can you guess?S: Maybe they usually eat

7、 .T: Now , look. Mocky comes here. How about Mocky? What does he usually eat for dinner?S: Maybe he usually eats .T: Yes, I think so. T: Tonight they will eat out for dinner? What will they eat for dinner, can you guess?T: What do you think about Mocky?S: Mocky is very funny.T: Do you remember the b

8、ig cake?S:Yes.T: So we know Mocky always makes the story very funny. I think Mocky will make this story funny. How will Mocky make this story funny?设计意图:通过谈论晚饭大家都吃什么,分别引出Ann的一家盒Mocky,让学生猜猜,他们晚饭会吃什么?然后抓住Mocky比较搞笑的特点,在让学生猜,在这一课,Mocky会做出什么可笑的事来,这样层层设疑,学生既非常好奇,又想知道自己猜的结果是否正确,从而激发了学生对故事的兴趣和听故事的欲望。2、Liste

9、n to the radio and then answer the questions.( 5分钟) (此时,只让学生听,同时让学生看着幻灯片上的问题)T: Do you want to listen this story?S: Yes.T:Look,there are three questions. Can you read it? Ok, now listen and then answer my questions. Are you ready ?Questions and answer:Q1: Whose favorite restaurant will they go?A1:Th

10、ey will go to Mockys favorite restaurant.Q2: What kind of this restaurant is it?A2:Its a banana restaurant. Whats your opinion?Q3: Are Ann and Ken happy?A3: No. Ann and Ken are very unhappy.T: The first , whose favorite restaurant will they go?S: They will go to Mockys favorite restaurant.T: Do you

11、agree with him? Can you say it?T: Whats your opinion? Tell me together.T: The second, Whats your opinion?S: Its a banana restaurant.T: Do you agree with him? Tell me together.T: Are Ann and Ken happy?S: 学生一起说No. Ann and Ken are very unhappy.T: How a bout Mocky?S: Mocky is very funny.T: Can you show

12、me Mocky s happy face?What do you think about Mocky s happy face?Do you want to see Mocky s happy face?S: Yes.设计意图:在听故事之前,给出问题。让学生有意识的去听。而且让学生大声地读出问题,集中学生注意力。让学生对故事有一个大概的了解。3. See the cartoon and repeat it. And then answer the questions. (5分钟)T: Now lets look at the cartoon. You should pay attention

13、 about How is the restaurant?教师播放课件,学生看T: Do you understand this story?S: Yes.T: What do you know about the restaurant from the cartoon?S: Its the biggest in town. S: It opens at 6:00.教师将重点内容吃食到黑板上T: Now look at the pictures. How did they get to the restaurant?教师播放PPTT: First, they .into the forest.

14、S: They took a book into the forest.T: Can you show me took a boat?S: Yes, 学生做动作T:Then, they .the forest. S:They walked though the forest.(将卡片贴到黑板上)T: Do know “walk though”?S:.T: It means walk for along way. Now read after me。T:At last, They.S:They got to the restaurant.T: Now look at the sky. How i

15、s first?S: Its the daytime.T: How is then?S: The sun sets.T: How is at last?S: Its dark.T: So from these pictures. What do you think about the way?S: Its the long way.T: How are they?S: They are very hungry and tired.T: If you are very hungry and tired, when you see the restaurant. Hoe about you?S: We are very happy.T:But why Ann and Ken are unhappy? 教师沉默会 Now, look . Here is the restaurant. There is a menu. Wow. Can you read it?S:Yes. 学生齐读T:How are the bananas , do you know?


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